Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1703: Golden Wing Roc Demon Kingdom Ancestor

"Want to escape!?"

Ran Hong was startled, the halberd brought boundless waves of fire and burned countless feathers, but could not leave the Lord of Tianpeng in a short time.

"Tianpeng, it is said that your Tianpeng clan has the ability to swallow."

"I don't know, have you tasted the taste of being swallowed!?"

However, just in that moment, there was another sneer between heaven and earth.

In the next moment, voices gradually manifested in the void.

The figure gradually grew bigger and bigger, and in a blink of an eye, it surged by a thousand feet, like a gold cast, its wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

It looks like a golden winged roc!

And at the moment when the Golden Wing Roc manifested into the world, the endless feathers transformed by the Lord of Peng that day, in an instant, seemed to have been swallowed by a huge force, and were madly absorbed by the Big Golden Wing Roc. go with.

Countless feathers were swallowed in the entrance one after another, but in a moment, the Lord of Tianpeng reappeared, but he was screaming in terror!

"Gold Wing Roc!"

"Who are you? Why do you have the blood of the ancestor of my Tianpeng!?"

This had to make him extremely surprised.

His Tianpeng clan has spent his entire life trying to return to the ancestors to have the god-level bloodline of the Golden Wing Roc.

But his generation has not been able to succeed.

But the blood of the monster race that suddenly appeared was the Golden Wing Roc!

Moreover, with the ability to swallow all things on his body, he was unable to resist it.

"Haha, the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, the unquenchable offspring without you!"

"Death, you will not exist in this world!"

However, the Golden Wing Roc was motionless like a mountain, the Golden Wings suddenly shook, and the boundless swallowing power exploded, but only three breaths completely swallowed the Lord of Tianpeng.

However, in just a few short breaths, such a powerful Lord of Ten Thousand Demons was killed before the monster border.

Moreover, it is almost a one-sided situation.

Now, even the Golden Wing Roc has appeared.

The Lord of the Four Great Monster Races who desperately resisted Long Xuan suddenly no longer had the will to fight again.

What are you doing! ?

The dragon and the phoenix are no more, and now even the Golden Winged Roc has come out.

How to play?

"The Lord of Tianpeng is dead, you wait for the demon race, and you won't be able to catch it!?"

At this time, between heaven and earth, another majestic voice resounded.

Millions of demon races all looked together, but suddenly they discovered that a white figure appeared above the golden-winged roc.

The figure is handsome and unparalleled, with a long sword on his back and white hair dancing in the wind.

A low drink, as if with endless pressure, even more terrifying than the golden winged roc,

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, the aura of millions of demon races was suppressed, and they threw away their weapons and knelt to the ground.

"Human, human race!?"

Lord Qingluan looked at the figure on the Golden Wing Roc, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He unexpectedly discovered that whether it was the dragon clan, the phoenix clan, or even the Golden Winged Roc, they all looked like this human clan headed! ?

Who is this person? !

However, it is useless to say anything at this time.

Millions of troops surrendered.

Above the Dapeng, Ling Tian smiled lightly, waved his big sleeves, and summoned the three of Long Xuan back to his side.

Camp on the spot!


The core of the large camp of the millions of monsters.

On the mountain peak guarded by hundreds of thousands of dragon warriors, Ling Tian stood on the top of the cliff, looking at the Tongtian barrier in the south.

"Ling Tian, ​​the four demon masters have all surrendered!"

Ran Hongfu walked up and said.

The fighting power of these monster races should not be underestimated. Ling Tian wanted to unify the monster domain, but he had never thought of killing them all.

After all, such combat power is what he urgently needs now.

It is far from enough to fight against the demons and witch tribe by relying on the human tribe alone.

"Well, has the combat power been counted!?"

Ling Tian nodded.

"Well, in addition to the dead Lord of Tianpeng, there are a total of four demon tribes who have the perfect state of Sanxian, and they are the masters of the four great demon tribes."

"There are also a lot of powerhouses left. Except for the Tianpeng clan, there are more than four thousand existences in the four great monster clan above the Sanxian realm!"

Ran Hong replied.

"Four Thousand Immortals!? Is it so strong?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

He hadn't noticed before, and he didn't expect that there were so many masters in the Yaozu realm.

Moreover, compared to the Human Race Tianjiao, he has not yet crossed the Tribulation to become a fairy, but like Ran Hongfu, his realm is already complete, and I don't know how much higher he is than the Human Race Tianjiao.

"It's not too strong. After all, our demon race is different from the human race. If we don't say this demon domain, we will be suppressed. Except for the top combat power, which is not greatly affected, the ordinary scattered immortals will fall to a small realm. ."

"Sanxian Demon Race, but it's equivalent to the top martial emperor of your human race."

"What's more, our monster race is far behind the human race in terms of supernatural powers, martial arts, weapons, spirit treasures, formations, and numbers. We can't do like the human race, blessing with many methods to make the combat power soar."

"Hehe, so it is reasonable for our cultivation base to be higher."

Ran Hongfu shrugged.

"That's true."

Ling Tian nodded, taking Ran Hongfu as an example. Although his cultivation was close to the completion of Sanxian, his combat power was also at Sanxian Great Consummation, and the increase in combat power was still at a small level.

"That shouldn't be underestimated, at least, it's more tyrannical than mine."

Ling Tian took a deep breath.

In any case, the demon clan is an extremely tyrannical combat force, and if it is in the hands of the demon clan, the chance of winning will increase a lot.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​I'm back, and I have received a lot of news, but it is said that the current situation of the human race is not optimistic."

Long Xuan also flew up at this time.

"Oh, what's the situation!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"According to the information obtained by the Monster Race, there seems to be some turmoil within the Human Race recently, and it has been divided into two factions of internal fighting!"

"On the one hand, Tianyuxian Island is headed. I don’t know why. That day, there were a few humanoid puppets on Yuxian Island. They were powerful in fighting, and they attracted Xuanming Ghost Valley and Boundless Battle Hall. Terran warrior, wants to crusade your Imperial Heaven Sect."

"The reason is that Emperor Tianzong provoked hatred with the Demon Witch Clan and is the chief culprit of the Human Clan's catastrophe!"

Long Xuan pursed his mouth and said.

"These idiots!!"

The big hand in Ling Tian's sleeve suddenly clenched, and he cursed angrily.

Although the Demon Witch Clan was terrible, it didn't have the disgusting feeling of being a hindrance.

"The puppet of Tianyu Xiandao!? Haha, that should be the fleshy bodies of several island owners!"

Ran Hong frowned.

"Well, but it's nothing like this. There are several Tianjiao who have a complete set of early martial arts in the Yutianzong. They are powerful, and the remaining two Dengxiantai and Terran martial artists have arrived on the east coast of the Great Desolate Prefecture. Supporting the Emperor Tianzong did not let Yuxiandao take advantage that day."

"The most dangerous thing is the Demon Witch Clan."

"The last news from the monster clan is that the demon witch clan is about to invite the demon witch war soul, and now three of the four major demon kingdoms have sacrificed their ancestor weapons and attacked all sea worlds!"

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