Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1704: Sea world collapsed

"Once the sea world is broken, the Demon Witch Clan will be crushed by an army."

Long Xuan shook the dragon spear tightly.

Although he is not in the Great Desolate State, he can already feel the boundless cloud over the head of the human race.

Today's Yutianzong is already under the enemy.

"The Demon Kingdom's ancestors!?"

Ling Tian groaned. He had also heard of this thing when he talked with ancestor Ling Xiao before.

That is similar to the Xuantian treasure of the human race.

The reason why the demon witch clan is strong is that it is not weaker than the human clan in the practice, refining tools, and even formations.

Moreover, there are as many as three of the Demon Race ancestors that are comparable to the Profound Sky Treasure.

Legend has it that there are even more powerful magic witch ancestors in the first demon kingdom.

"Well, besides, this is the news half a month ago. We don't know what the situation is now."

Long Xuan nodded.

"We have to go back quickly."

Ling Tian took a deep breath and took out the Ten Thousand Demon Towers in his backhand.

This Profound Sky Supreme Treasure can control the entire demon realm.

After thinking about it, Ling Tian handed this treasure to Ran Hongfu.

"What do you mean?"

However, Ran Hongfu frowned and did not answer.

"You are the Phoenix Clan, and the Demon Territory cannot be left without an owner for a day. You should succeed the Lord of Tianpeng and take charge of the Demon Race."

Ling Tian sent the Ten Thousand Demon Towers forward again.

"You want me to be the master of that monster race!?"

"Then can't I be by your side from now on?"

Ran Hong raised his eyebrows, even a little excited.

Compared with Ling Tian's side, Ran Hongfu didn't care about the master of the monster race.


Ling Tian was also stunned. He hadn't thought about Ran Hongfu's sensitivity.

"I just want to be with you, I don't want to be the master of the demon domain."

Ran Hongfu turned his back, but didn't even look at the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda.

"This...or else, Long Xuan..."

Ling Tian looked at Long Xuan again.

"Brother, don't look at me, I have a Fengtian clock, but I can't receive this Ten Thousand Demon Tower." Long Xuan spread his hands and backed away.

"Lord, let me come."

However, this was a flash of golden light beside Ling Tian.

But a small shadow in a golden feather robe flashed out.

"I'll take charge of the demon domain for Mister Ran."

Xiaoying pursed her lips, "It's just that, then, you won't be able to follow the Lord."

However, when Xiaoying appeared, Ran Hongfu and Long Xuan were taken aback, and both looked over.

"Hey, look at me, how did you forget Xiao Ying? He is now of the Golden Wing Roc bloodline, the supreme demon clan, and it seems that he is more suitable to be the master of the demon domain than Sister Hongfu!"

Long Xuan stroked his palm.

"Xiaoying, you..."

Ran Hongfu's eyes were also red. Before, Xiaoying saved her by sacrificing himself, and because of this, he almost lost his life.

"Xiaoying, have you decided yet!?"

"If possible, I am willing to break the contract between us with you. You are the bloodline of the Golden Wing Roc, and you really shouldn't condescend under me."

Ling Tian looked at Xiao Ying and asked.

"I made a decision."

Xiaoying nodded heavily.


Ling Tian raised his hand and directly crushed the Royal Beast brand on his waist, and the essence, blood, and blood in it also evaporated.

In an instant, the mysterious connection between Ling Tian and Xiaoying ceased to exist.

"Xiaoying, this demon realm will be yours in the future. Whether you are by my side in the future, you will be my good brother."

Ling Tian handed the Ten Thousand Demon Tower to Xiaoying.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't let you down."

This time Xiaoying reappeared in the world with the blood of the Golden Winged Roc, which was much more mature than before.


Ling Tian patted Xiao Ying on the shoulder, and then the four powerhouses looked at the millions of monsters under the mountain.

Xiaoying held the Profound Sky Supreme Treasure Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda high, the golden-winged Dapeng's demon energy rushed straight into the sky, the golden glow eclipsed the sky, and the ten thousand demon bowed their heads and shouted.

"Ten thousand monsters, go with me!"


Terran wild state, east coast, Yutianzong.

Tianyu Xiandao gathered two great Dengxiantais and countless large and small sects, a total of nearly five million human warriors, invaded the great desert state in an attempt to destroy the imperial sect.

However, the Imperial Heaven Sect was also supported by the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple, the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion, and many sects. The two forces began to fight before the Demon Witch Clan invaded.

For several months, Yu Tianzong has been defending the east coast line.

Because they were restrained by the Demon Witch Clan, they could not go deep inland, which also prevented them from completely repelling the Tianyuxian Island.

Extremely uncomfortable.

Thanks to the efforts of the Wen family and countless masters of formations of the human race, Yu Tianzong placed countless arrays of large and small restrictions on the East China Sea to resist the demon witch tribe army that might be killed at any time.

Yutianzong, above the gate of Yutianshan.

Lin Yanyan and Li Shishi, the younger generations who have a full set of the beginning, and the older generations such as Leng Aotian, are all looking towards the East China Sea.

At this time, the army of Tianyu Xiandao in the rear slowly pressed on, and was harassing again.

But the sky above the East China Sea was already covered by the endless dark clouds, and countless storms raged in the depths of the sea, like a huge sky-swallowing beast's open pitch black mouth, which made people feel uncomfortable.


Moreover, from time to time, dull loud noises also came from the deep sea.

Every sound shook in the hearts of millions of warriors along the coast of the East China Sea, making people palpitate.

This is the devil country using the ancestor weapon to bombard the sea.

"Ma De, these beasts from Tianyu Xiandao!"

"If it weren't for them, with the power of all the warriors of my human race, I would still be afraid of his demon witch tribe army!?"

"It's okay now, but I can only defend the front line! Damn it!"

Finally, Qin Shaoyang cursed angrily.

In the past few days of fighting, the Human Race has died hundreds of thousands, and it is not dead in the hands of the Demon Witch Race.

"No way, Human Race has never been united."

Leng Aotian waited for the older generation of strong men to sneer, and he was no stranger to this.

"Shaoyang, is there any news from Ling Tian!?"

Lin Yanyan asked suddenly.

Now in the Imperial Heaven Sect, she has the strongest combat power.

Qin Shaoyang took out the stardial in his arms when he heard the words, but shook his head, "I haven't left the demon domain yet."

When everyone heard it, they felt sad again.

Now, the sea world is already unstable, and it may collapse at any time.

If Ling Tian did not return at this time, then even if his Imperial Heaven Sect had millions of warriors, he would still be unable to resist the second invasion of the Demon Witch Clan.


And at this moment, a trembling explosion suddenly sounded in the deep sea, buzzing like thunder, and the sound wave made many warriors almost burst into death!

Everyone looked in the direction of the deep sea in amazement.

It was discovered that the Tongtian Sea Realm had already been torn apart a huge gap, and a thick black devil gas welled out from it.

And a huge wave smashed toward the east coast!

At this moment, the sea world collapsed!

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