Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1718: Eight-armed Mingwang Dragon Girl's life experience

While in the Dragon Region, Ling Tian's six-armed world-cleaning seal was broken by the Lord of the Dragon, but today, Ling Tian is different.

Not only can the martial soul of the early days be used, the essence and blood of the candle dragon overlord body also allows the supernatural power to add a lot of strength.

When the big seal flew out, it directly collapsed the nine tentacles.


The monster screamed in pain, he was transformed by the resentment of the dragon clan of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Since the day it was formed, he has never been hit so hard.

Moreover, this Buddhist seal was too restrained for him.

The black mist surged in the sea, and the severely damaged monster was frantically absorbing energy from the abyss to recover from its injuries.

Although he can't leave this abyss, he can be almost immortal.

"It's kind of interesting!"

In the distance, Ling Tian raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't expect that his world-cleaning mark could not kill the monster directly.

Seeing that guy was able to recover from his injuries quickly, Ling Tian immediately stepped forward.

He also saw that if he couldn't kill with a single blow with his strong magical powers, then this thing would mean immortality!

"Hehe, six arms are not good, then let you have a taste of eight arms!"

Ling Tian's face rose with a ferocious coldness, and his body was bathed in flames. Between raising his hands, the boundless vitality within the Qi Sea Star River burst, Ling Tian shouted and the golden body rose again!

This time, in the shadow of Arhat, there were eight arms rising above the sky.

The magnificent growth, unprecedented!

For such a long time, Ling Tian has enlightened the eight-armed immovable Ming Wang seal, and now he has sacrificed it. This is just a test of how tyrannical the fifth seal of the Brahma five seals is.

"Fudo Mingwang, kill it for me!"

At this time, the golden-body Arhat already had the aura of Buddhism and Bodhisattva, with his eight arms united in one seal, he smashed towards the monster.

The huge golden mark covers the sky and the sun, as if there is a mighty force like the brittle mountains, rivers and the world, wherever it goes, the ink-like black resentment that gushes out of the abyss is all evaporated and purified.

"No! This is Buddhism Golden Body Bodhisattva!?"

"Do not!"

The monster's injury had not yet recovered, and he saw Ling Tian's golden seal, which had fallen from the sky.

Feeling the mighty Buddha in the Great Seal, the monster roars in horror, but he can't avoid it. This is a dead knot!


There was a blast, and in an instant, Fudo Ming Wang Dayin swallowed the monster.

Under the tremendous power, the dwelling of the sky was shaken by a crazy tremor.

And the breath of the monster was also smashed in an instant.

That's right, resentment is born of an evil body, so under the great seal of King Ming, is it possible to survive?

The golden seal collapsed, and the boundless resentment in the abyss was also completely swept away.

Looking down the abyss, you can see the densely packed dragon corpses inside.

It turned out that even in this deep sea, the East China Sea Dragon Clan still could not escape the punishment of the Heavenly Dao, did not enter the cycle of reincarnation, and eventually the clan was almost extinct, and only such a monster was born.

Seeing this, Ling Tian couldn't help but sigh.

However, this monster was gone, Ling Tian put away the primordial martial arts spirit, with a restrained aura, and flew up, just before the huge pillar that opened up to the sky.

"Haha, interesting, it turns out that you are really Dinghai Shenzhen."

"It's just that, I didn't expect you to be really a big rock..."

Ling Tian stood under the giant pillar and touched it with his hands, only to discover that the heavenly giant pillar was a piece of finished ore material, and the ground was extremely hard and of extremely high grade.

Such a large piece of top ore material is really quite rare.

Of course, Ling Tian also discovered that in the core of the giant pillar, there were so many essences scattered everywhere. It was considered the top treasure among the fairy materials, and it was accompanied by the name of the dragon sacred object.

But it is not easy to refine those essences.

"This stick is good, I like it!"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​the old man in Huangquan Ferry smashed his mouth.

"Of course you like it, but this thing is a bit troublesome."

Ling Tian hugged his arm, making it difficult for a moment.

He looked at it, and the huge pillar seemed to have been integrated into this space, and it was unrealistic to want to take it away directly.

Moreover, Ling Tian couldn't take this space into Taoyuan.

Taking the Dragon Palace away as a whole is no good.

Perhaps, there is only one last way left.

"The monster is dead?"

At this time, the little dragon girl flew out of the Dragon Palace.

However, Ling Tian turned around to look, only to find that she was now wearing a blue and gold dragon armor, wearing a crown, and a weapon in her hand. She also turned into a celestial blue gold. Trident.

"Well, it's dead."

Ling Tian looked at the little dragon girl once, and said with a smile: "It seems that you are in the Dragon Palace and have gained a lot."

"Know your life experience?"

There was a trace of sadness on Xiaolongnu’s face, and she nodded: "Well, I see, back then, the East China Sea Dragons didn’t want to intermarry with foreign races to dilute their blood to avoid the punishment of the Heavenly Dao, so the blood of the Dragons has always existed. I thought Dinghai Shenzhen could be used as a dragon’s sacred object. Avoiding the catastrophe, but discovered that this sacred object can only keep my Dragon Race aura."

"For thousands of years, my dragon clan has been withered day by day, and the bloodline cannot continue, and the demon witch clan outside is constantly looking for the traces of my clan, so let my East Sea Dragon clan be in this space, and finally won't come out.

"Later, the abyss where the dragon clan's corpse was buried produced a body of resentment, killing all the remaining East Sea Dragon Clan. Among them, my father and queen and mother were included."

"Before they died, they hid me in the senbei to escape this disaster."

Speaking of this, the little dragon girl couldn't help it anymore, tears welled up from her eyes, and flew like pearls in the sea.

"Uh, don't cry first."

Ling Tian was most afraid of this, "Then you will change your sorrow and change."

"Then this Dinghaishen needle is a dragon clan holy thing, I really want to take it away, it is of great use to me."

The little dragon girl wiped away her tears and said with red eyes: "It doesn't matter, I don't have any interest in this thing."

"It can't even protect my dragon clan, but it's just a piece of scrap iron, even if it has the power of Zhenhai, what about it?"

"If you want to take it, just take it away, but without it, my dragon palace will be gone."

Ling Tian scratched his head, thinking for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up, "Little Dragon Girl, have you really never gone out?"

"No..." Xiaolongnv shook her head.

"Then, I will take the Dinghai Shenzhen, you go out with me, and I will show you the outside world, how about it?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"Get out, get out? Is it good outside? My dragon is gone, how can I... live with the human." The little dragon girl curled her lips.

"You don't need to worry about it, there are dragons outside, and you were the same clan ten thousand years ago. My brother is now the lord of the dragons. He is very handsome. If you see him, you will definitely like it."

Ling Tian was good at lure.

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