Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1719: Candle Dragon True Flame Soldier Prom Witch

"You, what are you talking nonsense..." Xiaolongnu flushed, and turned to look at the Dinghai Shenzhen behind Ling Tian, ​​"Then how do you want to take it away?"

"Uh... it's a little troublesome, it will take some time."

Ling Tian turned around and murmured: "In any case, it is a stone. If you can't take it away, let him train it!"

When the voice fell, Ling Tian suddenly raised his hand, and a flame burst out on the big hand wrapped in the Qilin armband.

Although in the sea, it can still burn violently.

In the palm of his hand, there are all kinds of fire burning, slaughter flames, nine thunder heavenly heart fire, and fire Qi flames.

But Ling Tian still shook his head. There is absolutely no way for these fires to refine the Dinghai Shenzhen.

"Hehe, if that's the case, it's time to raise the Tinder grade."

Ling Tian smiled suddenly, and within the sea of ​​qi, one hundred thousand sword shadows condensed into the heart of the sword. Among them, fire gradually condensed, and most of them, a little red suddenly bloomed in the sea of ​​qi, as if the body of a candle dragon was condensed, looking up to the sky and roaring. With Ling Tian's limbs and hundreds of corpses pouring out of his palms.


The blazing eruption suddenly erupted, and finally turned into thirty-six layers of crimson fire, which stopped the skyrocketing.

"Candle Dragon True Flame, ha ha, it's you!"

Looking at the candle dragon flame coiled in his hand, Ling Tian was satisfied.

Although it could not condense into the legendary great sun fire, the true flame of the candle dragon had thirty-six layers, which was enough.

"Come on, see how long your Dinghai Shenzhen can last!"

Ling Tian's terrifying aura skyrocketed again, his hands were raised, pressing on the Lord of Heaven, the crimson candle dragon's true flame exploded, slowly spreading along the pillar of Heaven.


But the time for tea, the true flame of the candle dragon wrapped the entire Dinghai Shenzhen, and the heat of the flame made the surrounding sea water start to boil. Even the little dragon girl couldn’t help but retreat and look at the sky surrounded by crimson flames. Pillar, his eyes were filled with amazement.

There are fires in the dragon clan, but compared with the true flames of the candle dragon, the gap is too big.

But despite this, Ling Tian did not expect that even with the Candle Dragon True Flame, it would take more than a month to refine the fire and set the Sea God Needle...


Witch Continent.

Here, there has always been an area unknown to the human race, and even mysterious, making people feel that the Witch Continent does not belong to this world.

But when Li Taixuan and Ling Xiao led the army, dragon, and demon tribe, when they arrived at the border of the Witch Continent, they were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

On the ship, everyone looked at the vast black continent in front of them, and couldn't help taking a breath.

As far as I can see, the entire Witch Continent is filled with dark land and mountains, full of volcanoes and overflowing magma. Even the sky is gloomy as ink, and black clouds are billowing. It looks like a magic domain. general.

What surprised everyone even more was that on the coast of this continent, there was a black gold city wall as high as one hundred meters. Inside, there were dense city buildings. Although these temples looked very rough, they were tall and majestic. , Giving people a feeling of domineering and fierce, can't help being shocked.

And at this time, on the city wall, there were densely packed warriors of the Demon Witch Clan, each with wings on their backs, their faces hideous and ugly, endless, endless, countless.

"Fuck, this Witch Continent is really different from Human Race!"

"It looks really uncomfortable."

After a long while, Qin Shaoyang, who was standing on the bow of the ship, gave a low voice.

"Yeah, maybe it is precisely because of this. Our Human Race Continent is not suitable for the witches to survive. They invaded our Human Race just to seize resources, ha ha."

Xiao Feng snorted, his face already tense, and the weapon in his hand was clenched tightly, wishing to rush down immediately.

"But, when we came all the way, the Demon Witch Clan didn't even stop and intercept it at all. Now we are even closer to the city. Why doesn't the Demon Witch Clan come out to fight? It's too strange."

"Could it be that the Demon Witch Clan persuaded him?"

Leng Aotian hugged his shoulders and looked at the warrior of the Demon Witch Race who was waiting on the wall, and couldn't help but wonder.

"It will definitely not be counseling." Hong Lao, the lord of Nine Heavens, shook his head, "The Demon Witch Clan is powerful, but it is definitely not brainless. They are so scheming. If they act in this way, they must have a plan. We must not take it lightly."

"Senior Taixuan, Ling Tian still hasn't returned now, what shall we do? Or, camp on the spot and wait for Ling Tian to return?"

Qin Mingyue looked like Li Taixuan headed by everyone.

After all, in the army now, Li Taixuan's strength is the strongest.

"No, when a soldier is near the city, the most taboo thing is not to move."

"The demon witch clan can’t shrink, and has not even blocked and intercepted my army. It must be because it does not want to waste its troops. Now it is guarded by the city wall, and it also wants to delay our waiting time. In its mainland, certain means must be constructed. If we wait Camping on the spot is just what they want."

"In addition, this is just the border of Nirvana Demon Country. The resistance is not strong, so let's go in first."

As the former Martial Emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Li Taixuan was always tough and stalwart since he was a child.

"Senior Taixuan is reasonable. If we are holding back at the border, then there is no need for an expedition."

Long Xuan took the Tianlong Spear and jumped directly out of the flagship, and shouted in a low voice: "Let my Dragon Race come forward and enter the Witch Continent!"

"Warriors of the Dragon Race, hold up the dragon spear in your hands, follow me, and kill!"

Immediately, Long Xuan let out a stunned dragon chant, transformed into a five-color dragon shadow, and killed with tens of thousands of dragon generals.

The dragon clan's might, and the momentum is extremely terrifying.

Long Xuan Yilong was surging all over his body, took the Celestial Dragon Spear in his hand, and cut down a five-color spear beam and blasted straight towards the city wall.

"A big battle!"

However, at the moment when the Dragon Race set off, within the Demon Witch Race Continent was the sound of a deep horn resounding, like a fierce beast groaning underground, but in the sound of the horn, above the city wall of Baizhang, unexpectedly A dark curtain of light rose up like a sky-sky barrier, isolating the entire coast.

It seemed that the Demon Witch Clan had the same strategy as the Wen family, and wanted to use formations to form a barrier to resist the human army.

"Haha, just a trivial formation, can you dare to block my dragons!?"

However, Long Xuan was not afraid. The fairy light flashed above the Heavenly Dragon Spear in his hand, and its power doubled. The spear light was like a dragon, and it was cut straight down.


But the spear light slashed above the formation barrier, only a loud roar broke out, and the dense energy ripples shook away, but it did not collapse.


Seeing this, Long Xuan, who was holding the multicolored Tianlong Lance in his hand, couldn't help exclaiming.

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