Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1722: Interface thunder

Within the Qi Sea Star River in the body, Dao Ji is suspended, on which the four primordial martial souls are condensed into the shadow of the emperor, holding a golden sword, brows point divine light, eyes open and close, and the fairy light dissipates.

The Supreme Beginning Sutra also opened directly, the Galaxy turned upside down, the spiral arms roared, and the endless aura of the Celestial Celestial Origin broke out, mixed with the power of Ling Tian's physical body, causing Ling Tian's breath to surge to its peak in an instant.

At this moment, the world changed.

In the area of ​​thousands of miles, the sky and the sea and the earth are shaking violently, and even the two thunder tribulations that have been condensed into a whirlpool are torn and shattered by the huge force of the heavens when they are all released!

"This, is this Ling Tian's real breath?"

"Okay, it's terrible!"

"Yeah, here and there you are going to cross the Tribulation of Sanxian, it seems that it is a Tribulation of Flying Heaven!"

"Yes, I really doubt how terrifying Ling Tian's catastrophe will be!"

"If it's over, will the gates of heaven be opened wide, and the feathers will rise!"

Seeing the light and shadow hanging high in the sky, like an immortal, everyone was amazed.

This scene is really incredible.

Soon, inspired by Ling Tian's earth-shaking aura, above the clouds, endless robbery clouds rose out of thin air.

Even above Ling Tian's head, there seemed to be a big opening in the sky above the sky, and gray thunder light rolled out of it like magma.

God knows how terrifying the robbery thunder that is brewing in this cloud will be.

At the core of the Witch Continent, a canyon that spans almost the entire continent is filled with endless hot magma.

And in the sky above the canyon, there is also a void rift that does not know the edge, in which turbulence is surging.

And below, a continent fragment with a radius of thousands of miles was suspended above the sea of ​​fire, below the crack.

There are many palaces on the mainland, and at the core of the mainland, there is a dark hall.

In the main hall, a warrior wearing a golden robe appeared out of thin air. He looked at the distant sky, his gaze seemed to be able to travel through space.

"Daoling, there is a strong person who is crossing the catastrophe, looking at the breath, hehe, like your human race."

"Is that him?"

Behind the golden robe warrior, the void trembles and ripples, but there has never been any figure, but a voice rang.

"That's him, the person named to get rid of."

"Haha, it's just that we have broken the connection, this lower realm, Jun Tian has arranged too many chess pieces."

Jinpao laughed when he heard the words, "Yes, even if I invite the four heavenly demon battle souls, it is so difficult. It seems that the space in this world is going to be completely locked."

"So, now is our only chance."

"The big formation is about to be completed. At the last moment, there must be no mistakes. If the human race comes in..."

Jinpao waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's just time to come in."

"Let them take a look at the ants, how my celestial demon clan left this world!"

"Even if you don't kill them, they are just a group of ants waiting to die slowly!"

Before the witch enchantment.

Above the sky, the boundless robbery cloud condensed, and the robbery thunder of Lao Hou and Xiaoqing were gathered together.

The coercion is even worse, even the thunder pulp has been condensed into a sea of ​​thunder, intertwined above the head.

"All retreat! This robbery is extraordinary!"

"No, this calamity is too terrifying, how can Ling Tian take it?"

The army retreated slowly, and someone exclaimed above the flagship.

Everyone was also surprised, how could the human body resist such a tyrannical Heavenly Tribulation?


However, at this moment, Ling Tian's white clothes burned off all over his body, and the candle dragon aura in his body instantly exploded, and the crimson light burst out.

Within the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, blood rushed like magma, the scales of the dragon on Ling Tian's body were manifested, and the overlord body of the candle dragon turned on at this moment.

That terrifying power of blood rushes straight into the sky!


The thunder sea vortex above his head rose, and the blue thunder light began to condense.

"Hehe, I used to wait for you to fall thunder first, but this time, I won't!"

"This first punch, you should try mine first!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was surrounded by the light and shadow of the scarlet candle dragon, suddenly raised his head and let out a burst of shouts in his mouth. This shout seemed to come from the supremacy of nine days. It was arrogant and overbearing, with an aura of looking all over the world, and at this moment it seemed to suppress the roar of thunder.

The voice fell, and the void under my feet suddenly stepped on, but it seemed to be pedaling on the ground. The space of a hundred li trembling at the same time, and then collapsed instantly, the force of the forceful space swallowing and attracting erupted from it, and the countless mighty waves on the sea collapsed, not yet Once the monster beast that had time to escape was involved, it would instantly turn into a mass of shattered flesh and blood, swallowed and disappeared.

One foot fell and smashed into the void for hundreds of miles, Ling Tian shot out, facing the blue thunder sea, his complexion was calm, his dark eyes were silent.

"Eight-armed King Ming!"

Ling Tian made a move, seemingly slow, but in fact it was as fast as rushing to thunder. Under the body of the candle dragon, the dragon **** was as tight as steel. A golden body of Bodhisattva manifested, with eight arms coming out, and the big seal was condensed, mixed With endless physical strength and vitality coercion, as if to support the sky!

The next moment, a loud noise erupted from where the two sides met.

As for the Zhan Lai Ting, it trembled suddenly, as if suppressed, and remained motionless. After a few breaths, it shattered steadily, as if the mirror surface was scattered. When it fell, it was smashed by Xiaoqing and Lao below. Hou, absorb everything.

This unparalleled calamity was actually crushed by Ling Tian abruptly!

Ling Tian's mask not only destroyed the blue thunder sea, but also completely shattered the thunder robbery of Xiaoqing and Laohou!

"Damn, so strong!"

"Yeah, Ling Tian has now become the Candle Dragon Overlord Body. With such a physical body, even if it is Heavenly Tribulation, he didn't expect it?"

Li Taixuan and Ling Xiao exhaled when they looked at Ling Tian standing proudly under the thunder.

In this way, there is no major problem with this thunder robbery.

As for the others, they were already shocked and speechless.

Ling Tian, ​​who has not yet survived the thunder tribulation, is already so tyrannical.


However, the blue thunder sea that was shaken by Ling Tianyi's seal was blasted with a thunderbolt, and then quickly gathered again, as if he had his own intelligence, feeling the contempt of Ling Tian's body, and suddenly couldn't bear the anger. . Heavenly Tribulation throws thunder and punishes, everything has to bow its head, how can it be directly smashed by the lower realm warrior, really **** it!

The tossing tribulation cloud exudes coercion and continues to skyrocket. Instead of shrinking its body at this moment, the darkness of the tribulation cloud continues to merge in the void, causing its volume to continue to expand.

In the end, Jieyun even spread over tens of millions of miles!

The gust of wind roared, and even the spiritual energy within thousands of miles was restless.

However, just here, the boundless sea of ​​thunder gradually condensed, and finally turned into a general human form wearing thunder armor!

The entire space is suddenly under intense pressure, and countless creatures are trembling. This is a kind of inherent awe and fear of the destructive power of thunder.

This thunder robbery turned into a human form!

"Interface Thunder Punishment Envoy!"

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