Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1723: Achieve Sanxian

"Interface Thunder Punishment Envoy!"

"How is it possible? This is the Flying Tribulation!?"

Seeing that Lei Hai transforms into shape, Hong Lao exclaimed.

Or others don't know, but she exists like this, but she has been consulted in the classics of the sect.

When the human race is flying through the flying catastrophe and ascending to the upper realm, the Thunder Punishment Envoy who holds the power of the interface will appear.

But now, the thunder tribulation that Ling Tian suffered was clearly the right thing to do with the scattered thunder tribulation, how could it be transformed?

"No, it's not a real interface thunder punisher. Although this thing is transformed, it is too rough, and the real thunder punisher is extremely fierce. Within a radius of thousands of miles, we absolutely cannot withstand his coercion."

Li Taixuan's pupils shrank slightly, but after looking at it for a while, he shook his head in denial.

"But this is also banned for thousands of miles. One-tenth of the Thunder Punishment Envoy's combat power should be the strongest state formed by Ling Tian's Sanxian Thunder Tribulation. There is no other bells and whistles that can withstand his attack, Ling Tian You can become Sanxian!"

"Very powerful Sanxian!"

Just after Li Taixuan's exclamation fell.

The Thunder Punishment Envoy above the Thunder Sea raised the thunder spear in his hand and pointed directly at Ling Tian on the sea below.

"You, God is forbidden, die!"

After the voice said, Qi Qing's thunder spear turned into an electric light, descending from the sky at the extreme speed, and instantly arrived in front of Ling Tian.

The Thunder Spear fell, as if Ling Tian was about to be executed.

This transformation of Thunder Tribulation is really too terrifying.


With a loud explosion, Ling Tian raised the unicorn armband to resist!

But the robbery was so fierce, even the Lingtian of the Candle Dragon Overlord's body, under this blow, the body was still like a crimson cannonball, and was blasted into the sea.


The thunder punishment envoy transformed by the thunder robbery returned to the sky, seeming to be very satisfied with his blow.

Within the witch enchantment, the two demon boys breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Tian was indeed tough. If this allowed him to survive the thunder tribulation, the barrier might not be able to stop him.

But fortunately, the Thunder Tribulation led by Ling Tian was stronger.

If he died in the hands of Thunder Tribulation, then everything would be worry-free.

However, just after three breaths, there was a loud bang on the sea, and Ling Tian's red figure appeared again.

"Haha, it's kind of interesting, strong enough."

Ling Tian looked at his unicorn armbands, it was already blackened, but there was nothing serious about it.

The Thunder Spear of the Thunder Punishment Envoy was indeed fierce, but he still thought too much about wanting to inflict him severely.

"Dragon Emperor Supreme Jue, get up!"

However, Ling Tian's shoulders trembled suddenly, and a dragon and phoenix phantom appeared behind him. In an instant, the power of the candle dragon and the vitality of the galaxy condensed into a whirlpool behind them, and under the mutual fusion, the breath burst instantly!

"Today, I will let you know that the way of heaven will not tolerate me, and I will destroy the way of heaven!"

Ling Tian's pupils contracted, but he didn't hesitate at all, carrying the dragon and phoenix phantom, the figure shot away in an instant, and blasted out with a punch.

The punch was so fast that even the thunder penalty seemed to have failed to respond. A punch hit, he howled in pain but did not collapse, but a large amount of thunder debris was forcibly smashed and melted, making the thunder penalty reduced his momentum.

"Damn it, looking for death!"

Lei Punishment was furious, and while holding the thunder spear, Ling Tian slammed into the Thunder Sea Tribulation Cloud.

Today's Ling Tian has reached the pinnacle in both his physical body and Xinghai vitality, and now with the addition of this Dragon Phoenix Supreme Judgment, it is even stronger. So at this moment, Ling Tian could be said to be fearless, and he made a full shot without the slightest defense. The Thunder Mang was completely blocked by his body, and he couldn't cause any harm to the opponent at all.



Above the robbery cloud and thunder sea, the human race war interface thunder punishment makes the war dragon, the thunder light is shining, permeating the nine heavens!

The Dragon Phoenix Supreme definitely gave Ling Tian seemingly endless energy, and the Candle Dragon's domineering body allowed Ling Tian to attack without fear, giving him the right to fight with this Thunder Punisher. So at this moment, he shot freely, and only felt that since he entered the martial arts, the backlog of depression for countless years has been dissipated, and the whole person has only the intent to fight in his heart!

At this moment, every blow of a punch can make Ling Tian's body more relaxed!

He doesn't need the blessing of a weapon, he wants to vent all the power in his body.

The Thunder Punishment Envoy roared, unwilling to growl again and again, even if it is not a real interface Thunder Punishment Envoy, but it has already transformed, it has the power of thunder robbery, and it is currently being beaten by the warriors of the lower realm. .

However, at this moment, no matter how it furiously counterattacked, it was unable to cause fatal damage to this human race warrior, but its body aura became weaker and weaker.

He condensed from the Heavenly Dao, but Heavenly Dao did not expect that Ling Tian could now merge two energies and become so powerful.

Almost, there are no weaknesses.


With a blast, Ling Tian blasted the thunder into the air. It is no longer known how many punches Ling Tian blasted.

When the fist fell, Ling Tian closed his hand and backed away. Above the fist front of the arm armor, it was already scorched by thunder.

But this is nothing.


Ling Tian's robe waved his sleeves, coldly speaking.

Above the thunder sea, the thunder punishment envoy that was blasted off suddenly uttered an unwilling scream, which exploded into the sky full of thunder light fragments, and fell from the sky!

Between the heavens and the earth, a special wave suddenly descended, enveloping Ling Tian. Ling Tian had never experienced this fluctuation before. It was like a beam of light, or a glance, like a glance at him from an infinite distance. Soon, Ling Tian had a brand new feeling. Suddenly haunted my mind.

The whole body and the sea of ​​energy, in this Ke, seem to merge into one.

The blood and vitality energy are also completely fused at this time.

Even looking at the dantian inwardly, he could no longer see the galaxy air sea. In the chaotic void, the stars were dotted with only a road foundation hovering, on which the emperor phantom was sitting cross-legged.

Sanxian? Is this the feeling of Sanxian?

The whole person seems to be integrated with the world, and with a wave of hands, it seems to be able to sway the heavens and guide the power of heaven and earth.

No, this is by no means a loose fairy.

Ling Tian shook his head, how could he not see Qi Haixinghe when he was relieved.

Now his physical body seems to be broken into pieces and melted into the void. How does it look like it feels like flying into the sky?

However, if it is in the Flying Heaven Realm, how can he be accommodated by the Dao of Heaven?

Looking at the top of his head, the robbery cloud dissipated, Ling Tian was puzzled.

"No matter what, I have successfully overcome the catastrophe."

Ling Tian felt a little bit, and the improvement of his realm allowed his divine mind to sublimate together, and his mind was clear, and he could suddenly realize it. The corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a smile, and it quickly expanded, filling his entire face.


Since entering the martial arts, he has gone through endless trials and tribulations. At this time, he has finally achieved Sanxian, and even his combat power has become the true peak of this world.

Perhaps he has come to the end of the road to the Nether.

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