Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1724: Lifting the sea and breaking the enchantment [four more]


Suddenly, Ling Tian laughed wildly, amidst the laughter, wantonly publicity, watching the world, shaking the past and present.

And again, full of sadness and bitterness.

The pinnacle, the pinnacle!

Waiting for this day, Ling Tian has been waiting for too long!

"Stick, come!"

However, Ling Tian put away his smile, raised his hand, a black stick fell from the sky and was held in his hand.

On the black stick at this time, a carved totem of Hellfire Jie had appeared.

This is what Lao Hou himself portrayed when he was in Lei Jie's body.

It looks very beautiful.

Upgraded to an immortal weapon, starting with this stick, Ling Tian was shocked.

Strong and heavy.

Different from the extreme sharpness of Long Yuanjian, this stick seems to be able to shake the sky, move the earth, and set the sea!

"The name of Dinghai is not worthy of you."

"When I first saw you, you were in the deep sea like Qingtian. From then on, this stick will be called Qingtian."

Ling Tian raised his hand, and the Zhulong True Flame Condensing Pen dropped the word Qingtian on the stick.

Immediately, Ling Tian raised his hand suddenly.

In that pair of eyes, there was endless domineering, as if there was a mighty force in that gaze, sweeping towards the Demon Witch Clan.


Even though it was separated by a barrier, Ling Tian's staring gaze caused the Demon Witch Clan on the countless city walls to spout out of blood, unable to hold on to himself.

Just a glance, that coercive force, is so terrifying.

Ling Tian was about to be straightened up, like a fairy between the heavens and the earth, with the sky stick in his hand pointing directly at the magic witch.

"Once, your army of witches came to the territory of my human race."

"Now, I am Ling Tian on an expedition with my army."

"Once, the ancestor of your Devil Kingdom set off a swallowing tsunami, and wanted to destroy the warriors of my human race."

"Now, all the blood and blood will be paid back."

"From the beginning of this swallowing sky tsunami!"

"Let me see, you witch, how can you stop me!"

"Hai, get up!"

As Ling Tian shouted, there was a burst of golden light on the unicorn armband, and endless energy poured into the Sky Stick along Ling Tian's arm.

Suddenly, the Sky Rod soared again and again, and finally turned into a phantom almost ten thousand feet!

Qingtian, Zhenhai!

This stick was originally the ability to fix the sea, but now it was in Ling Tian's hands.

"Whatever your barrier, let me see, break it with one effort!"


Ling Tian roared, the battle power beyond the peak of Sanxian exploded, blessed on the Sky Rod, and instantly set off a swallowing sky and sea, like a mountain of water pushing away in a single beat!

The power of lifting the sea is terrifying.

Nothing can resist the power of the tsunami!

"Not good! Offering an ancestor weapon to block this shock!"

The faces of the two demon sons had also changed at this time, and the master of the three major demon kingdoms was even more frightened, and immediately sacrificed the ancestor weapon in an attempt to consolidate the barrier.

However, Dinghai God's needle iron has made the Sky Rod so terrible. Above the sea, this fairy soldier is an invincible existence. The boundless tsunami whale swallows, mixed with Ling Tian's mighty force. At the moment of Wanjun impact, the barrier was Suddenly, it collapsed and shattered like glass.

The tsunami that spread for thousands of miles instantly engulfed the city walls along the way, and directly rushed through the Demon Witch Clan's continent.


Although the two demons gathered their magic energy and exploded into the sky, they still couldn't resolve the tsunami.

Although it seems to be the power of the sea, it is full of the terrifying coercion of the sky, and it is unbreakable.

Therefore, wherever the tsunami went, the Demon Witch Warriors suffered countless deaths and injuries.

"Expeditionary army, kill!"

Above the sky, Ling Tian retracted the Sky Rod, his eyes dazzling, hanging in the void.

With a loud shout, from behind the fleet hundreds of miles away, countless streams of light burst out in an instant, shooting densely toward the Demon Witch Clan continent.

Now that the enchantment is broken and there is Ling Tian, ​​how can the Demon Witch Clan resist the expeditionary army! ?

"Ma De, the lord of the devil country left one for me, I must tear him up personally!"

Long Xuan sighed for a long time.

That demon is not an opponent, but the master of the demon country is nothing to say.


In an instant, the tribe of humans, dragons and demons poured into the Witch Continent, and was shocked by Ling Tiancai's momentum. The troops of the three major demon kingdoms had long been frightened out of their guts, and now they are even more like a landslide and cannot resist.

"Damn it, with my devil, kill these human races for me!"

The two demons were shocked, offering magical powers, and the three tribes killed no one defeated their enemies.

They have the power of Sanxian peak, and they are still terrifying.

"Haha, the devil blessed by the Heavenly Demon Battle Soul, your opponents are me!"

At this time, Li Taixuan and Ling Xiao had also been killed. Sooner or later, it would be a matter of time for the two peak combat powers to take the devil and kill him under the general trend.

But Ling Tian stood in the torrent of the army and stopped moving.

He smashed the enchantment of the witch with one stick, it was enough.

Such a battle is no longer worth his shot.


Behind her, a clear blue light flew over, and the little dragon girl with the trident in her hand flew up.

"Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​can I kill them together?"

"Hehe, of course." Ling Tian shrugged, and then pointed to the Dragon Profound Dao who was fighting with the Demon Lord: "Look, that is the Lord of the Dragon Race that I told you about, how?"

Little Dragon Girl glanced at the gold-priced Long Xuan, her pretty face blushed, and she took a sip of Ling Tian, ​​and then killed her with the trident.

The battle lasted all day and night.

When the corpses of the Demon Witch Clan warriors were everywhere on the coast, the expedition army believed that their battle with the Demon Witch Clan was finally victorious.

Moreover, it is still above the Witch Continent.

This is an unprecedented battle.

On the top of a mountain, Ling Tian looked at the battlefield in front of him with his hands, and Gu Jing was waveless.

After a while, Long Xuan with a brilliant golden armor grabbed a demon clan and fell from the sky, and then threw the demon witch clan to the ground.

"Brother, the lord of the Netherworld Demon Kingdom you are looking for is this guy."

"If you didn't tell me, I would have killed him long ago."

Ling Tian turned around and found that the Lord of the Demon Kingdom was there like a dead dog, his body was dying of bones and blood.

I don't know how it was destroyed by strong people like Long Xuan before.

Ling Tian leaned over, looked at the Lord of the Netherworld Demon Kingdom, and suddenly asked, "Do you remember that there was once a sect called Zhongxiaozong?"

Upon hearing Zhongxiaozong, the Lord of Nirvana suddenly opened his eyes, "So what?"

"Hehe, nothing, since it's you, I just want to talk to you."

"Back when you destroyed the Chongxiao Sect, I was entrusted by others, and one day, I will avenge him."

"Now, this day is here!"

"I will make you die in pain."

After that, Ling Tian opened his palm, and the candle dragon's true flames gushed out, engulfing the lord of the kingdom.


Suddenly, the Lord of the Netherworld Demon Kingdom, in the flames, suffered all the torture before slowly dying.

Looking at Long Xuan, he couldn't help shaking his head again and again.

"By the way, big brother, where did the dragon girl in the blue and gold armor come from? I asked her, she still ignored me!"

Long Xuan asked suddenly.

"Hahaha, this, your brother, I can only help you here, kid, come on!"

Ling Tian patted Long Xuan on the shoulder and flew onto the flagship warship overhead.

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