Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1733: Astronomical disk wandering around the world

But this is still crazy.

You know, drifting in the void is not a joke.

The turbulence in the void is enough to kill everything.

Moreover, if it was hit by a celestial body wandering in the void, it would be a catastrophe.

But Ling Tian stepped out and flew to the capital.

Standing on the tallest hall in the capital, all the formation restrictions were shaken off casually.

And in the core of the main hall, Ling Tian also saw the control compass that controls the entire capital.

On the compass, the endless starry sky is depicted.

Those dots of light emitting light are huge floating stars.

No wonder the Demon Lord Tianwu had such a plan.

It's because he unexpectedly found an ancient star map!

This is definitely a treasure that is hard to find in the world!

However, Ling Tian was even more astonished. In this picture, there were two light clusters far beyond the stars. They were hazy, like eggshells, and they could not be seen clearly, but they were definitely not stars.

Moreover, between the two light clusters, there is a red line connected.

Above the cloud group at one end, Ling Tian's finger touched down, and he sensed the breath of this world.

Don't think about it, this is the heavenly world.

But when Ling Tian hit another star cluster, his pupils suddenly shrank!

This light group also made him feel extremely familiar, even surpassing the realm of Tianyu!


The route marked on this star map turned out to be from Heaven to Nantang!

This day, Wu Moguo wanted to make the capital wandering to the Southern Tang, but it was impossible!

This shook Ling Tian's heart violently!

Fortunately, Ling Tian ruined all these plans, otherwise, if Demon Lord Wu descended on Nantang this day, it would be a disaster for the whole world of Nantang!

The martial arts water quality of the Southern Tang Realm is extremely low, not to mention the magic witch, even if a sect of the Eastern Region passes by, it may destroy the Southern Tang.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian also had lingering fears.

"Astronomical disk? No wonder Demon Lord Wu has such a crazy plan this day. These treasures are extremely rare treasures in the lower realm."

At this time, Li Taixuan and others also flew up to the hall and walked in.

"Astrology chart, it sounds amazing!"

Qin Shaoyang and others gathered around the compass, looking at the dense, star-like star points, they couldn't help but be surprised.

"Of course, the legendary stargazing disk was originally a thing of the upper realm. This thing will mark the position of the lower realm universe. After all, it still has the ability to position it."

"The most powerful Zhoutian astrological disk is in the Upper Realm's Hall of Fly Ascension. It is said that there are three thousand lower realm light groups in it. The enchanting fairy can monitor at any time, mobilize the heavens, and lead the flying people into the upper realm."

Li Taixuan nodded.

"Three thousand lower realms!? Senior Taixuan, you mean that there are three thousand existences like this realm?"

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes widened when they heard this, they had never heard of such a secret.

"It's natural. Three thousand is just an imaginary number. In fact, there are more. In addition, there are even lower levels of the mayfly world, which is even more numerous. We should be thankful that we are not that weak."

Li Taixuan's gaze swept across the stargazing board, and he also suddenly saw the two light clusters guided by a red line, and he smiled, "His stargazing board is the lowest level, and he can only see this. A stellar field near the heavenly realm."

"Haha, but Demon Lord Wu is very lucky this day. There is another world near this world, drifting along the route, maybe five hundred years later, he will be there."

Li Taixuan stretched his hand to point on the other light ball, but the moment he touched the light ball, it was like a lightning strike, and he was stunned.

His face instantly freezes.

This scene surprised Qin Mingyue and others.

"What's wrong, senior?"

"No, it's impossible, how could this be?" Li Taixuan slowly shook his head, his eyes filled with incredible things.

"What the **** is it, is there any special situation in that world?"

Qin Shaoyang and others are more puzzled.

"It's very special."

Holding a book that hadn't been opened yet, Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyes to look at Qin Mingyue, Qin Shaoyang, Ling Xiao and others, and took a deep breath.

"The other world is...our home, Nan Tang!"

"Southern Tang!?" Qin Mingyue and the others looked at each other, reaching out their hands to land on the light group.

"This is really the breath of Nan Tang!"

Although from above the light group, it is impossible to see the existence of that realm, but for them who have already achieved Sanxian, they can naturally distinguish the breath.

The breath of that realm is clearly Nantang, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Demon Lord Wu's destination this day turned out to be Nantang!

"Ma De, these beasts still want to go to Nantang. If we come late, it will be all over!"

Qin Shaoyang cursed angrily. At this time, they were afraid, if it wasn't for Ling Tian to decide to make an expedition, if it wasn't for Ling Tian to break the barrier with a stick.

if not……

If it weren't for Ling Tian, ​​everything would be over.

"Hey, look, what is this black group? It seems to be moving too!"

Suddenly, Li Shishi lay on the corner of the astronomy chart and pointed to the astronomy chart.


The daughters of Liu Yiyi immediately surrounded them and felt puzzled, "Really, it turns out that it's not a pitch-black void. There is no star flickering around here, just like a pitch-black black hole, and it's moving slowly, what is it?"

"I'll take a look!"

Li Taixuan walked by, reaching out and landing on the black ball, but the next moment, his face changed drastically.

The finger was like an electric shock, and it was taken back in an instant.

"What's wrong, senior?" Leng Aotian looked over.

"What's the matter? This black group also looks like a world, and it's full of the aura of a strange monster!"

"This is a pure alien world, but why is it so dark!?’

Li Taixuan looked at the direction that the black group was moving slowly, and his pupils shrank, "No, the direction of this black group is Nantang!"

"At this speed, it will collide with Nan Tang in just a hundred years!"

"The distance is far closer than we are here!"

Qin Mingyue and others were even more shocked when they heard this, "In other words, Nantang is still in danger!?"

"One hundred years... this is definitely not going to work, we have to go back quickly!"

Everyone looked at Ling Tian again, only to find that the ancient book in his hand was slowly closing, and then raised their eyes.

"Senior Tai Xuan is right. This is indeed a world of strange demons, and it was no different from the Heavenly Demon Realm a thousand years ago, but after being swallowed, it will become like this, their next goal. , It is that = Nantang."

"Do you still remember that when I killed the demon in Nantang, he said that he was welcoming the arrival of the demon clan, and he still opened a hole in the sky. That time, it should be to guide the strange demon world. "

"Then what do we do, even if we continue according to the plan of the Demon Lord Tianwu, it will take five hundred years to reach Nantang in this demon capital! It is too late!" Qin Shaoyang frowned.

"I will go back to Nantang immediately, I will do my best."

"And Wu Demon Capital is not what I want this day." Ling Tian slowly shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

Everyone looked at each other, full of doubts.

"This realm is already locked by Heaven's Dao, and no one can ascend."

"And Nantang is the only hope."

"The plan of Demon Lord Tianwu is to use the capital to take the elite of the Demon Witch Clan to leave."

"But what I want to do..."

Ling Tian looked at everyone in front of him, and the ancient book was still on the stargazing chart, and he suddenly smiled.

"It is to take all the creatures in this world and leave together!"

"Each of them shouldn't be locked here by Heaven!"

Everyone's stunned eyes slowly fell on the opened ancient book. On the title page, the line of ancient characters was particularly eye-catching.

"Boundary Star Shift Great Array!"

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