Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1734: Wanzuo is ready to leave

"What, all the creatures, leave together!?"

Everyone looked at each other and became more and more puzzled.

They didn't understand Ling Tian's thoughts, or they didn't dare to think like that at all.

Long Xuan raised his eyebrows, looked at Ling Tian, ​​and said in surprise: "Big Brother, what do you mean is to let this whole world follow?"


However, when Ling Tian nodded, Jing Chan and others shook their heads.

"No, it definitely won't work!"

"The capital city of the demon country under our feet is only a thousand miles away, and wandering into the void is extremely difficult. It is impossible to push the entire world!"

"Ling Tian, ​​do you want to rely on this formation?" Qin Mingyue picked up the ancient formation on the astrolabe.

After a simple look, everyone was stunned by the obscure, complicated and extremely large formation structure on it.

It turned out that it was this so-called Star Shift Great Array that pushed this magic capital.

"Ling Tian, ​​this star-shifting array is good, but the Demon Witch Clan promotes this Demon Capital to fly, and it has built as many as ten. If you want to promote a realm, how much do you need?"

Jing Chan and others still couldn't believe it.

"You can do as much as you can. If you don't have ten seats, you will have a hundred seats. If you don't have a white seat, you will have a thousand seats.

Ling Tian walked to the outside of the hall, looking at the cracks in the heavens that were gradually torn apart above his head, like a huge mouth of cannibalism.

"I know this plan is crazy, but if it succeeds, it will save hundreds of millions of lives in this world."

"I know that it may take infinite energy to push this whole world away, and it may even take thousands of years to connect with Nantang."

"But at the very least, it is a thought that can be expected for all the creatures who are seeking in the martial arts."

"Instead, soaring hopeless!"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the powerhouses in the hall, "However, the price of doing this is that most of the resources in this world will be supplied to the Star Shifting Array, and the speed of your realm growth will be seriously dragged down.

"Thousands of stars move the big array, even if you wander for thousands of years, such a plan..."

Jing Chan suddenly looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with endless emotion and shock.

Perhaps, only a person like Ling Tian with a body and mind can dare to think of such a magnificent plan.

"If you can do it, it doesn't matter if you practice slowly. It's a big deal to wait five hundred years before you soar, what can you do!?"

Long Xuan and other younger generations patted their chests. For them, there is nothing to worry about. Now with their cultivation base, they still have thousands of years of life, which is completely enough.

"We are also problematic, as long as the plan can be achieved, we are willing to pay."

Jing Chan and Leng Aotian, among others, had no objection to the older generation of strong men.

"Well, that's fine."

Of course, as I said before, it is not impossible to return to Nantang immediately.

It's just that the way back needs to be found.

"Ling Tian, ​​if that well is really in the Demon Witch Clan Continent, it should also be in the forbidden area. Let's look for it now?"

Ling Xiao said suddenly.

"Well, what well!?"

However, for this, Long Xuan Jing Chan and other strong people can't understand it at all.

"It is a channel that can directly return to the Southern Tang Realm. If there is no expectation, the time required to reach the Southern Tang is almost three years."

Qin Mingyue smiled.

She was the first person to come to this world through Jupiter.

When I saw Ling Tian again, it was three years later.

"Three years can travel in this world? Is there such a terrifying transmission channel in this world!?"

Jing Chan and the others looked at each other with amazement in their hearts.

"No, if it's the ordinary forbidden land, because it can't hide the Demon Witch Clan."

"You said, if you were the Demon Lord Tianwu, what place would you set as the top mysterious forbidden place!?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"The top forbidden area, of course, is the core point."

Qin Shaoyang scratched his head and looked at his feet. "The capital city under our feet shouldn't be the top forbidden area?"

"Such a crazy plan, maybe only Tianwu Demon Lord and Zhang Daoling know about it?"

"But if that well is in Heducheng, how could Demon Lord Tianwu not find it?"

However, Ling Xiao and others shook their heads again.

This capital is the top forbidden area, but it still doesn't make sense.

"Look for it, maybe you can find it?"

Qin Shaoyang had already started to move, and he was about to open it when he was lying on the stargazing disk.

"The capital is a forbidden place..."

But Ling Tian, ​​who was standing outside the temple, leaned down and looked at the huge pit under the capital, which had been filled with magma and the sea of ​​fire.

"Then you say, is it a forbidden land under the fire vein below this city?"

When everyone heard this, their faces changed.

This lava in the sea of ​​fire was formed because the fire vein burst and surged after the Tianwu Demon Lord dug out the entire capital city and its spirit veins.

It can also be said that when the capital was not in the sky, this place was really forbidden!

"Don't say it, it's really possible!"

Li Taixuan, Ling Xiao and the others also walked up, looking at the tumbling sea of ​​horror that seemed to melt everything, their expressions gradually became excited.

"Then let me see it!"

After Ling Tian said that, the candle dragon's true flame was burning all over his body again.

For him, there is no fear at all in this sea of ​​fire!

After all, Ling Tian jumped directly into the capital and into the lava of the sea of ​​fire.

Ten years later.

The three tribes of humans, dragons and monsters, under the supervision of powerful people such as Ling Tian, ​​took ten years to establish more than ten thousand boundary star shifting arrays on the two continents and the four seas.

These formations can absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth and run on their own to push the entire world forward.

In ten years, the gap in the Heavenly Dao opened by Ling Tian’s sword completely separated this realm from Heaven’s Dao. Although it could not ascend, it was fortunate that the normal thunder tribulation could be lowered, and it would not let all the people in this realm. The martial artist's cultivation is stagnant.

Ling Tian, ​​who made this crazy plan and tried to leave with all the creatures, was naturally treated as a god.

After all, they could take the Thousand Mile Capital City of the Demon Witch Clan and leave alone.

But no one chooses to do that.

They did not abandon anyone.

Ten years, when all the plans were completed, the Imperial Heaven Realm was about to activate the Ten Thousand Seats Formation to enter the void and go on a wandering journey for an unknown number of years, Ling Tian and others were finally ready to leave.

In the Demon Witch Clan mainland, under the Tianwu Demon Capital, Tiankeng is forbidden.

Here is a huge deep pit with a radius of a thousand miles. The reason why it is called a forbidden place, others only know that this was once the capital of the Tianwu Devil Kingdom, and it will be forbidden.

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