Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1735: Return to Penglai, Nantang East China Sea

The surrounding area of ​​this forbidden area is also blocked by powerful arrays. Even if a powerful person who breaks into it, he will be strangled to death in an instant.

And in this forbidden land, there are now dozens of figures standing around.

Ling Tian, ​​who was regarded as a **** by this world, was in it.

Ten years ago, he found the hidden well at the bottom of the sea of ​​fire.

He could have returned to Nantang directly, but in order to ensure that the wandering plan was completed, his life was delayed for ten years.

Ten years later, all the big formations have been arranged, and it is time for them to leave.

"Haha, big brother, as the lord of the dragon clan, this time, I can't follow you anymore, but you must remember that in this world, there is my brother Long Xuan!"

"When you and your sister-in-laws get married, you have to only say me in advance. I can't be absent for the wedding wine!"

Long Xuan sighed, his eyes flushed.

"Hehe, this is natural, I will never forget you."

Ling Tian patted Long Xuan on the shoulder, then looked at the small shadow beside him.

"Brother, you used to come from Nantang with me once, but the Yaozu can't live without you, so it can only be you."

Ling Tian opened his mouth. Although he had a lot to say in his heart, he didn't know how to say it after all.

"Don't worry, Xiaoying has never regretted it."

"I will manage the monster race well."

Xiao Ying nodded and smiled faintly, but his eyes were deeply lonely.

At this time, behind Ling Tian, ​​in addition to Li Taixuan Lingxiao, and Qin Mingyue and other women, Hong Lao, the lord of Nine Heavens, Wen Wan, Leng Ao Tianye Gucheng and others were among them.

They had no worries, and finally decided to return to Nantang with Ling Tian.

"Well, I will send you a gift from thousands of miles, and there will be a farewell, Ling Tian, ​​all the warriors and billions of creatures in our world will never forget your great grace."

"Go here, everything goes smoothly, take care!"

Jing Chan and other powerful elders bowed their hands towards Ling Tian, ​​extremely sincere.

"Hahaha, you do not have to give up. Although this well cannot be transmitted frequently, it can be restored every ten years. If there is nothing wrong with you, you can come over!"

"So, Ling Tian won't be sensational anymore, everyone, there will be some time later!"

Ling Tian looked up to the sky and smiled.

"I regret it!"

On the opposite side, Jing Chan and other strong people once again gave their hands together.


But at this moment, from the sky in all directions, there were waves of earth-shaking roars, and the sky-reaching beams of light were thrust into the sky.

As if at the end of the world, seeing off Ling Tian and others.

At this moment, the entire land and mountains and seas began to tremble violently.

The large array of tens of thousands of stars has been fully opened at this time.

The renamed Imperial Heaven Realm, at this moment, gradually flew towards the cracked sky, finally embarking on a wandering journey.


Ling Tian's smile narrowed, his eyes swept across the familiar and persevering faces of Zhen Mo Ran, Feng Zhiruo, Zhang Jing Ran Min and others, and then suddenly turned around, the first one to jump down behind the dark well.

Immediately, Qin Mingyue, Ran Hongfu and others all followed suit.

But in a flash, they all disappeared.

Only the legends and myths that have been passed down through the ages are left...


The depths of the East China Sea.

In the vast sea, the breeze is coming slowly, the waves are not happy, the sun is shining, and there is a scene of Ningjing.

At this moment, hundreds of feet above the sea surface, a spatial crack opened silently, followed by a faint flash of spiritual light, and several lights and shadows flashed out of the void.

The leader, dressed in white with white hair, flutters in the wind.

Although these figures can't sense any strong aura now, the strong temperament that seems to be integrated with the space is a sign of the extreme tyranny of these people.

Especially the headed person in white, the lines of heaven and earth between his eyebrows, when he enters this world, he begins to radiate his fairy light, which is especially sacred.

After that, more than a dozen figures manifested one after another, each of which was like a heavenly man.

Among them, the number of women with stunning looks and enchanting stature is the most eye-catching.

Among these women, they are all dressed in various colors, especially luxurious and attractive.

Among them, there are two middle-aged warriors who seem to be the oldest. After stepping into this sea, it is difficult to conceal the excitement on their faces.

He sucked the air fiercely, wishing to integrate himself into this world.

And these people were naturally Ling Tian and others who had returned from Tianyu.

After he came out, Ling Tian's eyes flickered slightly, as if he was sensing something.

"Hehe, is this your hometown? Sure enough, the aura is much sparser than ours."

As for the younger generations like Ye Gucheng and Wen Wan who came to Nantang for the first time, they looked at everything in front of them with curiosity.

Although above the sea, there is still no continent where the human race lives.

But in terms of vitality alone, it is absolutely not as good as before.

Wen Wan couldn't help taking a breath and said: "However, in such a world, it is really unimaginable to be able to get out of the earth-shattering roles of Ling Tian and your sisters..."

"Yes, I heard Brother Tian said that the mother-in-law and younger sisters are here, let's rush over now."

Ran Hongfu's face flushed.

Thinking about meeting the legendary mother-in-law and sister-in-law, she was a little nervous inexplicably.

"However, how do I feel that the current Nantang aura is a bit weird!?"

But at this moment, Li Taixuan suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped a claw in the air, only to find that a little black thin cloud was condensed in it.

"This is... a strange devilish energy!?"

When everyone heard the words, they all felt it, and they were shocked.

There is a strange breath in the air of this world, which is by no means good.

Could it be that the strange demon has already arrived first! ?

At this time, Ling Tian, ​​who closed his eyes and sensed the heavenly secret of the Southern Tang Dynasty, changed his face suddenly, opened his eyes suddenly, and said coldly: "There will be a strange demon in the southern world, it is really looking for death!" One step forward, tearing open the space, the figure suddenly disappeared.

The others couldn't help but jumped fiercely in their hearts, but they didn't dare to delay, and immediately followed Ling Tian to tear the space away.

Penglai Mountain in the East China Sea.

As one of the four great celestial mountains in this world, Penglai Mountain only lifted the veil of mystery after Kunlun Mountain was born 15 years ago and helped Ling Tian defeated the Heavenly Demon.

After all, without the threat of the demon, the four great immortal mountains would have no scruples.

Today, on Penglai Mountain, the sky is clear and cloudless, and the sun is shining down.

Although it is the late autumn season, the green trees and red flowers in the mountain gate are like spring, with a mild breath, without any dryness and coldness. There is that spirit bird twittering, the cranes humming, and the graceful posture is looming in the clouds.

The so-called Xianjia Weather should be like this.

Although Penglai Mountain can no longer be compared with the Ziyun Sect, which has risen from the human race in the past 15 years, there is still a top soul powerhouse in the fairy mountain. Although the number of disciples is not many, there are only more than a thousand people, but each one, The combat power is good.

However, at this time, a large array of mountain guards around Penglai Mountain was surging, and everything turned on.

There is a great contrast between the atmosphere of a school of immortals in the mountains.

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