Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1736: Southern Tang Dynasty

Moreover, outside the big formation, the strong people in front of Penglai Immortal Mountain were all suspended in the air, looking at the extremely clear sky, their faces were full of worry.


At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the sky from the east, and the warriors on Penglai Island followed their reputations, and their expressions were a little bit of joy.

Those were hundreds of sixteen-winged cloud boat battleships. On each cloud boat, there were a hundred warriors, and together, there were tens of thousands of people.

"Lin Miaoyin, the elder of the Ziyun Sect, has seen Penglai Island Master!"

When the hundreds of cloud boats approached, tens of thousands of warriors flew down under the leadership of a figure.

The leader turned out to be Ling Tian's first apprentice, Lin Miaoyin.

In fifteen years, she had already possessed the cultivation base of the later stage of the soul. Among the younger generations, the speed of cultivation was quite terrifying.

And now, Lin Miaoyin's appearance is more and more moving, standing in the air, the skirt is blown by the breeze, outlines a rounded body, a bit less green and more charming. There is a high-level person with special majesty in the eyebrows.

This female came out of the light, and all the martial artists of the Ziyun School behind her were full of admiration.

Lin Miaoyin, as the apprentice of Master Ling Tian, ​​is second only to Sect Master Ling Xiao'er and Deputy Sect Master Ling Qiu'er in Ziyun Sect.

Moreover, his talents are extremely high, and his cultivation base is extremely high, so there are many admirers.

"Haha, it turned out that it was Elder Miaoyin Gaotuo of Patriarch Ling Tian who came to support. Chen Huiyin, Penglai, thank you so much!"

The island owner of Penglai is also a female stream. Although the cultivation base is much higher than Lin Miaoyin's, she doesn't have any pretensions.

Moreover, she looked at Lin Miaoyin and a group of Ziyunzong masters, all dressed in white, and some even turned their hair color into silvery white.

It's also a move in my heart.

No one in Southern Tang didn't know that Ling Tian once liked white clothes the most, so in Ziyun Sect, all the disciples were proud of being able to wear white clothes.

Although that terrible evildoer has been gone for fifteen years, it has never been forgotten by the world.

"Hehe, Penglai Island Master doesn't have to be like this. It's within my own business for my Ziyun Sect to come here to help."

"For ten years, Penglai Fairy Island has been stationed in the East China Sea and has worked so hard. My Ziyun Sect also respects it."

"So here, when protecting Penglai Island, nothing is wrong."

Lin Miaoyin smiled faintly, showing everyone's demeanor.

Immediately, she looked at the sky above her head and said, "Island Lord, how is the situation now?"

"Not optimistic."

Chen Huiyin, the lord of Penglai Island, suddenly became worried when he heard the words, "Since the alien demons re-landed in this realm ten years ago, there have been scattered alien demons invading the East China Sea, and the number and combat power have become more and more powerful."

"Now that the ten-year period has come, and it's time for another round of alien invasions, I think this time, it is a hundred times more cruel than before!"

"I don't know, what is the situation in Zhongzhou now!?"

The islander of Penglai looked at Lin Miaoyin again, "After all, the East China Sea is just the edge, and the crevice of the sky above Tianjue Mountain is the main entrance for the arrival of the aliens."

"I am not sure."

Lin Miaoyin's indifferent expression suddenly calmed down, "But the sect master has already taken the main force of the sect to help Zhongzhou. If I want to come, there should be no big problem."

"Oh? Did Sect Master Ling Xiaoer voluntarily? There should be no problem. Your Sect Master has already passed the catastrophe and became Emperor Wu. The prince and princess of Southern Tang Dynasty are also extremely talented. , It is no longer a problem if you want to come." Chen Huiyin raised his eyebrows and praised.

"The prince and the little princess are naturally unparalleled."

When it comes to the prince, Lin Miaoyin's face also has a touch of arrogance.

When the Southern Tang prince Ling Nian and the princess Ling Sisi were the flesh and blood of his master.

In particular, his prince Ling Nian, his martial arts talent, was even more tyrannical than Ling Tian back then, and he had a rock that smashed the heavens, and now his combat power has far surpassed the Martial Emperor.

"Island owner, we have arrived. It is not too late, and it is time to set up a defensive formation around."

Lin Miaoyin dispelled the thought and raised her bare hand with a wave to command the Zongmen martial artist to act, but at this moment, the woman's complexion changed drastically.

At this moment, the entire space around Penglai Island was instantly solidified by an inexplicable force, turning into a cage to block any warrior from moving.

Such a vision naturally shocked his heart.

The next moment, Penglai Island Master and a group of warriors also felt panic in their hearts.

Being able to seal off the entire Penglai Island within thousands of miles of sea space, such supernatural powers have exceeded the limit of the imagination of ordinary warriors, and even the strongest martial artist will definitely not be able to do it. This secret shot is very likely to far exceed the martial emperor. exist!

Could it be the strange monster who invaded this time! ?

With such thoughts in his heart, the complexions of all the warriors could not help but become even more ugly, but no one dared to speak, their eyes all turned towards the sky that was already distorting.

The vision at the moment has exceeded their limit of understanding. If this is really the breath of a different demon, then such a terrifying existence, they absolutely cannot resist!

There is only one dead end!


Sure enough, a majestic breath suddenly erupted from the top of Penglai Island, like a dragon breaking through the sky, with a mighty momentum, instantly stirring up the wind and clouds of thousands of miles.

It seems that there is something extremely terrible, it must break through the space and break free!

Above the sea, there are already turbulent waves.

Chen Huiyin, the lord of Penglai Island, had a cold face, raised his vigor, and sternly said: "The warriors on Penglai Island lined up, ready to fight the monster!"

"The Ziyun Sect warrior is ready to defend against the enemy, no matter how powerful his alien demon is, I will not retreat in a fight to death!"

Lin Miaoyin also drew out the long sword around her waist, urging her whole body to its extreme state.

Back then, she witnessed Master Ling Tian conquering the world, even if she died ten deaths, his Master never took a step back.

Today, as Ling Tian's apprentice, Lin Miaoyin will definitely not be afraid of anything!

"Hmph, today will be my Penglai Fairy Island fighting for my life. Even if I die all of them, I don't want to let the strange demons look down upon it!"

Chen Huiyin spoke in a cold voice, his eyes swept across the divine consciousness probe, but she didn't notice anything despite the methods she used, and she frowned secretly at the moment.

Although the space above her head was distorted, she didn't know what it was going to be and wanted to rush out.

As soon as her voice fell, a loud roar suddenly came from above the void, and with the rolling sound, the space suddenly split, and that terrifying space energy escaped from the crack.

Chen Huiyin and Lin Miaoyin both exclaimed when they sensed the breath of the crack.

"Space turbulence!"

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