Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1737: Manifestation of truth

"How come this kind of thing, in the past, the alien monsters came only as a storm tearing apart the space, but this space is chaotic, and it is much more powerful than the storm! Even if the Martial Sovereign power enters it, it will be torn to pieces in an instant."

"Could it be that there is an existence that is far beyond the emperor Wuhuang, and a strange demon is coming?"

The scene in front of the warriors was shocked. With his cultivation base, he had never come into contact with such a terrifying spatial turbulence.

"Whatever it is, prepare for a battle!"

Lin Miaoyin trembled all over, not in shock, but in excitement. She pointed at the fissure and exclaimed.

It was under the gaze of Ziyun Sect and the ten thousand warriors on Penglai Island, a figure gradually appeared in the spatial turbulence, seemed to be moving outwards, the form gradually became clear, and a faint voice came from it, "Haha , Miao Yin, I didn't expect that you are now in the late stage of Yuanshen, why, even my breath can't be felt."

The voice was flat, but at this moment it was like a thunderstorm, causing the tens of thousands of warriors to be struck by lightning in an instant, and the body was stiff.

Although the volume is not loud, but in this voice, it seems that there is a tyrannical coercion like an immortal, making their hearts and souls tremble, unable to hold on to themselves.

Not a strange demon, but the breath of the human race!

Moreover, there was no killing intent in these words!

"Not an alien race!?"

What happened before them had completely subverted their long-standing cognition. In the records of this world, there is no record that anyone can walk freely in the turbulence of space.

Even the Emperor Wu could never do it. I'm afraid, this is the most terrifying shuttle method other than the ascent to the upper realm, right?

But now, someone actually walked out of the space turbulence.

Moreover, it is still the human race!

Oh my God, what kind of existence is this, is it possible that the immortal of the upper realm has come down?

"No! This person in the void seems to know the wonderful sound, could it be..."

But at this moment, at the moment when he heard the voice of the figure, the face of Penglai Island Master changed wildly, and his pupils shrank sharply, revealing incredible meaning. In this shock, he was mixed with extremely complicated doubts.

Could it be that the evil evil in the world that had disappeared for fifteen years has returned?

At this time, Lin Miaoyin's body was stiff, and her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the more familiar figure in the spatial turbulence, and her eyes became red involuntarily.

"Master, you are finally back!"

With a cry, Lin Miaoyin had already knelt down in the air, unable to cry.

"My disciple, get up quickly."

Finally, in the eyes of the Ten Thousand Warriors on Ziyun Sect and Penglai Island, either shocked, scared, or dull, Ling Tian stepped out of the space turbulence with one foot, and then took another step.

The white-clothed warrior stood outside the turbulent flow gate of the space, his complexion calm, a pair of dark eyes shining like stars, faintly cold.

A silver hair is dancing in the wind, the brows illuminate the heaven and the earth, and the glow of the sun conceals the body, like an immortal.

At this moment, he finally met his deceased in Nantang.

At the moment when they saw the appearance of the incoming person, the group of warriors who were still surprised instantly understood, and couldn't help taking a breath of air.

They are no strangers to this face. In the Southern Tang Dynasty, every sect and aristocratic family enshrines this person's longevity tablet.

It was this person who once rescued the human race from danger.

On that tablet, there is the light and shadow of this person, they will never forget a little bit in this life!

This figure turned out to be the elder brother of Sect Master Ziyun, the master of Lin Miaoyin, and the biological father of the current Prince of Southern Tang, a peerless martial artist, Ling Tian!

He is back!

At this moment, the warriors who slowed down were all trembling crazily in their hearts!

Who would have thought that Ling Tian would return to Nantang when the alien demon was about to invade ten years apart! ?

Moreover, it now seems that Ling Tian, ​​who has returned to the Southern Tang Dynasty, is even stronger than it was 15 years ago, even, extremely terrifying!

"Disciple of Ziyun Sect, pay homage to Grand Master Ling Tian!"

Finally, tens of thousands of Ziyunzong martial artists, all knelt down in the void, shouting in unison.

The warriors of Penglai Island were surprised, but they seemed a little at a loss.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that during the time I was away, Ziyun Sect had grown so much."

Ling Tian flicked both hands, flicking Lin Miaoyin and the group of Ziyunzong martial artists.

"Wonderful sound, come forward."

Ling Tian greeted, Lin Miaoyin quickly retracted the sword and came forward.

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and pressed it on top of his head. After a moment, he couldn't help nodding.

"Sure enough, your talent hasn't disappointed me, but after all, you are in this world because you have insufficient resources and your skills are not top-notch."

Ling Tian casually took out a cheat book and a brocade box from his sleeve.

"This is the inner strength method, the Ziwei Holy Heaven Scripture, is a quasi-xian technique, enough to allow you to cultivate to the peak of Sanxian. There is Danhe in this box.

However, looking at Lin Miaoyin's dull and ignorant look, Ling Tian suddenly smiled, "Look at me, I'm a little worried."

"Fine, you just keep these things first, and when I have time, I will help you out."

"Miaoyin, thanks to Master!" Lin Miaoyin was already stupid, but still knew that the treasure given by Master was absolutely priceless.

Dang Even put away the cheats and brocade box.

Penglai Island Master and other warriors looked at them, naturally they were extremely envious.

Although they don't know what Sanxian is or Danhe is, but after listening, they know that it is an extraordinary thing.

"Penglai Island Lord Chen Huiyin, meet Senior Ling Tian!"

At this time, the island owner of Penglai finally found the opportunity to come forward to see him.

Although Ling Tian is a junior in terms of age, she is beyond the reach of her cultivation base.

"Oh, it turns out that this place is the Penglai Fairy Island, one of the Four Immortals Mountain.

Ling Tian returned the courtesy, and even frowned: "Disciple, why is there a strange demon aura in this world, and this interface is unstable, it seems that something is about to come?"

"Ah! By the way, Master, Tu'er almost forgot. Today is a ten-year limit for the arrival of the alien monster, and this time the arrival of the alien monster will be unprecedentedly terrifying!"

Lin Miaoyin exclaimed.

Sure enough, before she finished speaking, the void that had been restored surging again, a stream of black strange demon aura escaped from the gap, but in a moment, it enveloped hundreds of miles of the sea.

The silhouettes of different demons fell from the sky.

In half a cup of tea, an army of tens of thousands of different demons has been formed.

"Hehe, interesting, it seems that I really haven't set foot in the air yet."

"Something to die!"

Ling Tian turned around, looking at the menacing alien demon army, a hideous and evil smile appeared on Jun Yi's face.

It has been a long time since he opened the killing ring.

Although, these touches in front of him are just the existence that can be destroyed by his fingers.

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