Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1738: Prince Ling Nian

Facing the densely packed alien demon army and fleet, Ling Tian stood alone in front of the human warrior, his white clothes and white hair was rolled up by the gust of wind instigated by the alien demon, grinning.

Once, he fought for the human race and killed countless enemies.

Now, facing such a large army of strange demons, it is just a small scene.

But the army of different demons didn't know Ling Tian, ​​nor did they feel that Ling Tian had converged, like a mortal aura.

Among the army of different demons, there are powerful different demons with the fighting power as strong as the emperor. In addition, there are dozens of strong primordial spirits behind them.

In addition to that tens of thousands of different demons army.

With such a combat power, Chen Huiyin and other Terran warriors had lingering fears.

This is too terrifying, not to mention a Penglai fairy island, even if there are tens of thousands of warriors coming this time, they will definitely not be the opponent of the alien demon.

Who would have thought that there would be so many alien demons coming in a mere East China Sea direction.

"Human, ants!"

"Put down your weapons and accept death!"

"You, will be honored by dying in the hands of the noble monster!"

The alien demon with the fighting power of Emperor Wu used blunt human language to yell at Ling Tian and the group of human warriors.

"Put down your weapons and kill on the spot!"

Behind him, tens of thousands of strange monsters also raised their weapons, the mountains whispered and the tsunami, and the momentum caused the calm sea to shook violently, and the storm swept through, which was extremely frightening.

If it weren't for Ling Tian, ​​many human warriors would have weakened their legs.


However, Ling Tian raised his eyes, but only spit out one word.

Then, he slowly raised his eyes.

"what did you say!?"

That Wuhuang strange demon was furious.

Trivial human race, dare they go?

However, spitting out a word is already a great honor for Ling Tian to the other party.

And he was even more lazy to do it.

His eyes narrowed slightly, just a look in his eyes swept away, and the boundless momentum suddenly rose.

A shocking weather burst out of Ling Tian's body. The strength of this breath was far beyond the endurance limit of this sea area. The storm swept away like an invisible wind blade, and the space in front of him collapsed in an instant.

This collapse was not the tearing apart of the space by the Martial Emperor, but the annihilation of the nature of the space. Once the eruption broke out, the destructive power was extremely terrifying.

The rules seem to collapse. Those alien monsters, no matter how strong or weak they are, and no matter what means they use to resist, they are all in vain.

Any weapon and formation method instantly turned into powder.

Annihilation, complete annihilation.

Under the astonishing gaze of Chen Huiyin, Lin Miaoyin and others, the tens of thousands of different magic warriors who were still aggressive just now only took three breaths and turned into a layer of pitch black powder, flying over the sea indiscriminately.

And this, Ling Tian was just a glance.

He didn't even bother to lift his hands.

What is horror, perhaps, this is horror.

Ling Tian's current combat power is simply the master of this world!

While breathing, destroy the army of tens of thousands of alien demons, even the powerful alien demons of the Emperor Wu's combat power level.

At the click of a finger, the dust was wiped out.

"Master, good, so strong."

"Senior Ling Tian's cultivation base is already so terrifying?"

Lin Miaoyin and Chen Huiyin couldn't calm down the excitement in their hearts for a long time.

"Ah, Master! I almost forgot, now Zhongzhou is the real crisis."

"When you fought against the demon, the sky that was torn apart hasn't been healed for fifteen years. That's the main channel for alien demon invading!"

‘Now that the strange demon that has descended from the East China Sea is so powerful, it must be even more terrifying on the Zhongzhou side! ’

"Master, go and rescue the human race in Zhongzhou!"

Ling Tian turned around and sneered: "Don't worry, even a strange demon can't escape."

"How much does it come, how many deaths!"

"Senior Ling Tian, ​​according to the current situation, the alien demons that come from Zhongzhou should not be underestimated. The other three sea areas are also very likely to descend on powerful aliens, and we are the only one..."

Chen Huiyin's face was also full of worry.

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about that, someone else has already gone."

"Now, let's go to Zhongzhou!"

Ling Tian waved his hand, Xiaoqing’s huge three-thousand-foot body directly manifested above the sky, covering the sky from the sun, making Penglai Fairy Island seem to be plunged into darkness.

This is not enough to surprise them.

Lin Miaoyin and the others were dumbfounded, and they clearly saw that after the behemoth manifested, the void was torn again, and among the turbulent currents, there were several figures stepping out of it.

Although these lights and shadows are male and female, they are undoubtedly not Xia Yi Jin Jia, shining thousands of feet, extremely dazzling!

Every figure and breath on his body are terrifying!

Only now did they understand that Ling Tian was not alone in returning to Nantang this time.

Instead, he brought back so many powerful people!

Why can't you worry about that strange demon?


Ling Tian already had a big hand at this time, and he rolled up a group of relatively good powerhouses such as Chen Huiyin and Lin Miaoyin, then disappeared into the void and headed straight for Zhongzhou.

Here, there are strange formations everywhere, used to hurry, can't be faster.

Zhongzhou, inside and outside Tianjue Mountain.

In the old days, there were fascinating sounds here day and night, all day long.

Back then, Human Race Ling Tian was here, fighting the Emperor Wu Tianma in the ultimate battle, saving countless human creatures.

In the end, Terran Ling Tian and a group of Terran powerhouses jumped out of the Jue Patio, never going back.

So far, they are all remembered.

And these fifteen years have passed, the Southern Tang Dynasty has become more prosperous, and the martial arts level has skyrocketed.

Within the territory, there is more than one person who possesses the military power.

Now the most powerful in Nantang is Crown Prince Ling Nian.

When the prince Ling Nian and the princess Ling Sisi were born, the dragon and phoenix manifested.

Among them, the Prince's Martial Emperor was even in the Jiurong Pagoda, and couldn't be found. All the martial spirit steles in the world could not detect the martial spirit level of Prince Ling Nian.

Because it is a seven-color divine light, which can evolve into beasts, weapons, clouds, water and fire, all kinds of changes, whatever you want.

Moreover, the prince also inherited a complete set of Wuhun from the beginning of the Rock Jietian, he directly condensed the golden body at the age of three, the five-year-old Dharma image, the ten-year-old soul, and at the age of fourteen, he spent the night before the Tianjueshan Jupiter. Achieve the realm of Emperor Wu.

Now, it has been a year since the prince achieved the realm of Emperor Wu, and his combat power is far more than Emperor Wu, and he is invincible in the world.

Under it, Cui Zhuer, the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty and the little princess Ling Sisi, the great generals Luo Zijun, Li Qingcheng and Cui Zhan, the owners of the Thunder Soul Soul in the early days, as well as Jianhou Gainie, the first sect of the Ziyun Sect, Ling Xiao Er, as well as Ling Tian's sisters Ling Qiu'er and Yin Biluo, have achieved the position of Emperor Wu in the past fifteen years.

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