Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1777: Wasteland Bandit Ling Tian Stubborn

"Hehe, Gu Chen, it seems that you are really extraordinary!"

Ling Tian sneered. Of course he was not afraid of such toxins, whether in the lower realm or the upper realm.

What's more, Gu Chen's poison is not so clever.

Ling Tian immediately urged Jian Ying to force out all the bloodshots in the body with the sword shadow.

The toxin turned into a dark red drop of blood, suspended above Ling Tian's finger.

Ling Tian still couldn't tell what kind of poison it was, but he still filled it with a bottle.

The way of the person also governs the person's body

He wants to return this drop of poison to Gu Chen himself!

"you're awake!?"

At this time, the fan in the cave trembled, and the formation barrier fell.

Then Zhao Min walked out with a smile.

It turned out that she never left, but set up a formation in the cave.

"Well, thank you Miss Zhao for her life-saving grace!"

Ling Tian quickly got up and bowed his hands to Zhao Min.

In any case, Ling Tian owed Zhao Min's love.

"It's okay, you are very important to entering that ancient cave, and you can also refine alchemy and refining stones, and I am a talent, so... only to save you."

"You don't have to think too much."

Zhao Min saw Ling Tian staring at her, and for a while, his eyes flickered.

"Also, ten days ago, if you hadn't beaten the strong Qingman Snake clan with a hammer, I'm afraid it would be me who was injured."

"Besides, you are too reckless. I have a lot of means in my hands. Even if I lose, I can protect you and me, but you have to work hard."

Zhao Min shook his head and sighed.

"Hehe, I act in the sky, always upright, Ms. Zhao doesn't owe me, so I won't put Ms. Zhao in danger, even if you have the means to protect yourself, but I don't allow any accidents to happen."

Ling Tian chuckled lightly, and she was no longer handsome, but on top of her calm and introverted fortitude face, she exuded a breath of mature charm.

Even, it is overbearing.

Zhao Min's heart was shocked.

She has never caught a cold with the kind of handsome but childish nobleman.

But someone who was as mature and domineering as Ling Tian made her heart suddenly bump into the path.

This feeling is unprecedented.

Zhao Min, what are you thinking about!

How do you see this Ling Tian, ​​your persistence is gone! ?

No, you are the bloodline of the immortal king who wants to inherit the roots of Zhao Guo. You must not be emotional at this time!

This Ling Tian is just a flag for you to strengthen yourself!

However, at this moment, in Zhao Min's mind, heaven and man were fighting, and there was a voice that seemed to sound in Zhao Min's mind.

This made Zhao Min's face instantly return to normal, and the plain hands in his sleeves clenched tightly.

Taking a sigh of relief, Zhao Min just faintly said a word.


Ling Tian nodded. For a moment, the two of them faced each other. One was speechless. The atmosphere was a little frozen and awkward. Only that Xiaobai was lying on Ling Tian's shoulder, looking at Zhao Min, then Ling Tian, ​​meowing.

Bang bang!

But at this moment, a few muffled noises came from outside the cave, breaking the embarrassing situation in the cave.

Ling Tian was stunned immediately, his ears moved lightly, his divine consciousness spread through the formation outside the cave, even if he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's Human Race!?"

Ling Tian rolled his eyes, "Miss Zhao, where is this place!?"

According to Zhao Min, he had been in a coma for ten days. He only remembered that he had summoned Xiaoqing before, but he didn't know where he ended up.

When Zhao Min heard the words, he raised his bare hand and scattered the light and shadow of the map in the jade slip in his hand in front of Ling Tian.

Then he pointed to a point and said: "Look, this is the Youhuang Mountain which belongs to the border of the Qingman Snake Clan. Qingman Mountain is here, and here is the Qingmang abandoned mine, which is the place where the ancient cave mansion is located. ."

"It's almost 100,000 miles away from us, and now we are between the wasteland and Youhuang Mountain Range, here! I let Xiaoqing make a big circle, rounding around from behind the Qingman tribe army."

Ling Tian took a deep breath. He didn't expect it to happen. He had been in a coma for ten days, and he had already crossed the wasteland mountain range.

"Then why is there a human race here!?"

"Moreover, it looks like it was still hunted down!"

Ling Tian thought for a while, and he picked up the Fengyou fan that was leaning against the stone bed and was about to go out.

"What are you going to do!?"

However, Zhao Min grabbed Ling Tian's arm.

"Of course to save people!"

"Outside, the warriors of our human race are being hunted down. I can't stand idly by."

Ling Tian said lightly.

"You seem to sound calm, why are you so soft-hearted?"

"Don't you know what the situation is now!?"

"The Qingman Snake Clan almost came out of their nests and went to war with the Human Clan. Such a big move is absolutely extraordinary. Although the Qingmang army has gone away, it is still too close to the Qingmang territory after all!"

"You are not afraid of encountering a Qingman warrior of the earth immortal level!?"

Zhao Min frowned anxiously.

With her disposition of being in a chaotic battlefield for many years, she has seen too many scenes where such a human race is being hunted down and even being tortured!

"So what's wrong? It's not my Lingtian character that I can't save you from death."

"And even if there is an earth fairy, I have to try it!"

Ling Tian broke away from Zhao Min's hand and walked out of the cave.

"Ling Tian! There are so many human races being hunted down, even if you and I want to save, can you save it!?"

Zhao Min was really helpless.

"If you can't save it, you have to save it. How much can be saved, how much can be saved!"

Ling Tian fanned out without looking back.

"Tsk, hey, this idiot!"

Zhao Min took a deep breath, stomped his foot, and chased him out.


"Haha, I didn't expect that we just sneaked into the back of this battlefield, and we gained something!"

"These human martial artists hiding in the dark are all disciples of Zuiyun Pavilion of Xiaofeng City. It's a **** cheap price for us!"

Amidst the dense forest and gully, there were shouts and screams. During this period, there were also foul language, which was extremely unpleasant.

And streamers flying above the dense forest are a group of human women with scattered clothes, but fair skin and enchanting figure.

The cultivation of these women is not low, and they are all in the final stage of Sanxian to the perfect state, in Xiaofeng City, they are already regarded as good juniors.

But at this time, their delicate faces were full of panic and despair. Although the vitality in their bodies had obviously dried up, they still bit their red lips and ran desperately.

Because behind them is a group of wasteland bandits riding on ferocious mounts!

These bandits are also humans, but they are dressed in mottled armor, with ugly faces and various weapons in their hands. There are hundreds of them!

Not only that, but the strength of these bandits is also good. Not only is there a large number of people, but there is also a peak of Sanxian, a bandit leader who has been half a step away. At this time, he is halfway among the bandits, a flying boat. Above.

With this kind of combat power, in the wasteland, he was already considered a relatively tyrannical bandit.

These bandits have always been unscrupulous. Whether they are from the Qingpi Snake Clan or the Human Clan, as long as they are not as strong as theirs, they will directly looted them, and if they encounter the signs of beauty, they will directly **** and commit adultery.

This time, although it was not the beautiful snake demon from the Qingman Snake Clan, the disciple of Zuiyun Pavilion was also in Xiaofeng City and was known for his beauty.

Now that they have met in this wasteland, how can there be any reason to let it go.

Therefore, they chased and killed them all the way, vowing to capture them all in order to vent the beast and desire.

"My sons, don't play anymore, in order not to have many dreams at night, quickly capture these beauties and find a cave to have a good time!"

"We still have to make a fortune!"

At this moment, the bandit leader in the flying boat screamed, and behind him shot several Sanxian Dzogchen human bandits.

The speed reached the extreme, tearing through the void, crossing over to the dozen or so female disciples of Zuiyun Pavilion, stopping them all.

"You guys, what are you doing!?"

When the female disciples were stopped, Hua Rong suddenly turned pale, and they trembled all over when they thought of being tainted by these ugly and disgusting guys.

They had escaped the Qingman tribe's army by accident and were safe, but they didn't expect that they would end up in the hands of bandits of the same tribe!

"What are you doing!? The girls are so attractive, if you don't let us have a good time, wouldn't it be the first time in this world!?"

"Don't worry, we brothers have excellent kung fu, even if it is the female demon of the Qingman Snake Clan, we can deal with it, and promise to make you beauties, lusty and dying!"

Those bandits who stopped the female disciple of Zuiyun Pavilion had lewd smiles on their faces, and their saliva flowed out uncontrollably.

It looks like an extinct humanity, it looks more like a **** beast!

"We, we are the disciples of Zuiyun Pavilion, if you move me, we Zuiyun Pavilion will definitely not let you bandits go!"

A female disciple boldly said.

Their pavilion master is the earth fairy in Xiaofeng City, and their prestige is still extremely high on weekdays.

"Haha, it's really ridiculous, you don't have to wait to see what realm this is! What's more, the Howling Wind City has been breached, and your pavilion may be dead!"

The bandits laughed wildly.

"Fools, talk nonsense with them, quickly capture them, catch the most tempting of them, and dedicate them to the leader!"

Under the flying boat, the little leader said angrily.

"Hey, kids, let's do it!"

All of a sudden, these bandits smiled and stretched out their hands, trying to capture these women.

"Damn thing, how can Human Race have your scumbags!"

But at this moment, from the dense forest below, there was a sudden shout.

Before these bandits were surprised, a black wind swept out from below!

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