Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1778: My fate has been tricked [thanks to the boss of Jiangsu Kete]

But the speed of this black wind was too fast, like thunder and roaring, they could only raise their swords and condensed gas shields one after another, trying to resist.

Puff puff!

But everything was in vain, and the black wind swallowed all the human warriors who had surrounded them, and in an instant, the sound of explosions and tearing bones continued.

After the black wind swept through, the female disciples of Zuiyun Pavilion widened their eyes one by one, in shock.

Because, at this time, the bandits who were still swearing and swearing were all turned into flesh and blood and fell from the sky.

The dead can't die anymore.

As soon as he shot, he instantly killed more than a dozen bandits who had perfected Sanxian, and until now, they have never appeared, just a black wind swept through. Such combat power is really impressive.

Not far away, the bandits who caught up looked at each other. Although their faces were furious, none of them dared to speak any more.

Although these bandits are extremely vicious, they are also the ones who have always bullied the soft and feared the hard.

"Who! Who dares to ruin me Chen Hubao's good deeds and die for me!"

At this time, a voice that resembled a roar of a tiger suddenly violent from the generation of flying boats.

With a loud bang, a figure flickered out of it under the eruption of soaring evil spirits.

His height is over ten feet tall, his back is hunky, his face is dark, he is holding a giant axe in his hands, and staring at the dense forest below with a pair of blood-red eyes.

"Bandit!? Haha, you look like this, and you deserve to be alive too!?"

There was another Lang Lang, and the next moment, a figure slowly rose from the dense forest, standing in front of the bandit leader.

Today Ling Tian, ​​although still wearing the simple armor of a subordinate of Zhang's Mansion, is now almost comparable to Sanxian's peak combat power, and his temperament is no longer vulgar.

At this moment, he was holding the black iron fan in his hand, looking at the bandits coldly.

He originally thought that it was the Qingman Snake Clan who was chasing and killing the human warriors, but he never expected that he would encounter such a group of human scum!

"who are you?"

The bandit leader Chen Hubao took a look at Ling Tian, ​​and then sneered: "It's really interesting, a servant of the mansion dare to come to me in front of Chen Hubao arrogantly!?"

"Why, I think your current combat power can make you a hero in this wasteland!? It's ridiculous!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly, raised the iron fan in his hand like a sword, and pointed at Chen Hubao, "So what? You don't forgive me!"

"Stupid things, seemingly innocent **** like you, I don't know how many Chen Hubao killed!"

"Today, I will capture you and let you watch, how I ravaged these beauties!"

Chen Hubao was furious, and immediately the power of Sanxian peak exploded. He raised his battle axe with his big hands and slashed directly down.

The axe gleams with the heavy mountains and endless sharpness, on which tigers and leopards roar, with a gust of wind engulfing Qianzhang sharp, wanting to swallow Ling Tian directly!

Chen Hubao had existed in the wasteland for hundreds of years, and his actions were extremely harsh.

This axe is already his full blow!

In the peak of Sanxian, there are few enemies!

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and he also saw that the opponent's axe was so powerful and poor, and the burst of combat power was even close to Gu Chen, the first arrogant of Shuo Fang!

But wanting to suppress him with a single axe, I still think a little too much!

Although he felt that killing these bandits was dirtying his own hands, Ling Tian still snorted coldly, raised his hand, condensed into the sky with a sword light, and slashed out!

The fifth level of Taishang Swordsmanship, open the world!

This sword, in Ling Tian's Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship, is second only to the sixth level of five swords in one!

In Ling Tian's year, it was enough to smash the peak of the immortal.

Now that the sword is cut down, even if it is not blessed by the Longyuan Sword, under the insufficiency of the crazy sword shadow, it is still extremely terrifying!


With a blast, Ling Tian's soaring sword light and the slashed axe man shook each other, and in an instant, they were both up and down!

Chen Hubao was shocked, and never thought that Ling Tian's sword domain power would be so tyrannical, it didn't look like a top-level sword domain power.

Moreover, the powerful burst of this sword move made him even more unacceptable!

With such kendo attainments, it's hard to say that this person is the Fuyun Sword Sect who was born in the first Haoran city of the Xijiang human race. ?

However, before Chen Hubao was surprised, the light of the sword and axe shook in the sky with a crack, which made his face change greatly.

Because the opponent's sword is like breaking the world, unstoppable!

After three breaths, he directly battled his axe light, slashing towards him delicately!


With an exclamation, Chen Hubao immediately raised his tomahawk on his chest.

That Jianmang was too fast, he could only block it subconsciously.


But there was another explosion, sparks splashed, and the sharp sword light not only engulfed Chen Hubao, but even shattered the top quasi-celestial war axe in his hand, and the sword energy tore his heavy armor, almost half of him. The body was torn apart.


With a scream, Chen Hubao fell directly from the sky.

Facing Ling Tian's full-strength sword, he couldn't resist at all with his uninherited wild way.

However, Chen Hubao was cut down by Ling Tian with a sword, making the bandits suddenly terrified.

They did not expect to provoke such a cruel person today.

Immediately, they looked at each other and were about to run away.

"I see who dares to leave!"

"If anyone moves, I will shoot him into a hornet's nest!"

However, behind the bandit, Zhao Min flew out of the dense forest, holding a bright quasi-immortal longbow in his hand. The light arrow had been wound, and above the tip of the arrow, the sharp sharpness tore the space, which was extremely stunning.

Now, none of the bandits who were greedy for life and fear of death dared to move.

"The son is spared, we are all innocent, and we are forced to become bandits!"

"It's Chen Hubao who threatened us, so don't kill us!"

"We can be a bull and a horse for the young man, and follow right and left!"

The bandits knelt down one after another, crying, their most fear is death.

Ling Tian retracted the long sword, his face was frosty.

Killing this group of scum is really disgusting.


At this time, one of the female disciples behind him suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood.

Ling Tian turned around and hurried forward.

"Are you okay, miss?"

Ling Tian flicked his hands and helped the woman who was vomiting blood up, wanting to see how this woman was injured.

However, the woman raised her head, but Ling Tian was slightly startled.

Because the temples were scattered, he didn't see it clearly. Now when he looked up, he found that this woman was very beautiful, and even her eyebrows seemed to have infinite charm.

This kind of coquettish sorrow is simply the only thing Ling Tianping has seen in his life.

Seeing Ling Tian's face changed, Zhao Min let out a cold snort, fell from the sky and stood beside Ling Tian, ​​and looked over with a slight jealousy.

"My son, Anu is fine, but again, sisters Anuti, thanks to Mr. Xie for saving my life."

"Anu has nothing to do with it. This is the treasure I treasure. Please accept it."

With that, the woman took out a crystal pink bead from her sleeve.

At the moment when the beads appeared, Ling Tian's spirit and sword shadow suddenly shook, but before he could see clearly, Zhao Min beside him exclaimed.

"No, it's the Snake Clan's fateful soul pill!"

However, Zhao Min reminded that it was too late. The beads in the woman's hand exploded in an instant. Amidst the shock, a pink smoke instantly enveloped the surrounding area.

At the moment when they were exposed to the pink smoke, the enveloping group of Drunken Yunge women and the bandits were all red with blood.

Even Ling Tian and Zhao Min are no exception. They are all sour and soft, and their hearts are getting hot, like an ant crawling.

This life and soul pill, turned out to be aphrodisiac and soothing power!

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