Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1786: Xianguang Ju

The sudden murderous intent caused Zhao Min and others to be shocked, and their hairs stood up.

The horror of this place is far beyond their imagination.

"Stupid things."

Ling Tian shook his head, snorted coldly, and walked into the palace gate.

"Ling Tian, ​​be careful!"

Behind him, Lu Zhiyao reminded him.

"It's okay, as long as you don't touch things indiscriminately, nothing will happen."

"The real challenge is behind this palace gate."

However, Ling Tian was not afraid at all and walked straight into the palace gate.

"Let's go, let's go over, anyway, we must get your spirit bones this time!"

Zhao Min pulled the rumored hand before landing.

"Sister Min, have you been with Ling Tian these days!?"

However, Lu Zhiyao grabbed Zhao Min and asked suddenly.

"Uh, yes, but he was seriously injured and has been in a coma. He only woke up recently. Don't think about it."

Zhao Min nodded.

"Well, that's good, let's go!"

Lu Zhiyao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, holding the spear, and the two women entered the palace gate side by side.

Behind him, Gu Chen's expression changed, but it was as gloomy as ever.

Seeing that Ling Tian's back figure is drifting away, the murderous intent in his eyes has become more and more intense.

"I'll see how arrogant you can be, hehe, you will die after being hit by my bloodline and poisoning your heart!"

Gu Chen snorted coldly, holding the bright fairy sword, flew out, directly surpassed Ling Tian, ​​and walked in front of everyone.

He, to ensure his position in the team, must not be shaken.

At the same time, countless streamers flew from all directions around Qingman Mountain.

Among these flowing light figures, almost all human martial artists, and none of them are weak, the worst are in the realm of Sanxian Great Perfection.

So many warriors, but just a short tea time, almost thousands of people gathered!

These warriors are hiding around the wasteland, avoiding the chaos of war.

In the chaotic battlefield, not all races will fight **** battles with foreign races for the city and homeland. They only ask for it, but they will go down.

However, when Qingman Mountain's skyrocketing vision became large, it attracted them all.

Seeing that the huge mountain body of Qingman Mountain has been shattered by the breath of countless dark holes, the hearts of these warriors are beating crazy.

One by one, their faces became a little savage with excitement, and the fiery meaning in their eyes could no longer hide.

Such a terrifying vision inevitably proves that there is an ancient cave mansion in it, and it is definitely not an ordinary chance.

And when these warriors rushed into the cave, directly crossed the barrier that had been lost and isolated, and saw the ancient palace walls and corridors that returned to the palace, they were even more ecstatic!

Ancient Tomb!

Although a large tomb of this size seems to have been silent for tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years, the techniques left by the owner of the tomb, such as treasures, medicines, and spiritual herbs, are completely likely to have withstood the test of endless time. , If you can get them into your hands, what a chance this will be!

The tomb is right in front of you, and the treasure seems to be at your fingertips. Faced with such a chance and temptation, how can these human warriors who escape the war be resisted! ? .

The most important thing is that there are not many human warriors within a million miles of this wasteland, and Qingman Mountain is a place that the Qingman Snake Clan would never step into.

Therefore, this Dongfu appeared, and there were not many strong people who came to compete.

Therefore, if you don't fight for it at this time, it's really unreasonable.

If it were in the past, all the tombs with such amazing visions would be the top powerhouses of the human race going in first, and the earth immortals would not stand idly by. Treasures and chances would definitely be searched by those strong people, and they would be able to find them. The oil and water that arrive is extremely pitiful.

In the so-called wealth and danger, every warrior regards the sudden appearance of the tomb as an opportunity for them, so they all laughed wildly and rushed in along the small door under the city wall.

It seems that the scale of this ancient tomb is huge, and whoever enters it first will get the chance first.

However, shortly after these warriors flew like a city wall, they heard one after another, horrified and miserable wailing.

"No, it's an ancient tomb warrior!"


"Too many!"

"The warrior puppet at the peak of Sanxian!"

"This is a dangerous place!"

However, despite the continuous howling inside the city wall, the warriors who fell from the outside still marched forward and flowed into it fearlessly.

As for the one who escaped, none at all!

At the same time, from the three main entrances of Gumu, three figures flew in.

However, different from those strong human beings in the realm of Sanxian Great Perfection, these three figures are more powerful than the other.

Moreover, behind their heads, there is a brilliant backlight floating, although the colors are different, they can be recognized at a glance!

Because that circle of backlight is too obvious, it's like the difference between a mortal and a fairy, heaven and earth.

"The fairy light gathers on the top, it is the earth fairy!"

"Earth fairy!"

"Where is this Tianjiao, the ground immortal cultivation base is so young!"

Under the palace wall, those warriors looked at the earth immortal descending from the sky, and they were shocked.

There is a gap between the realm of scattered immortals and the earth immortals, and when the aura of the earth immortals is full, the celestial light all over the body will converge to the top, extremely bright and dazzling, anyone can see it.

The earth immortal has only one celestial light on the top, the earth celestial being nine layers, and a piece of celestial light, there are also nine layers of patterns, and the color and brilliance of the fairy light are also related to the physical attributes of the martial artist and the cultivation method.

Further up, there are two fairy lights manifesting in Tianxian. The legendary Sanhua Juding is the existence of Jinxian, but in Xijiang, Terran warriors have never seen the existence of a human tribe with Sanhua Juding.

But no matter what, the young fairy in front of them was still enough to shock them.

Obviously, these are the real pride!

"Hmph, with such a chance, so many flies have been attracted!"

"Just by you, you also want to get involved in this ancient tomb, all go to death!"

The immortal descended from the sky, but his gaze was full of contempt and disgust, as if he saw a group of dirty wild dogs, the swords in his hand swept out directly, and the storm magic power of thousands of feet swept directly, so Wherever they pass, the warriors outside the palace walls are all dead,

In front of the earth fairy, they are fragile, just like the ants.

And this heavenly pride descended from three directions is, of course, Jiang Yingfeng, the son of the Lord of Xiaofeng City, Lin Yusheng, a disciple of the Thunder Valley of Haoran City, and the first heavenly arrogant of Xijiang, the son of the Lord of Heavenly Immortal Haoran, Murongzi, who was teleported by the method Yan now.

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