Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1787: Psychic manifestation of the Holy Spirit sword domain

When they saw the magnificent ancient tomb of the underground palace in front of them, they were more excited than anyone else, and immediately swept the surrounding warriors, and then flew directly into the ancient tomb.

Within a short time, within the palace wall, there was a burst of explosive sounds, but after a while, these sounds disappeared.

No matter what is inside the palace wall, at the periphery, these arrogances can't be blocked at all.

Inside the palace.

Everyone in Ling Tian stepped into the tunnel, along the way, there were various organs, and from time to time, extremely fierce beams of magical powers would burst out.

Fortunately, there are such formation masters as Zhao Min in the team, and the general organs were all cracked by Zhao Min first.

Of course, Ling Tian didn't make a move, otherwise he would crack faster.

Soon, everyone passed through the tunnel and stepped into the first hall since entering the underground palace.

However, when Ling Tian and the others saw the scene in the hall clearly, they couldn't help taking a breath.

The ground of this wide space is neatly covered with countless lifelike statues of various colors. These statues are all carved from extremely rare ores, with a faint flame rising all over their bodies. They look like a living soldier of the ancient human race. And military commanders.

The statues are arranged very neatly, holding all kinds of weapons, spears, halberds, epee shields, and each of them looks mighty or hideous, and the level of detail, even including the hair on the face, and armor. The cracks are clearly manifested.

Even some statues are still mounted on various war horses. Those war horses are like living creatures. From a distance, they all exude a tyrannical aura, and they are no longer under the Great Perfection.

God knows, this is artificially carved, or directly refined into a puppet, it can be fake.

And the number is large, just like a group of ancient armies.

These thousands of statues are arranged together, naturally exuding a soaring aura, majestic and vigorous, making people feel shocked.

"Oh my God, are these things the owner of the tomb who wants to lead the army to conquer the Yellow Springs of Hell after death!?"

Zhao Min looked at everything in front of him and muttered to himself.

"Perhaps, but be careful. These things can not only fight Huangquan, but also bury all the existence that invaded the underground palace here!"

Ling Tian took a deep breath. He had cultivated too much nerves before, and he could feel the power of divine consciousness and murderous intent from these statues.

"Hehe, so what, but they are all dead things, and they can turn the sky upside down!"

"If you're afraid of waiting, you can follow me obediently!"

At this time, Gu Chen sneered, and finally started to move first.

He flew down, the golden brilliance of the peak of Sanxian bloomed all over his body, holding the fairy sword in his hand, and stepped into the hall.


However, at the moment when his foot fell on the main hall, under the ground, mysterious light patterns lit up, and the sound of clank sounded like a formation that suddenly opened, and the statues around Gu Chen, They all turned around one by one, the pupils suddenly lit up, as if they had come to life.

"The imperial palace runner, die!"


The statues let out a dry growl, and the next moment they were holding their swords and killing Gu Chen.

"Huh, mere warriors, dare to be me Gu Chen?"

However, the powerful Gu Chen was naturally unmoved. The fairy sword in his hand danced wildly, and the sword arts were unfolded one after another. The sword aura overflowed and shook above the warriors.

However, what surprised Gu Chen was that although the supernatural powers cut off by these warriors were not strong, the armor, or the body of the warriors, was very tough.

With the immortal sword in his hand, he couldn't swipe one piece with one sword.

Not only that, as the formation was slowly forging on the main hall, more and more statues came alive, turned into warriors, and killed Gu Chen.

One person is against a hundred, maybe Gu Chen can

But in the face of such an army of thousands of warriors, even Gu Chen was frightened.

After a while, he was forced back.

"Hehe, don't watch it, let's do it too, but you two be careful and follow me behind!"

Ling Tian shook his head. Now that he saw Gu Chen's embarrassment, he really couldn't afford much challenge.

He has been restored to his position as an immortal, and he no longer puts Gu Chen in his eyes at all. Now, looking at it, he feels a little ridiculous.

But Ling Tian's words made Lu Zhiyao a little uncomfortable.

"Ling Tian, ​​your injury just happened, so you're going to do it again, don't forget, you are my Lu Zhiyao person!"

However, Ling Tian didn't pay attention to it, drew out Fengyou fan and jumped out of the tunnel.

The Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship was directly used, and the profound swordsmanship achieved Ling Tian's magical powers, which was not only extremely beautiful, but also powerful.

Before ascending, Ling Tian's sword domain power had already reached the top level.

Nowadays, although Ling Tian doesn’t know what his kendo attainments are, he is definitely better than before soaring.

Bang bang bang!

With a loud blast, Ling Tian closed the Fengyou fan in his hands, and the tyrannosaurus roared in bursts, and between the howls, the warriors that had been killed fell to pieces.

These seemingly powerful warriors were in front of Ling Tian, ​​like chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a blow.

Its killing speed is not even weaker than that of Gu Chen, who holds an immortal sword weapon and possesses the peak combat power of Sanxian!

This scene finally surprised Lu Zhiyao.

Ling Tian seemed to be fierce before he was injured!

Moreover, the sword fields condensed with sharp sword intent that diffused around Ling Tian's body made Ling Tian seem like a sword god, with unstoppable sharpness.

"Hey, this...is it a spirit level sword domain!?"

Not only Lu Zhiyao whispered, but Gu Chen in the distance also had unbelief in his eyes.

Above the top sword domain, kendo attainments can be extraordinary and psychic.

It is the so-called spirit level sword domain!

The layers of sword light surrounding Ling Tian's body now clearly looked like a psychic manifestation.

But now even Gu Chen, the recognized genius of Shuofang City’s number one swordsmanship, has only realized the top-level sword domain, and has not yet psyched it up!

The spirit level sword domain, blessing Ling Tian's combat power, can even smooth out his advantage in weapon and cultivation base!

How could Gu Chen accept this! ?

"What a perverted guy."

At this time, Lu Zhiyao also had to admit that Ling Tian's tyrannical force now far exceeded his expectations.

Of course, this also made Lu Zhiyao more convinced that Ling Tian came from the lower realm.

Therefore, he also murmured, raised his spear, and rushed into the hall with Zhao Min.

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