Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1802: Lei Ming Gu Lin Yusheng

Although there is a barrier here, how can you resist Ling Tian?

Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao also surrounded them. They were also full of curiosity and expectation for the unknown area.

Such an ancient tomb just got some elixir, but they would never be reconciled.

Sure enough, after a cup of tea, Ling Tian finally broke the ground formation.


Underground, a sound of organs slowly opened a dark door in the sound of clicking.

Inside the gate, you can faintly see the stone steps extending downward.

"Okay, let's go."

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth raised up triumphantly at this time.

Maybe that Murong Ziyan didn't expect that there is still a cave below here, right?

Perhaps, the treasures and opportunities inside are even more precious than the immortal soldiers of the day!

The two women followed Ling Tian, ​​carefully down the stone steps.

To the surprise of the three of them, the depth of this stone step is as long as a hundred miles. God knows how deep this underground is.

And the fiery heat that induced Ling Tian's anomaly became clearer.


Finally, Ling Tian held the Long Yuan sword and stood in front of a stone gate.

Above the stone gate, there is a group of blue flame totem.

What made Ling Tian frowned slightly was that this flame actually had forty-eight layers, twelve layers more than his candle dragon flame.

In addition, in the flame totem, a huge coffin was depicted impressively, on which a deep figure was depicted like dripping blood.

Apart from this, there is nothing else.

"If you didn't guess wrong, this should be the so-called coffin room after Shimen. Ling Tian, ​​be careful."

Zhao Min reminded.

In the hall outside, the four-tiered giant puppet of the Earth Immortal had appeared. The secret room below is so deep, it should be protected by something stronger.

"Well, follow me."

Ling Tian nodded, and immediately pressed behind him on the stone gate.

What surprised the three of them was that the stone gate opened at the sound, but it was very easy.

"It really is the coffin room!"

The three stepped into it.

There is a lot of space on this floor, and it looks like a big radius.

And it was very dark, even though the Long Yuan sword in Ling Tian's hand was extremely bright, it still couldn't completely dispel the gloom.


Lu Zhiyao couldn't help exclaiming when the vicious ghosts appeared all around in the dimness.

But when they looked closely, everyone found that it was just a mural totem painted on the wall.

It's just because the portrayal is extremely delicate, under the dim light, it seems to be alive.

"This mural should record the life of the owner of the tomb."

Zhao Min followed the light on his body and looked at all the murals on the surrounding walls.

Above, there are scenes of generals fighting and fighting, and the hesitant generals are mighty and ferocious, so they look bloody, like **** evil spirits.

"However, this mural is very obvious. The one buried here should be a general of the human race in ancient times, the general tomb..."

Zhao Min frowned slightly, "In this way, this general was also a top martial artist before his death. Even if he is not a fairy king, he is definitely a top golden fairy."

"It's just a little strange. When did such a general appear in the chaotic battlefield? How come I have never seen a record in the classics?"

"Hehe, who it is, just open the coffin for an autopsy and you will know at a glance."

At this time, Ling Tian had already arrived in front of the huge coffin in the middle of the secret room.

The whole body of the coffin is green and black. It looks like it is not gold or wood, but it is made by hollowing out a group of ancient trees called Qingjin Xiannan.

Such a large green golden celestial phoebe, even if it can't be used for refining, is rare enough.

On the coffin, it is extremely simple, without any patterns, but a breath of killing is condensed around the coffin, which makes people shudder.


As soon as Ling Tian's hand was placed on the coffin, a group of dark plants emerged from the peach orchard, and then transformed into a human form, standing beside Ling Tian.

The sudden appearance of the monster scared Lu Zhiyao a lot.

"Haha, don't be surprised. This is Xiao Hei. He has followed me since he was a child. He is most sensitive to this tomb. He reminded me just now, otherwise I would not conclude that there is a mystery under the hall."

Ling Tian smiled.

However, at this moment, Xiao Hei was pointing at the coffin, looking terrified.

"Why, haha, is it possible that this general who has been dead for not knowing how many years can be transformed into a big dumpling?!"

Xiao Hei shook his head, but the color of fear remained the same.


"Not a general!?"

Ling Tian frowned, his eyes rolled, and he thought of something. With a big hand, the two women returned to the stone door of the coffin room, then raised the Long Yuan sword and inserted it into the gap of the coffin.

"There are signs of loosening in the coffin!"

Ling Tian was slightly startled, and immediately sneered in his heart.

It seems that this coffin chamber is not only a secret passage leading in, and now in this ancient tomb, not only the three of them are present.

There are already people, let's board first!

"It's ridiculous, that Murong Ziyan snatched my baby, this time, how can I let this happen again!?"

Ling Tian shouted angrily, and the long sword in his hand shook suddenly. Under the tremendous impact, the cover of the coffin was directly broken.


However, just between the electric light and flint, a sharp blade screamed, suddenly violent from inside the coffin.

A cold light suddenly burst in the darkness, taking Ling Tian directly!

Not only that, at the same time that the cold light suddenly rose, an extremely tyrannical aura and coercion also spewed out from the coffin, like thunder!

However, Ling Tian had expected it, and immediately greeted him with a roll of the long sword in his hand.

The sword's edge broke through the air, and the sword intent was in the voice, as if the emperor was trembling for it.

And the other cold light, but it was like a thunder light, full of endless violence, wanting to explode everything.


There was a loud bang.

It was like a roar of rage in the darkness.

At the moment when the blades intersect, the buzzing sound swept away with a terrifying air current, and Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao were panicked.

Such an aura, although not as good as that of Murong Ziyan, it is definitely scary enough!

When the smoke cleared, the two women hurriedly reached out of the stone gate and looked into the coffin room.

However, it was discovered that Ling Tian with a light long sword and a figure suspended above the coffin were opposed to each other.

The sword just now seemed to be a tie, and no one can do anything about it!

Ling Tian Yijian has never done anything! ?

This had to make people surprised, after all, Ling Tian, ​​who now possesses the Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand, can't resist even a heavy earth immortal under a single sword.

But when the two women saw the grinning figure with a war knife in his hand, their pupils suddenly shrank!

"Disciple of Thunder Valley, Lin Yusheng!?"

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