Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1803: The huge gap in exercises

This time, Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao exclaimed in unison.

Who could have imagined that the disciples of Thunder Valley were rushed out of the coffin of this ancient tomb! ?

Thunder Valley is a sect with the same fame as Fuyun Sword Sect and Aoxue Pavilion, and this Lin Yusheng is even more famous in Thunder Valley.

The cultivation base has reached the second layer of Earth Immortal!

Compared with Ling Tian, ​​his cultivation base is much higher.

"Disciple of Thunder Valley!"

Ling Tian in the coffin chamber heard the words and looked at the warrior holding the saber hovering on the coffin coffin. He also smiled coldly, "Since you are born in a big sect, your sect is like this, can you really shame your sect?"

"The coffin is for the dead, why are you running here!!"

Lin Yusheng was a little bit ashamed when he was found out.

Now that Ling Tian was so teased, he was immediately embarrassed.

"Shut up! How can you insult me, Thunder Valley!?"

The sword in his hand pointed directly at Ling Tian!

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would still meet a disciple of the Fuyun Sword Sect here, but how come I have never seen you!?"

"Under the sword of Lin Yusheng, there is no unnamed soul, so I'll sign up for it!"

Lin Yusheng was bound to win just now, and there was a violent sneak attack. Even if it was Erzhong Dixian, it was absolutely impossible for him to stop it.

But who had thought, but now it was resolved by Ling Tian's sword.

Moreover, Ling Tian seemed to be a young junior. With such a kendo attainment, he could only be born in the Fuyun Sword Sect in Xijiang.

"Hehe, my name is Lingtian! But I am not a disciple of the Fuyun Sword Sect."

Ling Tian sneered. This was the second time he was suspected of being a disciple of the Fuyun Sword Sect.

"What? Not a member of Fuyun Sword Sect!?"

Lin Yusheng rolled his eyes and thought about it for a long time, but still didn't recognize who Ling Tian was.

However, immediately he sneered, "Since you are not a disciple of the Fuyun Sword Sect, it will be easier!"

"The chance in this ancient tomb must be my Lin Yusheng. Wait, there is only one dead end!"


With long nights and many dreams, Lin Yusheng didn't want to get entangled with Ling Tian, ​​immediately the second level of the Earth Immortal cultivation base bloomed, the sword in his hand was shaken, and he killed Ling Tian again.

"Haha, it's up to you!?"

"I'm feeling angry in my heart, today, I will take you out!"

Ling Tian let out a grin, how could he be timid, and immediately greeted him with a sword.


I saw that on the huge blue coffin, a long sword emitting a five-color streamer was engaged in a fierce and terrifying confrontation with the violent thunder sword.

In the place of confrontation in mid-air, the aftermath surged, squeezing out ripples like water waves in the void, madly emanating.

Bang bang bang!

The astonishing aftermath contained energy that swept across all directions, causing the dark coffin chamber to roll in dust, flying sand and rocks, wind blades flying away, slashing on the wall, and the entire secret room trembling crazily.

The two great earth celestial arrogances fought, Ling Tian's swordsmanship is undoubtedly, and Lin Yusheng, on the swordsmanship, is also quite accomplished, for a time, it is inextricable to kill.

The violent wind swept through, and the shock shocked the entire huge coffin chamber, so that Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao could not directly see the battle in the field.

"Furious Thunder Cut!!"


It seemed that he was getting more frightened and angry. Under Ling Tian's fight, Lin Yusheng yelled. The fairy soldier in his hand suddenly burst into a terrifying light of blue thunder, and a thunder of thousands of feet of thunder burst down.

"Haha, Thunder Sword Technique? Playing this with Lao Tzu, you are still a little too tender!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly, Lin Yusheng's combat power was indeed capable, at least, it was able to let him play unwillingly.

Immediately, thunder bursts above the long sword in his hand, and amid the roar of Xiao Lei, a fifth layer of the Supreme Imperial Sword is directly sacrificed.


The sharp collision of the blades and swords rang out one after another, containing the sharpness of the endless thunder, and each burst was like two Thors colliding in a roar.

After three confrontations, Lin Yusheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and his figure receded slightly. But at this moment in Ling Tian's eyes, a sharp and unmatched killing intent flashed, Long Yuanjian's light burst, and another sword slashed out.

This sword is the sixth step of the Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship, and the five swords are in one!

Under the dual earth immortal, no one can be it!

Lin Yusheng frowned slightly. He didn't expect that although Ling Tian looked like a newcomer to the earth, whether it was the immortal essence in the body or the swordsmanship, it was so fierce that he didn't even take advantage of it!

Now, this sword is extremely terrifying!


With the sword in his hand in front of him, Lin Yusheng was directly blushed by the handsome face shocked by the huge force, and a mouthful of blood almost spurted out.

The sword light fell on the ground, and a long ravine was plowed on the spot in the ancient coffin room, which was terrifying.

The terrifying sword light was so powerful that Lin Yusheng was shocked a hundred meters away.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao couldn't help but whispered.

Although this Lin Yusheng is not the top disciple of Thunder Valley, he is also enough to rank in the top five among the younger generation of Thunder Valley.

But now, under Ling Tian's sword, he was beaten so embarrassed! ?


Lin Yusheng, who was retreated, was even more frightened.

He was in the thundering valley, and he was overwhelmed by the arrogance of those heavenly arrogances, so he went out to practice. This time he was even more prosperous in the ancient tomb, and in the coffin, there were some good ones. The existence of the spirit bones, as long as he refines the spirit bones into his body, when he is in the martial arts talent, he will not miss the first day of Thunder Valley!

Then he sold the treasures obtained in the ancient tomb in exchange for training resources. At that time, he would definitely be able to win the Thunder Valley.

But now, he was smashed by this Ling Tian, ​​and now he can't do anything to an unknown person who is immortal.

How can this make him tolerate?

This time, it was an opportunity for him to change his fate against the sky. In any case, he must not have accidents.

"In that case, I will let you know what is true strength!"

Thinking of this, Lin Yusheng smiled coldly and suddenly shouted: "Thunder Heart Sutra, Lei Zhen's anger!"

He saw the power of thunder pervading his whole body, suddenly turning blue and purple, and the bones inside his body banged like a roar of thunder.

In the blink of an eye, his physical body swelled in a circle, and his vitality evolved into a thunderous glow.

The violent and wild aura made the entire coffin chamber seem to be suspended in a sea of ​​thunder. Immediately, he directly raised the fairy soldier in his hand and chopped it down!

The blade light is like a thunder mountain, majestic and huge.


Lin Yusheng's sudden increase in combat power made Ling Tian also a little surprised.

And it seems that this should be the inner strength mental method he cultivated.

Such a technique must be an immortal grade. In any case, it seems to be a lot more tyrannical than the Taichu Sutra he had cultivated.

After all, the Taichu Sutra is only a cultivation technique under the Earth Immortal, and there is an essential gap between it and the inner strength of the Earth Immortal.

By now, Ling Tian felt his shortcomings again.

Regardless of his inner strength or his swordsmanship rank, he was far from the genius of the fairy realm today.

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