Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1818: Would you like to join me Fuyun Jianzong?

In this way, the first Earth Immortal Triple General of the Qingman Army fell directly in front of the formation!

This scene fell in the eyes of the human army, and it was a shot in the heart!

The Qingmeng army was even more riot.

Today, the strongest demon commander is still fighting against the elders of the Human Race Fuyun Sword Sect, and the outcome is unclear.

However, one of their two-yuan generals had already fallen, and the remaining Qingzhi was even more helpless in front of the terrifying warriors!

Not only that, the human sword repair who killed Qingyan was even more unscrupulous.

It seems that there is no intention of directly beheading Qingzhi, but the sword formation is opened, like cutting leeks, torturing and killing the Qingman clan army!

"Damn it, Human Swordsman, my Qingman Snake Clan, I'm not dying with you!"

The Qingzhi who was suppressed by the warriors and backed back again and again, watching Ling Tian slaughter her clan demon in front of her, his eyes were suddenly split, but he was powerless!

This Ling Tian's move is clearly to kill the snake and punish the heart!

"Haha, really happy! This Lingtian style is quite temperamental to me!"

On the city wall of Shuofang, Liu Jingfeng laughed with his sword in his hands, "This is the supreme style of my sword repair! Happy, really happy!"

Even the general Zhang said that in his eyes, there was a lot of splendor, and the little abacus in his heart had already clashed.

At this time, the Terran army was already in great momentum, and countless Terran warriors rushed out of Shuofang City and began to oppress the Qingmeng army.

The one-sided battle was turned over by Ling Tian almost with the power of one person.

Ling Tian killed from the periphery to the Chinese army, and then from the Chinese army to the place where the two clan fronts confronted, and the conflicts, like entering a realm of no demon, finally merged with Zhao Min, looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent. .

At this time, the battle exploits in the Lingtian brand had reached a level that could be called horror, and there was no further fighting.

He returned to the city wall of Shuofang with Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao and watched the two female army fight each other.

Around, City Lord Shuofang and the four generals had different faces.

Before, some of them were still clamoring to abandon the city and flee, but now they can't help but feel hot on their faces.

However, the only father of Lu Zhiyao, Zhang said, looked at Ling Tian with a kind face, and looked like he was looking at his son-in-law.

"Girl, if I remember correctly, my son Gu Chen should have been out of the city with you. Now that you have already returned, what about my son!?"

Gu Jun finally couldn't hold back and asked immediately.

This time, Lu Zhiyao was quite a show of the limelight, which made Gu Jun feel very uncomfortable. If his son Gu Chen could turn the tide this time, that would be great! ?

In the future, he will definitely be recruited by Fuyun Jianzong and become a core disciple.

"City Lord, Gu Chen did go out of the city with us, but after arriving at Xiaofeng City, we met the Qingman Snake Clan army, and then we were separated. We don't know where he is now."

Lu Zhiyao said lightly.

Although she won't tell the story about the ancient tomb, Gu Chen is indeed missing.

They searched the ancient tombs, but they did not see Gu Chen.

But what is certain is that that guy is not dead.

"Oh, that's all."

Gu Jun nodded and did not ask any more. At this moment, he was holding Gu Chen's life card. Although it was full of cracks, there was no life worry.

"Hahaha, Brother Lingtian, the sword sect is blowing under the clouds, Liu Jingfeng!"

At this moment, Liu Jingfeng, who was full of dark red blood, walked over with his long sword, and when he saw Ling Tian, ​​he bowed his hand.

"Oh, I've been admiring the name of the sword sect for a long time. When I saw Brother Jingfeng today, I really deserve my kendo disciple, Ling, admire!"

Ling Tian admired Liu Jingfeng such kendo heroes in his heart.

Just now, Liu Jingfeng did not retreat, and that sentence of sword intent remained forever, Ling Tian heard it in his ears, and his heart was also shocked.

"No, no, no, compared with Brother Ling, I'm still too far behind. I am just a passion, but my swordsmanship is limited. It's better than Brother Ling to be tyrannical, and I will turn to the Human Clan Building!"

Liu Jingfeng complimented again.

"Hmph, it's ridiculous, the war is not over yet, you wait for it to celebrate!?"

"You know, the demon commander of the Qingman Demon Race high above the sky has not yet arrived. When the elder of the Fuyun Sword Sect is beheaded, this Shuofang City is still not guaranteed!"

"If you don't abandon the city and run away now, you still can't escape to death!"

The disciple of Thunder Valley thundered, holding a long knife behind and sneered coldly.

However, Ling Tian, ​​Liu Jingfeng and others all passed by with cold eyes, just to make the thunderous murmur without saying any more.

"If you want to escape now, no one will stop you!"

"It's just that, as a disciple of the three major immortal sects in Haoran City, it is really shameful that you are so timidly fighting!"

"Thunder Valley, but so!"

Zhao Min sneered with holding hands beside Ling Tian.


Lei Dong was so ashamed to be run by a female stream in public like this, "What are you, you deserve to insult me ​​Lei Minggu!?"

"What kind of thing are you, you have not killed you in front of the battle as a deserter, it is already cheap to you, if you dare to say another word, I will cut your tongue!"

"I don't care about your thunderous valley, if you don't believe it, you will try!"

Before Zhao Min could speak, Ling Tian was already angry, and his eyes were like swords, making the thundering move back several steps.

Ling Tian's momentum was enough to suppress thunder.

The muscles on the latter's face kept twitching, but they couldn't attack.

He was really scared. From Ling Tian's gaze, he could feel the terrifying killing intent of the other party, and this guy definitely didn't put Thundering Valley in his eyes.

In any case, the fame of Thunder Valley today was completely crushed by people in this Shuofang City.

This kind of humiliation, and the inability to refute the dilemma, made Lei Dong hardly able to find a place to get in.

"Ling Tian, ​​this hatred, I have taken note of it!"

"In Xijiang, no one dares to insult Thunder Valley, let's just wait and see!"

Lei Dong just clenched his fist and vowed in his heart that when he returned to Thunder Valley, he would report the matter to the brothers in the sect. At that time, he must behead this Ling Tian on the ground in front of all the warriors in Haoran City!

"Haha, Brother Ling, what do you care about that idiot!?"

"Thunder Valley, in Haoran City, it's notoriously bullying and fearful of hardship, and its mouth is very stinky!"

Liu Jingfeng raised his sword and smiled, "I heard that Brother Ling Tian has not joined any major army, nor has he joined any sects!?"

Seeing Ling Tian nodding his head, he coughed lightly, and said anxiously: "Then I don't know if Brother Ling is willing to join my Sword Sect of Fuyun!? You are so accomplished in kendo and enter my Sword Sect. The future is limitless!"

Unexpectedly, Liu Jingfeng was so anxious that he recruited Ling Tian before the battle.

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