Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1819: Ask me if Ling Tian agrees? 【Four more】

In what Liu Jingfeng said, the others looked at each other with complicated expressions, and the thundering eyes turned around, secretly saying that this Lingtian really depends on the Fuyun Sword Sect, and it is really difficult to handle.


However, what surprised everyone was that Ling Tian directly refused.

You know, the Fuyun Sword Sect is the three major immortal sects in Western Xinjiang. Within the sect, there is a heavenly immortal sitting under the Haoran City Lord's Mansion.

Moreover, it is also the holy place for sword repair of the Xijiang Human Race's sword repair dreams.

Now, Ling Tian refused so happily, without even thinking about it.

"Hehe, Brother Liu, don’t get me wrong. I don’t have any disrespect to Guizong. It’s just that my ascension to the fairy realm is still short and many things are not yet clear, so I don’t want to join any forces for the time being. I’m alone, it’s a little free and easy. ."

Ling Tian explained that Liu Jingfeng was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he was really tired of the intrigue and deceit in the sect.

In the lower realm, he has experienced enough.

Experience tells him that no matter what sect it is, there must be disputes within it.

Either he will establish the sect or even the immortal country by himself, otherwise, he will not be bound by the sect,

"Oh, Brother Ling's consideration is understandable. However, Liu Jingfeng still said that. Today, you and I have been fighting side by side. If you come to Haoran City in the future, if you have trouble, please come to Fuyun to find me, I Promise, with my Jianzong, no one will bully you!"

As he said, Liu Jingfeng squinted at the thunder. It was obvious that what he said was meant for the people of Thunder Valley.

"Good talk!"

Ling Tian nodded, of course he also knew the meaning of maintenance in Liu Jingfeng's words.

Although he will not join the Fuyun Sword Sect, the relationship is still important.

After arriving in Haoran City, it will certainly not be smooth sailing.


But just as everyone was talking and laughing in front of the formation, there was a sudden explosion from above the sky.

Like the roar of a huge thunder, the terrifying sound waves scattered, almost directly smashing the thin moat formation on Shuofang City!

Such a terrifying movement immediately attracted the attention of the warriors of the two races.

But when seeing the two figures gradually manifesting before everyone's eyes, the Human Race took a deep breath!

The six-layer demon commander of the Qingman Clan, and Chen Yiran, the elder of the Fuyun Sword Sect, seemed to have come to an end.

I saw that the demon commander with the spear in his hand was still very energetic, but on the other hand, the Fuyun Sword Sect elder, but his armor was shattered, and he was shaken down to the sky!

Obviously, the elder of the Fuyun Sword Sect is really going to be invincible!

"Elder Chen!"

Above the city wall, Liu Jingfeng couldn't help exclaiming when he saw this.

Chen Yiran is the strongest combat power of this army. Although she is only in the middle and lower level among the elders of Jianzong, she is very popular.

He definitely didn't want to see Elder Chen die in the hands of this monster race.

Lei Dong couldn't help but sneered. Everything was still within his expectation.

If Ling Tian died after the Qingman Snake Clan by then, he would be able to breathe a sigh of relief!

"No, Elder Chen is really no match for the Demon Commander Qing Man!"

"City Lord, what should I do? If we retreat now, it will be the time!"

Chao Yunxiu's father said anxiously.


Gu Jun frowned, really hesitant.

"We should be punished if we mess up our military's mind!"

However, Ling Tian on the side suddenly raised his hand, and a palm fell directly on Chao Gao's body.


Although Chao Gao is an earth immortal, but after all, it is only an earth immortal, and his combat power is even more incomparable to Ling Tian. He vomited blood directly from the palm of his hand and fell down the city wall.

Those who saw it were shocked, Ling Tian's shot like this was really resolute and cruel.

Moreover, it seemed that Gu Jun didn't put Gu Jun in his eyes.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing!?"

Gu Jun's face blushed immediately, and he said in anger.

"Haha, Gu Chengzhu, the self-confidence in front of the army will cause disastrous consequences. If you follow the rules of the army, even if he is killed, it is not an exaggeration!?"

Ling Tian didn't squint.


Gu Jun pointed at Ling Tian angrily, "It won't be your turn to punish you!"

"How important is the battle power of the earth immortal to my Shuo Fang!?"

"Then he can protect Shuofang City from breaking!? Abandoning the city and fleeing, what is the important thing!" Ling Tian retorted, making Gu Jun speechless.

"Don't quarrel first, if Elder Chen is in trouble, we will prepare to fight to the death!"

"It's too late to escape!"

Zhang said with a grim expression.

Everyone shut their mouths, but they looked up, only to find that Chen Yiran was already exhausted.

"Hmph, Chen Yiran, Fuyun Jianzong, you are nothing but that!"

"Actually, I am also very puzzled. You could have not come to drip the muddy water of Shuofang City, because you know that I am Qing Aotian here!"

"But now, you still have to bring a group of three descendants to die, how stupid you are!"

The demon commander had a hideous complexion, and was sturdy, three feet tall, and he was wearing a heavy armor, with four fleshy wings flapping behind his back, a big mouth and fangs leaking out, and he looked extremely disgusting from a distance.

"Shut up the monster! You are trying to destroy my Terran city and slaughter my Terran warriors. How can I stand by and stand by, Chen Yiran and the three disciples!"

"Today, even if I die in this city of Shuofang, you will never want to succeed!"

Although Chen Yiran is a female stream, her eyebrows are upside down, and her figure is like a sword soaring into the sky, making people admire her.

"Haha, what a woman who lives and lives!"

"Since you are so stubborn, then I will fulfill you!"

"Don't worry, after I kill you, I will lead the army to slaughter the city. Every single warrior in this city of Shuofang will never want to escape!"

The demon commander sneered, his gaze fell on the city wall, causing all the martial artists to tremble.

"Then now, you should die too!"

"Although your Fuyun Sword Sect's swordsmanship is strong, it can't stop my Qingmang Heart Splitting Spear!"

The demon commander shouted, and the terrifying combat power of the Sixth Layer of the Earth Immortal was fully activated, and directly crushed the aura of Chen Yiran. He raised his spear in black and black, and lifted it, and it was directly cut down with a single shot!

Dixian Sixth Layer's full blow, that terrifying spear light is as big as three thousand feet, it is terrifying!

Under the light of the gun, Chen Yiran's figure was vacillating, like a leaf, unable to resist it at all.

Want to come, be beheaded, it's next moment!

"It's over!"

Inside and outside the city wall, all the warriors of all races were ashamed.

Chen Yiran has fallen, so they must be buried!

Even Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao bit their lips.

Today, they are also helpless.

"Hmph, Ling Tian, ​​you have repeatedly prevented me from waiting to retreat, you are satisfied now!?"

Gu Jun sneered and looked at Ling Tian.

"Damn it!" Liu Jingfeng was furious, and he was about to rush to the sky with his sword.

However, a big hand pressed it down.

"If you want to kill the elder of my human race, you have to ask me Ling Tian, ​​don't agree!"

In the next moment, in everyone's astonished eyes, Ling Tian's feet shook, tearing through the void, and rising directly into the sky!

At this time, this Ling Tian general dared to step forward! ?

This scene shocked Liu Jingfeng.

Although Ling Tian is strong, in the eyes of Dixian Sixth Layer, he is nothing but ants!

Isn't this looking for death! ?

However, in the midst of everyone's dumbfounding, Ling Tian suddenly took out a talisman from his sleeve, and then suddenly excited!

The talisman burned immediately, and then it turned into a thunderbolt of thousands of feet, appearing on the sky.

The arrow was filled with the terrifying divine power, and it disturbed all the aura within tens of thousands of miles.

Whether it is the Human Race or the Qingman Snake Race, at this moment, they only feel like a thunderstorm in their minds, they can't hold on themselves at all, and they are completely confused!

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