Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1820: Kill Demon Commander

"This is Fu Bao!?"

"Such a talisman, really terrifying!"

"Moreover, it seems that it is still a talisman specializing in divine consciousness!!"

"In Ling Tian's hands, there is such a killer!"

Gu Jun Zhang said that when people saw Ling Tian floating between Qing Aotian and Chen Yiran, and the thunder arrow sacrificed, they were all shocked instantly.

Originally thought that Ling Tian was self-defeating, but now I am afraid that Ling Tian can really rely on this Thunder Talisman to make a contribution in one fell swoop!

"What is this!?"

Moreover, not only were the Terran warriors shocked, but Qing Aotian and Chen Yiran had their eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the road, a Cheng Yaojin was killed!

Moreover, Qing Aotian actually felt a great threat from this thunderbolt!

That's right, as the Qingman Snake Clan, Divine Mind is still the shortcoming of their Demon Clan. At this point, it is simply not comparable to the Human Clan.

Moreover, this thunderbolt actually locked him down, and it was impossible to tear the void and walk away!

Moreover, the speed of the arrow is almost to the extreme.

Ling Tian had just sacrificed a thunder arrow, there was a buzzing sound, and suddenly disappeared into the void.

But the horrible divine consciousness fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger.

Fu Bao has been sacrificed!

"not good"

Qing Aotian yelled in horror, but it was too late. In the next instant, the thunder arrow directly swallowed it, piercing his divine mind in an instant!


Immediately, Qing Aotian was the slightest bit of pain, and the invincible spear light that was sacrificed was also instantly disintegrated because of the lack of Xian Yuan supply.

Qing Aotian hugged his head and rolled over the sky, his spiritual attack made him feel more uncomfortable than death.

The brain is about to explode!

Ling Tian's Talisman can severely damage the powerhouse of the Earth Immortal's fifth level. Although Qing Ao Tian has the Earth Immortal's sixth level, the intensity of divine thought is far less than that of the Human Race. Therefore, under this charm, it was still severely injured.

In any case, in a short period of time, don't think about having combat effectiveness!

"Elder Chen, this is an opportunity! Take a quick shot!"

Ling Tian raised his hand and yelled at Chen Yiran.


At this time, Chen Yiran, who was pulled back from the line of life and death, was finally recovered by Ling Tian's roar.

The next moment, Chen Yiran dragged the blood-stained arm, raised the sword in his hand that was already full of gaps, and rolled up the boundless brilliance of moisture.

"Flick the clouds, the rivers and mountains are full of water!"


It seems that this sword move is also the strongest sword in Chen Yiran's swordsmanship. The terrifying power of the sword domain covers a hundred li, and it is even more powerful than Ling Tian's spirit-level sword domain!

Immediately, the boundless water-colored sword aura condensed into a light green fluorescent sword aura above the sky, which was more than two thousand meters long, suddenly cut down amidst the exclamation of the millions of warriors of the two clans!

Suddenly, within a hundred miles, it seemed to be filled with the color of the water, but in the water vapor, there was no softness of the water, but it was full of fierce murderous intent!

Even Ling Tian, ​​because he was too close, had to prop up the spirit level sword domain and protect the body from the ten thousand sword formation, so as to withstand the pressure of Chen Yiran's sword.

With the full blow of the Sixth Earth Immortal, even if Chen Yiran was injured, it was still so terrifying!


Qing Aotian didn't have any ability to fight back, just like that, amidst the exclamation of all the Qingman Snake Clan, he was swallowed by Chen Yiran's rivers and mountains with a single sword!

With a muffled sound, the breath of the six-tiered master of the Qingman Snake Clan was like a frustrated ball, instantly wilting.

The three-foot-tall body, after the sword aura raged, turned into a huge body of two thousand feet.

On the main body of the snake, fleshy wings have been born.

It seems that there are already some signs of the dragon clan returning to their ancestors.

However, Chen Yiran’s sword almost cut off Qing Aotian’s head, but it did not completely kill him.

I saw Chen Yiran above the sky with blood dripping from the tip of the sword, looking at Ling Tian.

"Junior Jianxiu, Chen Yiran, my life, was saved by you!"

"This demon animal can't die without you!"

"This last sword, you come to slash, this combat exploit, I Chen Yiran, I can't afford it!"

Chen Yiran's voice fell, and the Terran warrior explained that he was shocked up and down Shuofang City.

At this juncture, Elder Chen Yiran wanted to give up his battle exploits! ?

You know, the Qing Aotian of the Sixth Layer of the Earth Immortal, but a demon commander in the army of the Qing Man clan!

High status.

If Ling Tian beheaded him, then his military exploits might really be a blast!

Moreover, Chen Yiran also inherited Ling Tian's life-saving grace, this favor is not a small one!

"Hehe, since Elder Chen is so generous, then I Ling Tian has nothing to say!"

In fact, Ling Tianxin was still quite surprised. Chen Yiran's sword just now controlled his strength. Such kindness made Ling Tian admirable.

At least judging from Liu Jingfeng and Chen's character, this Fuyun Sword Sect is really good.

Ling Tian flew up to the sky with ten thousand sword shadows, and the ten thousand sword formations condensed. Following the five-star Longyuan Sword, it condensed into a thousand-foot sword light, and slammed on the neck scar that Qing Aotian was about to break. under.


The blood spattered, and the snake skin flesh was torn apart.

The huge head fell from the high sky and fell into the army of the Qingmeng Snake Clan, and completely destroyed their minds.

Chen Yiran's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that Ling Tian could really kill Qing Aotian so easily. You know, even the dying Earth Immortal Six-fold Snake's body has an extraordinary degree of toughness.

Moreover, the tyrannical sword domain on Ling Tian's body, the ten thousand sword shadow and the five-color fairy sword in his hand all made Chen Yiran's pupils shrink.

Such wealth, even in the Fuyun Sword Sect, is quite rare.

And Ling Tian was because the last sword killed Qing Aotian, a snake demon energy followed Ling Tian's breath and poured into the brand on Ling Tian's waist.

Ling Tian's combat exploits, at this moment, once again skyrocketed to a terrifying situation.

Looking at the series of numbers, Ling Tian didn't have any idea about this combat merit for the time being.

Hearing from Zhao Min, this thing has to go to Haoran City before it can be exchanged for corresponding rewards.

However, this Qing Aotian is the sixth layer of the earth immortal, he is full of treasures, and he has a lot of money.

Although Ling Tian is now relying on Zhao Min, this little rich woman, but that little wealth is not enough to squander, and Ling Tian has never thought of being a little white face, and will soon bring the snake body into Taoyuan.

Together with the guy's storage ring, it was also in his hands.

"Suofang City's Terran Defenders listen to orders!"

At this time, Chen Yiran, who was floating at the highest point above the army, raised the sword in his hand, and the voice of the command was far away.

"Open the gates and counterattack!"

"Extremely slaughter the Qingmang snake clan!"

In an instant, the momentum of the Terran warrior army rose to its peak in an instant.

The Sixth-layer Demon Commander of the Earth Immortal of the Qingman Snake Clan was already dead, and the remaining Earth Immortals were basically slaughtered, so what was left would be countless battle exploits.

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