Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1821: The elder's gift

At this time, Qing Zhi, the general of the snake tribe, was also suppressed by the giant warriors and had no power to fight back. When Ling Tian killed Qing Aotian, the direction of Qing Zhi's heart was instantly defeated and was slashed by the warriors. Kill on top of the army.

Because the warriors also had Ling Tian's spirit aura, the battle exploits were still obtained by Ling Tian.

In this way, Ling Tian has become the existence of beheading the three top generals of this army, and no one can match.

The counterattack took time, but as the supreme commander, Chen Yiran did not continue to participate.

She didn't care at all about military exploits.

Instead, he took Ling Tian and returned to the city wall of Shuofang.

"Gu Jun, Lord of Shuofang City, welcome Elder Chen to return!"

Under Chen Yiran's cold gaze, her whole body was shocked, and she quickly bowed and nodded.

"Haha, respectful welcome? If it weren't for this younger sword repairer just now, I'm afraid you haven't thought of collecting the corpse for me!?'

Chen Yiran sneered.

Let him Gu Jun and others, like falling into the ice cave.

"Gu Jun, you are also a direct relative of my Jianzong Dean Gu, but you have cultivated the sword all your life, and the sword intent has been cultivated in the belly of the dog!?"

"You still have to wait!"

Chen already glanced over the other generals and a group of Lei Minggu disciples, who all lowered their eyebrows and dared not look at them.

"I, Chen Yiran, I am ashamed to fight side by side with you!"

"Retreat to the city wall! I will report to Sword Sect truthfully about today's affairs. At that time, wait for Haoran City to punish you!"

"Yes, please forgive me, Elder Chen!"

There was sweat on Gu Jun's face, but although Chen Yiran's tone was extremely bad, they still looked at each other and stepped back from the city wall.

"Little friend, what is your name? What is your background!?"

At this moment, Chen Yiran turned around, with a fierce look, disappeared, and looked at Ling Tian with a pleasant look.

"Haha, Uncle Master, Ling Tian is a warrior who soared up from the lower realm, he hasn't been born yet!"

Before Ling Tian could speak, Liu Jingfeng laughed.

"Oh? No background? Then why not join my Fuyun Sword Sect!?"

Then Chen Yiran raised her eyebrows and said: "I have a total of six Jianfeng Mountains in Fuyun, and there must be one suitable for Xiaoyou Ling!"

"Hey, Master, don't pull people Lingtian. I just asked. Brother Ling has no plans to join any forces. Just be more comfortable alone."

Ling Tian also nodded, "It's true as Brother Liu said, but if you go down to Haoran City in the future, you will definitely go to Fuyun Sword Sect to worship the sword!"

"Hahaha, that's good, since you came from the lower realm, it is normal to adapt first. We are not in a hurry."

Chen Yiran carried the long sword behind him, and immediately thought for a while, still took out a jade slip and handed it to Ling Tian.

"This jade slip was obtained by accident when I finally experienced it. Because its kendo is not compatible with me, I have no apprentice, so I have kept it until now, and now I will give it to you."

"Of course, this is not the inheritance of the Fuyun Sword Sect, so you just accept it."

Ling Tian was a little surprised when he heard the words, but he took the jade Jane over, and briefly glanced at it on his forehead, and his pupils shrank.

This jade slip seems to have been hurriedly rubbed down, only a few hundred words, but it is extremely mysterious and obscure.

But the things recorded in it shocked Ling Tian's heart.

Swordsman wins, but those who hear it are shocked.

The art of drawing a sword.

Overlord swordsmanship!

That's right, the hundreds of words recorded turned out to be something similar to the secret technique of kendo.

Although it is not a pure swordsmanship, from the point of view of its introduction, it can actually increase the power of swordsmanship, making its own swordsmanship more powerful and domineering.

At the moment when the sword is being repaired and drawn, the kendo mood is urged to the extreme, and it is breathtaking.

This is really in line with Ling Tian's kendo will.

"Junior, thank you Elder Chen for the treasure!"

Ling Tian put away the jade slip as if it was a salute.

Although Chen Yiran looked pale, Jian Xiu understood the value of this overlord swordsmanship.

Although there is only one short layer in this jade slip, it is absolutely extraordinary.

"Haha, it's okay. Don't worry if you like me." Chen Yiran waved her hand and smiled: "In that case, then Ling Xiaoyou, let's not pass it. When you come to Haoran City in the future, don't forget to come to Jianzong to find me. I came out in a hurry and didn't have any baby in my hand. When you come, I will replenish you. You are my savior. I Chen Yiran, but I have to pay this favor!"

"It's a matter of raising your hand, what can you say about it."

Ling Tian smiled and nodded. Although Chen Yiran looked like a middle-aged female sword repairer who was nearly forty years old, she still seemed to be proud and admired in Ling Tian's heart.

"Uncle Master!? What do you mean? Are we leaving now!?"

However, Liu Jingfeng frowned.

"Well, the crisis in Shuofang City has been lifted, but other fronts are not necessarily optimistic. We have to rush to other juniors and sisters to help them defend against the Qingman Snake Clan. However, I have a hunch that the Qingmang four clans' coalition forces , We are going to retreat."

Chen Yiran looked far away, even if Xuan made a sword howl, and summoned a sword light to fall under his feet, even if Xuan didn't have any muddled water, the sword took the wind away!

"Then Brother Ling, don't pass it, there will be a period later!"

Liu Jingfeng and the thousands of Sword Sect disciples didn't ask much, they summoned flying swords under their feet, and finally succumbed to Ling Tian and the others, turning into a flood of sword light, and followed Chen Yi.

Come when you say it, and leave when you say it.

Jianzong is like this, regardless of life and death, not greedy for merits and demerits, it is really free and easy.

"His, great."

Ling Tian took the sword and held his hand, looking at the gradually vigorous Jianzong disciple, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Ling Tian, ​​in fact, I think you are quite suitable for Fuyun Jianzong, and Jianzong, as the three great immortal sects of Haoran City, is good for you to use this as a springboard."

Zhao Min said suddenly.

"Really? Maybe."

"Just let it go."

Ling Tian was noncommittal.

"Yes, this is Ling Tian's own choice. Sister, don't care about him. Besides, Ling Tian is still a member of my Zhang Mansion. He still has to discuss with me where he is going."

Lu Zhiyao pursed his lips, but also smiled. .

"Miss Lu, I am afraid that I have to tell you clearly first. You saved my life before, but this time I visited the tomb, I also saved your life. The kindness between you and me is already It's over. In the future, don't say anything about me from the Zhang Mansion. I Ling Tian is Ling Tian."

However, Ling Tian turned around and looked at Lu Zhiyao without any evasiveness.

The latter was startled, the smile on his face instantly freezes, and his eyes were a little red, and his lips were bitten, but in the end, he still couldn't say a word.

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