Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1828: Haoran Seventh

Different from other inns and restaurants with dozens of floors and dozens of miles in area, the inn is built under a mountain on the side of the street. There are many pavilions, but they look full of mottled old colors. The square in front of the building is quite large. But no one can be seen.

Not to mention those rhythms and dancers, there are none.

It is so desolate and incompatible with the bustling streets.

What made Ling Tian feel the greatest contrast was that it was opposite this inn, the largest inn restaurant on the whole street.

The whole body of this restaurant is made of white jade condensed with gold, yes, it is the city wall material, built.

The main building in the middle is three thousand feet high, like a sharp peak, towering up to the sky, and the guest rooms at the top of it can enjoy the scenery of the surrounding thousands of miles.

And there are countless pavilions around, behind its inn, there is still water vapor, obviously with a lake.

Inside, there is also a faint melodious tone coming out.

The entire inn is shrouded in a layer of fairy light. Compared with the inn in front of everyone, it is simply a seven-star hotel compared to a country house.


Ouyang Xun scratched his head, also a little embarrassed, "This Rushanzhai is the cheapest inn in the entire Haoran City, I..."

He looked at Yoona, but didn't say anything.

Ling Tian nodded, and did not say anything.

He could see that Ouyang didn't have much money in order to see a doctor for his sister.

"But no matter how bitter you are, you can't suffer from Yooner. This is like Shanzhai, too shabby. Let's go, let's go to the house behind us."

Ling Tian turned around and pointed to the platinum tall building behind him.

Along the way, Yoona's eyes were attracted by this tall building.

"Huh? This one behind me?!"

Ouyang Xun looked bitter and scratched his head and said, "Brother Ling, this is the most famous and expensive inn in Haoran City, Yunlu Xianju!"

"Even for a quarter of an hour, we, we can't afford to live!"

"Haha, brother Ouyang don't worry, immortal stone, we still have it, go, and go to Yunlu Xianju, I invite you to live!"

Ling Tian took Ouyang Xun's shoulders, the four of them talked and laughed, and they flew towards the opposite Yunlu Xianju.

When he arrived at the lobby of the inn, Ling Tian found out that not many people came here to complete the formalities.

Probably because it is expensive.

Ling Tian led everyone to the counter, and after that, a pretty woman stood up, but she was startled when she saw Ling Tian.

Now, with Ling Tian's temperament, after his ascension, he was even more dusty.

Even in the fairy world, the charm is still difficult to bear.

"Ahem, little girl, let's open the room!"

Zhao Min naturally hugged Ling Tian's arm and said.


The woman behind the counter was disappointed when she saw this, but she still said, "Who do you want to choose? We have ordinary guest rooms in the main building of Lord Yunlu, and there are people, earth, sky, and three ranks on it. Luxurious room."

"What's the difference?" Ling Tian asked.

"The higher the grade, the higher the height of the guest room, the better the view, and of course, the price is more expensive."

The woman raised her hand to reveal a virtual shadow of the main building. The virtual shadow of the main building was green. The red space was the room, the layout and location, and it was clear at a glance.

Ling Tian frowned and found that the top three floors of the main building were not open. On the fourth floor, there were seven rooms with a view of the lake behind the building. The location was the best. Now five of them have been occupied, and there are still remaining. Next two.

"We need these two."

Ling Tian pointed at the phantom.


The woman behind the counter was stunned.

"what's happenin?"

Zhao Min was unhappy.

"Hehehe, just the inferior people from Shuofang City, you also want to live in those two Tianzi-sized rooms!?"

However, before the woman could speak, there was a sound of ridicule behind her.

Ling Tian and the others turned around, but their pupils shrank.

It was a group of people standing there, all in azure blue armor. At the front of this group of people, the only one who was dressed differently, was actually known to Ling Tian.

Disciple of Thunder Valley, Thunder!

He has the unique mark of Thunder Valley.

After that, the group of warriors clustered in the middle was a tall young man who looked like a lunar calendar, his face was pale, and his body was enveloped in thunderous breath.

The cultivation base has reached the level of triple earth level unexpectedly.

"Lei Dong!? Why, that day in Shuofang City, you still don't have a long memory!?"

Ling Tian sneered.


"You shut up! The shame of Shuofangcheng, I was thunderous, but I didn't forget!"

Lei Dong immediately sneered, "However, I really didn't expect that you are still really rampant, do you know, who are the seven Tianzi-style rooms reserved for?"

Ling Tian shrugged.

"Tell you, that is reserved for this year's Haoran Seven Shows. It is a custom for thousands of years. Only they can enter the seven heavenly houses!" The same sneered, pointing to the lunar young man behind him, "This, that is One of the seven shows, in the future, he will become my disciple of Thunder Valley!"

Ling Tian curled his lips and looked at the counter, "The convention he said, but Yunlu Xianju's express stipulation, we can't live?"

"That's not it, it's just..."

The woman behind the counter was a little embarrassed.

"You can't afford to live, that room costs 20,000 immortal stones a day!"

Lei Dong smiled behind him.

Twenty thousand! ?

Ouyang Xun and Yuner trembled all over, obediently, they cost 20,000 yuan a day, which is enough to buy an ordinary fairy soldier.

Even Zhao Min frowned.

But she still took out a ring directly and threw it to the maid, "It's only 20,000 a day, two rooms, let's live for a month!"

She would never let her man lose face.

Isn't it money? There is still no shortage.

The woman behind the counter picked up the ring and suddenly opened her mouth. There was exactly 1.2 million lower-grade immortal stones inside, so she couldn't even blink her eyes, she hadn't seen a few.

Now, the young man behind the thunderous He Qi was also dumbfounded.

Live for a month at a stretch, this shot is simply much more generous than them!

"Excuse me, everyone, even those two rooms are..."

But the woman still wanted to push the ring back.

Because those two rooms are indeed for special people, even if they are rich, they won’t work.

However, before she finished speaking, a voice came to her ears, and the woman's face changed, even if she put the ring away.

"Well, here are your room keys, please go upstairs to rest."

Ling Tian handed a room card to Ouyang Xun, glanced at that Lei Dong and the young man, and swaggered upstairs.

At this time, in the room on the top three floors of the Yunlu Xianju main building, Murong Zining stood in front of the window, his red lips suddenly aroused.

"Miss, the guest is here, the lord will let you pass."

The voice of a maid outside the door sounded.

"Huh, what's the hurry, I know, let's go on!"

The smile on Murong Zining's face gradually disappeared.

"Ling Tian...hehe, it's interesting."

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