Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1829: Tiansha Lone Star Chi Sanqi

The four Ling Tian went directly to the top floor opened in Yunlu Xianju. The best location here is indeed only seven.

On the way, Ling Tian also learned from Ouyang Xun that behind this Yunlu Xianju, the City Lord's Mansion and the three great immortals were jointly established.

Therefore, for the top three-story building, only the upper floors of the City Lord’s Mansion and the Three Great Immortals, or true top disciples, can have the right to move in.

Not only that, even if it is below the top three floors, most of them are in the hands of the city lord's mansion and the three major immortal sect disciples.

I want to come too, this Yunlu Xianju sits on such an excellent location, and it is built so luxuriously, except for the City Lord's Mansion and the Three Immortal Sects, no one can have such a big hand.

But no way, who made Ling Tian and Zhao Min rich now?

Living for a month, 1.2 million immortal stones, anybody can buy a top-quality second-grade immortal artifact, or immortal treasure.

However, when he entered the room, Ling Tian still felt that the money was worth it!

The area of ​​the entire suite is huge, and it looks more like a palace. In addition to the bedroom, there is even the alchemy room, and there is also a closed room that can provide a large amount of immortal energy and can cultivate at three times the speed.

Here, it turned out to be like a cultivation secret realm of a sect, which can quickly improve the cultivation level.

This made Ling Tian amazed.

In addition, the scenery here is even more silent. There are floor-to-ceiling light-transmitting arrays all around, and you can see the scenery within a thousand miles. On the back of the room, there is a huge lake below, and above the lake. , There is even a platform with a radius of several miles, and now on the platform, there are melody warriors and enchanting dancers playing and dancing.

The sound of Xianle that everyone had faintly heard before came from here.

And on the front of the room, you can see the Haoran City Lord's Mansion, where the palaces are endless in the distance. In front of the City Lord's Mansion, there is a huge square with dense, large and small arenas.

Ouyang Xun said that these arenas are used for the warriors in Haoran City to learn from each other.

After all, there are many warriors in Haoran city, and there are even foreign warriors. It is inevitable that there are some grievances between each other, or if you want to try your skills, then you can solve it on this ring.

Temporarily settled down, Ling Tian and Zhao Min went out again.

Brother Ouyang had already waited outside.

After handling the place to live, Ling Tian still has to go to receive the reward for military exploits.

This thing is related to whether he can get even more supreme swordsmanship secrets, this is Ling Tian's most important thing.

Can't wait.

"Haha, how does the room feel?"

Ling Tian asked with a smile.

"It's so good. Ouyang has never lived in such a good house in my life. Both Yoona and I like it."

"Yes, it's really nice to see the band performing behind you!"

Brother and sister Ouyang were overjoyed and couldn't help it at all.

"Hehe, that's good, don't say anything for a lifetime, this lifetime is still early, and you will definitely live in such a house every day."

"In my opinion, this is nothing, work hard!"

Ling Tian patted Ouyang Xun on the shoulder.

Everyone went downstairs, out of Yunlu Xianju, and went straight to the war exploits yamen outside the city lord's mansion, where they were exchanged for war exploits.

Fortunately, Yunlu Xianju is not far away.

However, the military exploits yamen was on the edge of the square in front of the Haoran City Lord’s Mansion.

On the road, it is inevitable to pass those big and small arenas.

During Ling Tian's stay, he also stopped frequently.

On the arena, there are experts from time to time to learn from each other, and there is still some gain.

Moreover, Ling Tian was a little surprised that under these arena, there were still people at the opening gambling.

Taking the victory or defeat of the warriors on the stage as a bet to win or lose, it attracted many people.

However, Ling Tian's brows suddenly clustered, but they were attracted by an inconspicuous small ring above the edge of the square.

There is no reason. Although the ring is small, there are many people around it, and there is only one figure standing on the ring.

She is still a woman, but her appearance looks very ordinary, and her clothes and looks are very simple.

However, it stood straight there, like a sword.

Under the ring, there is also a sign.

The words above are also very interesting.

"The shopkeeper of Rushanzhai is late for Sanqi, here is a challenge for warriors below the three-tier level of Guangying Dixian. Those who win against me will get a hundred immortal stones, and those who lose me will stay in Rushanzhai for one month! That, forgot to add one sentence, it’s free , Check in with a bag!"

"Uh, this ring is interesting."

Everyone in Ling Tian couldn't help but stop under the ring.

Not to mention, this brand is very interesting.

If you lose without money, you can still enter the Lord Rushanzhai, Rushanzhai for free, isn't that the inn opposite Yunlu Xianju?

What about this good thing?

"Oh, it's free, I knew it, I'll try it, maybe it's free!"

Ouyang Xun patted his thigh and said.

"Ouyang, you are not her opponent!"

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

He didn't hit Ouyang, but because he felt an extremely obscure and tyrannical sword domain power from this woman.

Even better than him.

If it weren't for the 100,000 sword shadows in his body that were extremely sensitive, I was afraid that it was a heavenly immortal, and I wouldn't want to sense the hiding of this woman's sword domain.

Although the sword domain is strong, its cultivation base, but only in the second layer of the earth immortal, this is true.

Of course, even so, Ling Tian dared to conclude that the woman had few opponents in the second layer of Earth Immortal.

"Hehe, your kid really does not live or die!"

"Don't you know who this Chi Sanqi is?"

"She is our Haoran City, the famous lone star of the gods!"

"Her Rushanzhai, a well-known evil school, whoever lives in will inevitably die within three days!"

However, under the arena, there is a martial artist who smiles with great interest.

"Oh? He died suddenly? Is it so scary? Is it possible that it is a black shop?"

Ouyang Xun's face was pale, and he secretly said that before he had almost moved in with his sister.

Now that I think about it, it's no wonder that Rushanzhai is not alone.

"Hey, you guys came from outside at a glance!"

"Tell you, it’s true that those people died violently, but the people in the City Lord’s Mansion have all checked. These people will die no matter how high their cultivation level is, and they will not see any wounds on their bodies, nor are they poisoned. He died without warning, and he died outside Rushan Zhai!"

"In Rushan Zhai, she is fine alone in Sanqi, Haoran City Lord Mansion has no evidence, so there is no way."

"Not only that, Chi Sanqi has a special status. In this Haoran City, no one wants to provoke her, and it's unlucky."

As the people said, they gradually dispersed.

Ling Tian and Zhao Min wanted to ask more, but they didn't say anything in depth anymore.

Only Chi Sanqi, who looked skinny on the ring, stood there silently...

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