Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1840: Mysterious sword intent and Murong breakthrough

That Jianling frowned.

Murong stopped raising his hand, and he directly removed the formation restriction in the box.

It doesn't matter at this point.

The shadow of a sword that soars to the sky is no different than the Wanzhang main building of Yunlu Xianju.

Even if they looked straight, they could see the sword point of the vision.

The aura of swords and swords surging on it oscillated with the rotation of the light and shadow.

Almost in an instant, the mighty force of the sword domain in the Jianling Mausoleum burst open.

The old man from the holy city directly pressed the big hand on the shoulder of the sword tomb, letting his breath suppress.

"Seniors, I'm sorry, the power of the sword domain underneath was just a little out of control."

Jian Ling arched his hands and suppressed the agitation of the sword domain in his body before leaning down.

Sure enough, on the opposite side of the street, on the stage, there were four figures playing.

The shadow of the sword soaring to the sky rises from this stage.

At the very front of the stage, there was a figure sitting cross-legged.

That beautiful figure, Tinder's armor, and tyrannical aura are exactly Murong Zining.

"Hiss, it's really an anomaly caused by the rhythm!"

"It's just that, how can the sword intent on this vision be as real? The old man has walked in the Central Region for thousands of years and has never seen it before. Today, he really opened his eyes!"

The old man of Xian Sanzhong couldn't help frowning.

"Indeed, this is the first time I have met, and there is only one warrior below that I know."

Murong stopped nodding.

"Master, we just went down and asked, the warrior standing on the left is the top of the rookie list. Ling Tian from Shuofangcheng has not joined any forces yet!"

After that, there was a maid.

"Oh? Loose people?"

Murong raised his eyebrows, "Three immortals, first rookie, so talented, not bad."

He squeezed his chin, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Huh!? Uncle Murong, I see Zining's appearance, as if he wants to make breakthroughs both in terms of domain strength and cultivation base!"

At this moment, Jian Ling suddenly whispered.

"What, Zining is going to break through!?"

Murong Zhi's eyes condensed, and he glanced at the terrifying aura surrounding Murong Zining, which was also a surprise.

"Haha, really, is it because I heard this song!?"

"Hey, let's not talk about it, you guys, listening to this song, it really seems to have a sword in front of you, and the weather makes me, an old swordsman, a little excited!"

Murong Zhi suddenly smiled.

Behind him, all the generals of the immortals also conformed to the Tao, "Miss Zining has practiced swordsmanship in front of Lord City Lord since she was a child, and now it is a fateful opportunity to be inspired by this tune to break through!"

"Yes, that's right! If Miss Zining can really make a breakthrough this time, it will be the second Tianjiao who has broken through to the fifth level of the Earth Immortal among the younger generations in Xijiang. After the son of Murong Ziyan, he will be there. Yun Jianzong’s Lan Yunche is before."

"At that time, Miss Zining will become the true first person of the descendants of the Xijiang human race!"

Those generals joined the road.

"Haha, that's great!"

"But, it's still nothing compared to the quasi-sage son of Jianling!"

Murong Zhi said with a proud smile.

"Haha, it's not the same. I have more than my son Ning, but my spiritual bones are a little better, and the other is the resources of the Central Region Holy City, which is much more powerful than Xijiang. If Zi Ning can marry my Zhang family , I can definitely compete with me for the position of the saint in a few years!"

Jian Ling said with a fiery color in his eyes.

"Haha, I think so too!"

Murongzhi's face remained as usual, but in his eyes, the pupils shrank sharply, and the front of the conversation turned: "But, this son has been spoiled since childhood, and rarely listens to me, especially this marriage event. I can't force it too much. It's important, it depends on your skill in Jianling."

"Of course, your talent determines that no one in this Xijiang can match it, and you would be very willing to come to Zining."

"Naturally, you can't force Zining girl. I will use my method to let Zining girl marry me willingly. By then, Uncle Murong will wait and see."

Jianling held his hand and was very confident.

Before the mountain fast.

A sword like a dream is coming to an end.

Standing on the stage, Ling Tian and others looked at the astonishing light and shadow of the sword above their heads, and they were also extremely surprised.

The tyrannical meaning of this sword far exceeded their expectations.

Moreover, the sword's heart in Ling Tianhai moved unexpectedly, and the sword tips all turned towards the back mountain of Rushanzhai!


There is definitely a problem with this vision!

Even if the melody of the sword like the wind is extraordinary, it definitely cannot cause such an exaggerated sword intent.

Perhaps the sword intent is forgotten, and the sword intent of the shadow is definitely from another source!

Rushanzhai's back mountain! ?

Ling Tian frowned and found the true source of that sword intent.

Haha, you really know how to hide, use this piece of mine as a cover to release that sword intent.

Ling Tian sneered in his heart, secretly waiting for this time, he must go to the back mountain to see what it is that has such a tyrannical sword intent.

However, when the sword is like a dream, the melody gradually falls.

Murong Zining in front of the stage suddenly opened his closed eyes.

Just now, her whole body was shrouded in the realm of swords rising in flames.

That realm is like a fiery real flame, especially dazzling in the dark night!

And in the moment when Murong Zining suddenly opened his eyes, the power of its boiling domain burst out!

An aura, even directly soaring into the sky!

The fairy light, like a crimson flame, condensed again on the top of his head.

Awesomely changed from the original four-fold to five-fold!

At this moment, Murong Zining was indeed in Ling Tian's sword like a dream, breaking five folds in one song!

It was one step faster than that Lan Yunche!

"What!? How is this possible!?"

Lan Yunche, Zhou Ningshuang and others, who had not had time to leave in the future, were shocked to see this scene.

Originally, Lan Yunche was bound to win this first breakthrough to the fifth level of Earth Immortal.

He is already at the pinnacle of the quadruple, and it may only take a month before he can break through.

Unexpectedly, in front of this piece of music, he was robbed! ?

Moreover, the flattery that Murong Zining said in the military exploits yamen still lingered.

Now when I think about it again, it's like being slapped with a big mouth.

Brother Lan, it's nothing, even if she Murong Zining became the fifth layer of the Earth Immortal, you will only be at night than her for a while, not to mention that now you have the Yunlan Immortal Sword in your hand, you are not afraid of her at all!

Zhou Ningshuang comforted.

"Huh, go back to the sect and close up!"

"I want to use the shortest time to break through to the fifth floor of the Earth Immortal!"

Lan Yunche's expression changed a few times, but in the end he couldn't bear the soreness in his heart, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared towards the city gate.

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