Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1841: Murong's Sword Gift

Before the stage, Murong Zining, who successfully broke through the realm, slowly got up.

Open his arms and feel the tyrannical combat power obtained by breaking through to the fifth floor of the Earth Immortal.

There was a dazzling smile on her beautiful face.

Behind him, a group of sword repairers and sword repairers sat cross-legged together, digesting the nourishment that this melody brought to them in the power of the domain.

A good rhythm is comparable to a powerful pill.

"Hehe, thank you all for joining us, this song, named Swords Like Dreams, was created by me and my friends behind me!"

"However, this is the end of today. If you still want to listen, I Ling Tian will play this song in the formation behind the inn at this time every three days."

"But, there is a charge!"

Ling Tian shook his hands towards the martial artist under the stage, and removed the instruments with Chi Sanqi, Zhao Min and others.

"Huh? Is this over!?"

"Oh, come here for a while, it only takes a while, my sword domain power will be able to break through!"

"The same is true for the power of my knife domain!"

"The charge for this song is understandable, but after Rushanzhai, this..."

The warriors rioted.

They could take out immortal stones, but entering Rushanzhai would make them difficult.

Isn't that looking for death! ?

However, Ling Tian could not manage so much.

Today, it is mainly to suppress Gu Bai and Luo Ranmei. Now, the goal has been achieved.

Moreover, now the Qing Sundan Yang Yan in his body has all been refined.

The cultivation base can directly break through to the fourth level of the Earth Immortal, but Ling Tiansheng suppressed it.

Dixian Sanzhong is the dividing line between the rookie list and the Tianjiao list. He doesn't want to just cross it like this now.

"Young Master Ling stay!"

But when Ling Tian and the four were about to return to the inn, Murong Zining under the stage suddenly spoke.

The three Ling Tian turned around, frowning together.

Murong Zining's breakthrough was surprising.

But Ling Tian didn't have a good impression of the daughter of the city lord's mansion.

This woman is too proud.

"Haha, please also ask Young Master Ling to take a step to speak, I don't know, can you give me a face!?"

Murong Zining invited.

This surprised Ling Tian and the others.

"Haha, Young Master Ling, this Miss Murong has always been noble, since I grew up in this Haoran City, I have never seen Miss Murong invite someone like this."

Chi Sanqi smiled.

"Go ahead and see what she has to say!?"

Zhao Min was wary in his heart.

But in this situation, I am afraid I cannot refuse.


Ling Tian nodded, then jumped off the stage and arrived in front of Murong Zining.

However, to Ling Tian's surprise, Murong Zining actually raised his hand and took out a pair of pans, covering the surroundings.

Under such actions, the outside world could not see any scenes in the formation.

In the public, what is this! ?

This scene is almost under everyone's attention.

It was astonishing.

It was the city lord Murongzhi who was on the top floor of Yunlu Xianju, watching the scene happen, and touched his cold forehead.

"Oh, girl, what are you doing? I wonder if Zhang Jianling, the envoy of the middle domain and the quasi-sage son, is there now!?'

"You are so disregarding influence, aren't you putting eye drops on that Jianling Mausoleum!?"

Sure enough, Zhang Jianling, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, clenched his fists, and the suffocating aura spread out almost instantly.

Lonely man and widow, what is the relationship between Ling Tian and Murong Zining! ?

"Hehe, Jianling, what are you excited about!? Miss Murong made a breakthrough because of this song. She should apologize. Now in front of so many people, she naturally doesn't want people to hear or see."

"This son Ling Tian is just a casual person, and his cultivation level and talent are extremely poor, and there is no way to compare with you."

"Are you right, City Lord Murong?"

The old man of Xian Sanzhong asked that day.

"Yes, that's right, the fairy makes sense."

"The little girl and this person will never have any special relations."

Murong smiled.

And within the isolation formation on the square below.

Ling Tian frowned slightly looking at the smiling Murong Zining.

Ling Tian didn't even think of her hand.

"Miss Murong, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, I have never thanked anyone, so of course, this scene cannot be seen by others."

Murong Zi Ning pursed his mouth, and immediately took out a jade slip from his sleeve.

"I heard that you are looking for a sword technique with the Thunder attribute? How do you think about this!?"

Ling Tian took the Jade Jane from his hand and found that it turned out to be a thunder-type sword technique of the seventh rank of the earth immortal.

It is called the Xianlei Condensing Light Sword Technique.

The high rank is undoubtedly the strongest lightning sword technique Ling Tian has ever seen.

"The Thunder Swordsmanship on the market is really rare. It was brought from the Holy City, and many of them were directly into the City Lord's Mansion Treasury, and no one else would see it."

"So, this swordsmanship is just a thank you for helping me break through the cultivation base, how about!?"

However, what Murong Zining had never thought of was.

After Ling Tian took a look, he sent the jade slip back to Murong Zining's hands.

"Hehe, Miss Murong is polite."

"The song below was not specifically performed for the young lady. The young lady was so talented. Now that she breaks through, it's just a matter of course."

"Such a gift, Ling Tian can't accept it."

"What, do you mean, reject me?" Murong Zining raised his eyebrows.

"Reactive power is not subject to green, this sword technique is too expensive."

"Then what do you want!?"

"There is no shortage of anything here. Miss Murong has just said thank you. This is enough. If there is nothing else, I will leave."

Ling Tian raised the corners of his mouth.

All the time, without exuding that **** charm.

Slightly arched his hands, then turned to leave.

"No way."

However, Murong Zining directly reached out and grabbed Ling Tian's arm.

Ling Tian turned around and opened his mouth.


Under what circumstances, the so-called incompatibility between men and women.

How could this Murong Zining be so Meng Lang.

"Oh, sorry."

Murong Zining quickly let go.

The billowing sword intent in Ling Tian's arm and the hot blood force shocked her whole body.

too strong.

She had never felt the kind of power that made her palpitations in others.

Or, it's heartbeat! ?

"I Murong Zining never owes anyone anything, you don't want it, and I have no reason to take it back."

Murong Zining held the jade slip and smashed it directly.


Ling Tian was startled, and secretly said to this prodigal old lady.

The Thunder Swordsmanship of the Seventh Stage Earth Immortal, even if it is sold, is enough to sell thousands of immortal stones.

This is crushed, without blinking.

It's really a stinking problem of the rich second-generation plus official second-generation.


Ling Tian shrugged, shattered the formation directly, and flew towards Rushanzhai.

However, this scene stunned those who were waiting to see the gossip.

what's the situation! ?

Is this kid so crazy?

Looks like she left Miss Murong there, and ran away alone! ?

Moreover, how could Miss Murong's face still look sad! ?

If you don't give Miss Murong face so much, I'm afraid this is the first one in Haoran City, right?

Looking at all this from the top floor, Zhang Jianling frowned.

This Nima, can it be all right?

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