Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1853: The secret in the fire

And the next moment, the alchemists who were present all exclaimed in exclamation.

Although the forty-sixth layer of fairy fire is far inferior to the eighty-one layer of dry silver fairy fire in the legendary Murong Ziyan, it is definitely an extremely rare existence among the arrogance of this generation.

You know, that Lei Minggu's chief disciple, Lei Wanqing, who is known as the first arrogant of the Lei family in five hundred years, is the fire in his body, but only the fifty-ninth floor Qing Lei Chi Yan.

And the Alchemy genius of Aoxue Pavilion, chief disciple Zhou Ningshuang, the fairy fire in his body was only on the fifty-third floor.

But despite this, the 53rd level of the fairy fire, in the earth fairy level, also exists in the middle, and its value is inestimable.

The white fairy fire in front of him, although it was only forty-six floors, was really not bad. Compared with Zhou Ningshuang, it was only seven floors behind.

Even Lei Wanchen, when he saw the fire, his eyes were round and round.

After all, he was the same as Zhou Yunqi, but the fire in his body was only thirty-eight layers.

The difference is still a lot.

However, all of his immortal stones have been used to shoot the Scarlet Fire Thorns gems, and now he can only look at the fire seeds, itchy, but helpless.

Ling Tian was equally surprised.

Unexpectedly, the bottom of the pressure box that Tianyi Auction House finally took out this time turned out to be a fire!

But for Ling Tian, ​​the fire on the forty-sixth floor did not attract the least.

Now the forty-eight layers of the Qing Sunyang Flame in his body are very powerful, and this white celestial fire is of no use value to the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue.


However, Ling Tian stared at him, and through the flames, he found an abnormality!

That is, this is not just a pure fire!

It burns slowly on top of a rock!

That stone is the original ore of the Baixian Fire!

But the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue in Ling Tian's body suddenly surged after passing through the ore.

Not under Ling Tian's control at all!

And this phenomenon is clearly the reaction that Eternal Burning Heaven Jue will have when it discovers a kind of fire that can be swallowed and absorbed!

In this way, Ling Tian directly concluded that there is clearly a more powerful fire hidden in this primary ore!

Although I still don't know what kind of fire it is, it will definitely be stronger than the forty-eighth floor of Qing Sundan Yang Yan that can make the current eternal Burning Heaven determine its response!

This is beyond doubt!

Therefore, Ling Tian retracted his gaze, and his body was shocked.

This kind of fire, what he said, must not be photographed!

From left to right, Zhao Min and Murong Zining looked at Ling Tian suspiciously.

"Why, is it possible that you still refining alchemy and are also interested in this kind of fire?"

Murong Zining said.

However, looking at the appearance of the old **** Ling Tian, ​​she frowned, "Unexpectedly, you still have a lot of skills, how strong is it?"

"Nature is very strong."

Ling Tian said lightly.

"Perhaps, if you want to talk about Qi Dan, I have never seen a Tianjiao stronger than my brother. In this regard, you'd better be in front of me and keep a low profile."

Murong Zining didn't care.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, "Your brother? Haha, we will meet."

"Miss Zhou has good eyesight! That's right, this is the white fire immortal fire, and it is an authentic natural raw stone fire, but it is not an unknown source of black goods!"

Lin Tianxiao closed the brocade box.

The fire seized from the bodies of others is called black goods. Although those fires can still be incorporated into the body, they are not pure and despised by others.

Therefore, this kind of fire with primary ore is even more precious.

"So, the fairy fire, the starting price of 10 million immortal stones!"

"Each price increase shall not be less than five million!"

"This thing is precious, so I don't need to say too much, everyone, let's get started!"

Lin Tianxiao's voice fell.

The audience was quiet.

No way, this kind of fire is indeed too rare.

Therefore, this kind of fire must be a sky-high price.

With insufficient financial resources, even if they spoke, they couldn't take pictures.

"Everyone, I Aoxue Pavilion Zhou Yunqi, I love this kind of fire very much."

"Now, I only have 30 million immortal stones in my hand, and I directly stake them all. I hope you all, Tianjiao, the beauty of adults!"

Zhou Yunqi got up, softly and softly.

Everyone looked at each other without saying a word.

Thirty million is indeed a lot, and it seems that only Lei Wanchen has the financial resources to fight for it, but it should be that he just got the Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem, and the former is also out of money now.

Just when Zhou Yunqi thought he could shoot this precious fairy fire with 30 million immortal stones, Ling Tian suddenly coughed.

"Thirty-five million!"

Suddenly, the audience was upset, but in the eyes of Ling Tian, ​​there was more contempt and contempt.

Is this guy too bad?

After pitting Lei Wanchen, now Zhou Yunqi from Aoxue Pavilion is here again?

The girls are all talking about it, why does this person not understand the world at all?

Of course, Ling Tian didn't care about the eyes of others at all.

"Young Master Ling Tian, ​​what do you mean?" Zhou Yunqi looked over, her eyebrows furrowed into a mountain.

The resentment in my heart can no longer be suppressed.

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, Miss Zhou, next, I really want this flame. It's just a fair competition between you and me."

Ling Tian smiled.


Zhou Yunqi's face blushed, and at last he took a few breaths, then bit his red lip severely, and took out a dozen bottles from the ring.

"Here, there are hundreds of precious pill in my collection, all of them are of Grade 4 and above. In total, it should be enough for tens of millions of immortal stones. Senior Lin, can I put these medicinal pills on until the auction ends? After that, I returned to the sect to redeem the immortal stone."

Lin Tian smiled and nodded, "Miss Zhou, I still believed it, yes."

"Well, I'll bid forty million!" Zhou Yunqi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ling Tian.

"My son, can I still bid?"

Ling Tian looked at Zhao Min beside him, who shook his head, "Now there are only 40 million left in his hand."

"I have it."

Murong Zining handed over a ring, "It just so happens that there are five million immortal stones left."

"Thanks, then, I will pay you back with the profit."

Ling Tian took the storage ring that the two women handed over, and smiled: "Of course I have to pay forty-five million!"

"Okay, I am convinced by Zhou Yunqi!"

Zhou Yunqi walked directly out of his seat, and when he passed by Ling Tian, ​​he stopped and said, "I don't understand why you have to offend all the forces in this Haoran city."

"However, I just want to tell you that you are so arrogant, you have to pay a price, this bitter fruit, I don't know if you can afford it!"

Ling Tian smiled.

"Ling has always acted only for obedience. If he can bear it, just walk and see."

"Okay, then wait and see!" Zhou Yunqi's face was cold, and he gave a cold snort, and left with a group of Aoxue Pavilion disciples.

This is the third Haoran City Tianjiao run by Ling Tiantong.

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