Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1852: Play the first

When the price soared to 15 million, only Lei Wanchen and Zhou Yunqi were left fighting for it.

The other Tianjiao really resented that they didn't bring so many immortal stones when they came out this time.

Now even if you want it or take it, it's too late.

"Hehe, Miss Zhou, even if you take this Scarlet Fire Thorns gem, it is useless? Don't forget, your sister's Fire Wings were inscribed by the elders of my Thunder Valley!"

Lei Wanchen smiled.

"Hmph, it's not just your Thunder Valley family who can inscribe these things, don't forget, Senior Lin Tianxiao, but an intermediate immortal master!"

Zhou Yunqi smiled.

There was a look on his face that he didn't want to give in at all. Obviously, these three Scarlet Fire Brambles Jewels are also inevitable.

"Hahaha, okay, then I, Lei, will stay with me to the end!"

Lei Wanchen's face sank.

As a refining sect, he would never give up on this Scarlet Fire Thorns gem.

"16 million!"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Lei Wanchen and Zhou Yunqi were both startled.

Everyone also followed the prestige, but they discovered that the one who bid the price turned out to be Ling Tian again!

Sure enough, this guy made another shot at a critical moment.

"Hmph, seventeen million!"

However, before everyone was surprised, Gu Wushuang on the other side suddenly spoke.

In an instant, two Cheng Yaojin were killed.

This made Lei Wanchen and Zhou Yunqi's expressions not very good.

"Hehe, two people, what do you mean?"

Lei Wanchen said with a smile without a smile.

"Hmph, there is no other reason, I just don't want someone to photograph the baby!"

Gu Wushuang sneered.

Just now, Gu's family has already sent 20 million immortal stones, plus the original 8 million immortal stones in his hand, totaling 28 million, he has absolute confidence to fight!

"Hahaha, really interesting, who gave you the courage to challenge me!?"

Before that Lei Wanchen frowned, Ling Tian suddenly laughed.

He really wanted this Scarlet Fire Thorns gem.

But if he really wants to use immortal stones for high-price auctions, he is really reluctant to do so.

Therefore, this time he was purely trying to cheat people, anyway, he had played this kind of thing in the lower realm more than once.

"Twenty million!"

Ling Tian looked at Gu Wushuang with horizontal eyes, full of contempt.

This makes Gu Wushuang how to bear it.

Immediately got up, sipped his mouth, "Twenty-one million!"

"Twenty-four million!"

Ling Tian followed closely, "Hehe, what, Master Gu, did you raise the price of one million and one million because you didn't bring enough money?"

"Damn it! You shut up!"

Gu Wushuang's sword eyebrows were upside-down, and he was so angry.

If it were in the past, more than 20 million immortal stones would definitely shock Haoran City.

But now, it was suppressed by Ling Tian, ​​and it seemed a bit shabby instead.

"Two thousand... 28 million!"

Gu Wushuang almost gritted his teeth.

Twenty-eight million is his final bottom line.

"Haha, Master Gu is really proud, if so, then I will pay...28.5 million this time!"

Ling Tian suddenly smiled.

From Gu Wushuang's expression on his face, Ling Tian had already determined that the upper limit of the immortal stone in his hand was 28 million!

This half a million can crush him to death.


"You fool me!?"

Gu Wushuang was ashamed and angry.

Now he understood that Ling Tian was clearly playing him!

"Hehe, don't say it so bad, Master Gu, you are not a toy yourself. If you have money, you can continue to bid!"

Ling Tian spread his hands, with an innocent look on his face.

Murong Zining sneered aside, and now she finally knew how bad Ling Tian was.

This Gu Wushuang grew up among the wealthy of a family. Although his cultivation is good, he is far worse than Ling Tian in terms of means.

"You! Ling Tian, ​​okay, you'll remember it for me, don't let me see you at the banquet of Tianjiao!"

Gu Wushuang snorted coldly, turned around and rushed out of the auction house.

Lin Tian on the stage frowned, okay, after Wang Yangming, Ling Tian ran away again.

"Hehe, I am also very helpless."

Under all eyes, Ling Tian spread his hands, and immediately looked at Lei Wanchen and Zhou Yunqi, "Are you two still bidding? If they don't, the Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem is mine!"

"Hmph, it's not that easy to want the Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem, thirty million!"

Lei Wanchen sneered.

There are quite a few celestial stones prepared this time.

"Thirty-one million!"

Zhou Yunqi frowned, but finally made an offer.

In fact, the limit price of the three Scarlet Fire Gems is around 24 million. Now the price is 31 million, which is much higher than that.

Had it not been for Ling Tian's sudden move, the price would definitely not have risen so much!

"31.5 million!"

Ling Tian didn't panic, and only added 500,000 yuan.

"Hmph, no money, don't pretend to be an uncle here! 35 million! If you have a seed, just keep following it!"

Lei Wanchen said angrily.

"Hahaha, you are amazing, I don't want this scarlet fire thorn gem!"

Ling Tian laughed, and then sat down peacefully.

"You are not following!?"

Lei Wanchen was somewhat deceived.

After a while, he also suddenly reacted.

He was also tricked by Ling Tian!

This Ling Tian, ​​clearly from the beginning, never thought about taking these three gems!

However, looking at Ling Tian's gaze without squinting, Lei Wanchen's rage couldn't vent.

"Okay, you are ruthless!"

Lei Wanchen yelled and sat down.

And the price of 35 million yuan completely exceeded Zhou Yunqi's endurance limit, and he had no choice but to withdraw.

In the end, these three extremely precious Scarlet Fire Thorns gems were obtained by Lei Wanchen at the extremely high price of 35 million immortal stones.

It can be regarded as defending the dignity of the three great immortals.

Although this process seems to have been tricked by Ling Tian.

"Hehe, everyone, next, is the last treasure of this auction!"

"Compared to the crimson thorn gem, this thing is also related to fire, and all the alchemists present here must like it."

Lin Tianxiao looked very happy.

The Scarlet Fire Thorns sold for a price far higher than he expected.

"Oh? It has something to do with fire, or the alchemist refiner likes it. Could it be...fire!?"

Zhou Yunqi's eyes brightened because he hadn't photographed the Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem.

"Haha, Miss Zhou is clever, she'll hit it with one guess!"

"Yes, this last lot is exactly a kind of fire!"

Lin Tianxiao opened the brocade box.

In an instant, a pure white fire rippled from it.

A fierce flame of high temperature swept away and spread the entire venue in an instant.

"His, the forty-sixth floor of the fire, the fairy fire is dead!?"

When Zhou Yunqi saw the fire, he recognized it.

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