Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1851: Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem

After this day of scarring, the lot is still good.

But Ling Tian had never made a move.

Like those so-called battle armors and weapon blades, no matter how best they are, they are only the fourth rank of ordinary earth immortals. Although they are considered good, they are not in the ranks of the best. For Ling Tian, ​​the allure is really limited. .

And first-class Tianjiao like Zhou Yunqi and Lei Wanchen had already had the very best Dixian IV battle armor and weapons, so they didn't continue to make shots.

But Zhao Min and others did not give up.

After that, she bought a good piece of soft armor and fairy treasure of the four immortals, and even a powerful archery cheat. The three treasures directly spent nearly 8 million immortal stones.

After that, Zhao Min refused to spend any money anyway.

Having been a shopkeeper in a business for so many years, Zhao Min has always been thinking about how to make money. Splurge like this is really making her feel painful.

After a few rounds, brothers and sisters Ouyang and Chi Sanqi also basically received the treasures they were fond of.

Among the Tianjiao of the same generation, the increase in combat power has no shortcomings.

And this also made their group once again become the focus of the audience.

This kind of splendid courage made a lot of local princes speechless.

In fact, Ling Tian was also waiting. Compared with the weapon armor and immortal treasure, Ling Tian would like to see immortal martial arts with good grades, both fist and palm skills. After all, his current Brahma Five Seals and Shenlong Eighteen Palms, It's all outdated.

Or ore materials of good grade.

it is also fine

But neither of these two treasures appeared.

This made Ling Tian quite disappointed.

However, after that, Lin Tianxiao took out a few pieces of broken weapon blades and battle armor that seemed to have come out of the stone.

These weapon blades and battle armor are in fragmented state, and the weapon spirit and formations inside have long since ceased to exist.

Only those materials, after re-melting, may still be usable.

But because its own rank seems to be extremely high, it is not easy to re-melt.

Therefore, even Lei Minggu disciples who are good at refining tools did not buy it.

It was also quite disappointing to make Lin Tian laugh.

The goods were shipped from Zhongyu, but they could not be sold.

But Ling Tian frowned when looking at the fragments of weapons.

These weapon fragments still carry the rock fragments that cannot be removed.

With Ling Tian's stone-monitoring technique, one could tell at a glance that these things were definitely derived from the rough ore.

But there are weapon fragments hidden in the rough stone, which is really extremely rare.

At the very least, Ling Tian had never encountered it after arriving in this fairy world.

Moreover, when Ling Tian thought of this, he suddenly took out the dead root of the sky-scarred grass, put it under his nose and smelled it, even frowning.

There is a breath of rock!

In other words, the root of this sky-scarred grass is also from the rough ore!

Moreover, it is very likely that it is the same batch as these weapon fragments!

"Hehe, it's kind of interesting to look at these ores!"

Ling Tian groped his chin.

My mind has already begun to calculate.

"Hehe, it's rare that Tianyi Auction House is so hot today, so next, this auction will auction two pieces carefully selected by me."

"If you want to come, you will love it!"

Lin Tianxiao sorted out his mood.

Immediately he turned his hands and took out two brocade boxes.

All the warriors in the audience straightened up when they saw this.

Perhaps what is contained in these two boxes is the highlight of this auction!

"Hey, Senior Lin, quickly open it and take a look, what kind of baby it is! These immortal stones of mine are all useless to keep!"

Lei Wanchen smiled.

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, but directly opened one of the brocade boxes.

In an instant, three gems with raging flames appeared in front of everyone.

The fiery energy and dazzling light immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

Even Ling Tian is no exception!

"The Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem!?"

Immediately, he whispered!

From Zhao Min's mouth, Ling Tian already knew the inscription level of this fairy world.

The gems needed for inscription are the blue breeze glare, the scarlet fire thorns, the stars and the moon, etc. The higher the rank, the more valuable the value.

Although the blue wind dazzling gem is the most basic inscribed gem, it is also very valuable and very rare. Generally, only the Tianjiao in the three immortal sects can have it.

In addition, that is, the Qixiu who was born out of ordinary, could use such gems.

After all, if you want to inscribe, you need not only gems, but also immortal engravers, which is even more difficult.

The Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem above the glare of the blue breeze is even more precious.

At the very least, it was the first time Ling Tian saw these gems.

And now, this Tianyi Auction House has directly taken out three Scarlet Fire Thorns Gems!

This thing can directly create a Tianjiao with the wings of fire.

Of course, you still have to find an extremely tyrannical Master Immortal.

However, even though the engraver is hard to find, it is impossible to image the fiery storm brought by this scarlet fire thorn gem!

At the moment when the Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem appeared, some warriors exclaimed and stood up from the seats.

This is too tempting.

You know, there are still two months left, and it's Tianjiao's grand feast.

That was a grand gathering for the entire Haoran City Tianjiao.

Anyone who can make a blockbuster at the Tianjiao feast will be famous for the awe-inspiring and prosperous people of Xijiang!

The Scarlet Fire Thorns Gem can allow the Tianjiao to have the wings of fire, which can not only increase the combat power, but most importantly, can demonstrate their extraordinary status!

Because the wings of fire are extremely rare, as far as we know it, only the chief of the major sects and the sons of the two generals have the wings of fire.

There is nothing else!

If these three Scarlet Fire Thorns gems can be photographed today, then there is a great possibility that after those arrogances, they will have the wings of fire.

Once it is done, it will definitely shine above the banquet of Tianjiao!

"Hahaha, everyone, Shaoan, don't worry!"

"This Scarlet Fire Thorn Gem is collected by my Tianyi Auction House. It is now taken out for you, Tianjiao, to shine at the Tianjiao feast two months later!"

"So, juniors, let's start, three Scarlet Fire Thorns gems, packaged for auction, starting price, five million immortal stones!"

Lin Tianxiao laughed up to the sky, and directly dropped the hammer to shoot.

The starting price of 5 million can hardly be lowered, it was doubled almost instantaneously!

"Five and five million!"

"Seven million!"

"Nine million!"

"I am ten million!"

The scene was extremely hot, but after it was 10 million, the bidding sound became much quieter.

After all, among the Tianjiao present, not many can produce ten million immortal stones.

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