Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1904: I can't teach it! 【Big

Like a long river surging, the momentum is extremely high!

Bai Yu was born in the Egret Academy, and the Egret Academy is well-known for its piano sound spells, so Bai Yu is more confident than the piano skill!

Zuo Xianzhi admired him precisely because of his piano skills.

As long as there is no one in the art of piano music, I can never fight Zuo Xianzhi with Bai Yu!

Bai Yu looked at Ling Tian sideways, and said in his heart.

At this time, Zuo Xianzhi also came out with the piano.

However, compared with Mr. Yi and Bai Yu's guqin, the piano in Zuo Xianzhi's hands is obviously inferior, but fortunately the color is emerald green with flowers and grass patterns on it, and the appearance is very delicate.

Zuo Xianzhi stretched out Qianqianyu's hand and stroked it on the strings with a transparent voice.

The artistic conception is also very deep, which can evoke the spirit of immortality. Under the dead wood and on the bank of the river, it turns into bright green buds, and a breath of fresh fairy spirit permeates, letting Ling Ling Tian actually felt extremely comfortable, his pores were opened, and his brain was clear.

Obviously, Zuo Xianzhi's piano sound also has an auxiliary and therapeutic effect.

All of a sudden, the three pianos sounded and sang, and in front of the pavilion, they used the breath of fairy spirits, as if they had constructed a three-dimensional space, with dead wood, new buds, and river water, full of vigor.

Zuo Xianzhi looked at Ling Tian, ​​seemingly looking forward to it.

This person is good at martial arts and swordsmanship, with excellent poetry and writing. I don't know if he can play piano.

Zuo Xiao also turned around, constantly winking at Ling Angel.

That way, it was even more anxious than Ling Tian himself.


Ling Tian smiled bitterly in his heart.

Finally, he sighed.

Today, I am afraid it is impossible to keep a low profile.

Simply high-profile it to the end!

Therefore, Ling Tian took out Nabes in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

The bass can be used as a guitar and can be integrated into the sound of the guqin.

However, such a strange musical instrument was something outsiders had never seen before, and Zuo Xianzhi frowned slightly, becoming more curious in his heart.

While Ling Tian was holding bass, his temperament seemed to change, sacred and tranquil.

Moonlight shines through the ancient pavilion and falls on his handsome face. He strokes the piano with his hands and strums the strings with his fingertips. Suddenly, an extremely peaceful piano tune flows at his fingertips.

The sound of the song is ethereal and clear, with a sense of incomparable tranquility. Under the moonlit night, it instantly substitutes people into a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, like a person sitting quietly in the moonlight, and then slowly lie down and take a bath. With the bright moonlight, the mood is ethereal and transparent.

Although Ling Tian's bass, even above the rank, was not as good as the one in Zuo Xianzhi's hand.

But the sound of the piano sounded, and the magical sound of the piano stirred the moonlight and fell into the pavilion, illuminating the dead wood, river water, and new buds.

In an instant, the entire piano sound space seemed to have agility, and it became more and more real.

It can be said that Ling Tian's piano sound is the finishing touch, making the entire space alive!


Bai Yu snorted coldly in his heart, and with no force in his hands, the river suddenly rushed up, as if to cover the entire space.

Mr. Yi sighed, the first to exit, the dead wood disappeared.

Zuo Xianzhi frowned, but the fairy grass made of her piano sound could not protect herself in Bai Yu's river of piano sound at all, and it was about to be swallowed.

"Ha ha……"

Ling Tian sneered. Of course he knew that Bai Yu wanted to target himself.

He doesn't care either.

But I don't want to see Zuo Xianzhi's fairy grass being destroyed by the river.

Therefore, Ling Tian's hand also suddenly used force, the moonlight suddenly condensed into a sword light, and the sword intent surged, turning into a sword field and sweeping towards the river.


The entire piano sound space suddenly exploded!

It was as if the river and the sea broke the bank, and the entire back garden was trembling with a loud noise, which surprised Zuo Xiao and others.

The space burst, Mr. Yi raised his big hand, and the power of heaven confined the space in the air.

However, when the sound of the rushing waves and rushing water faded, everyone discovered that although the piano sound space had burst, it was still there. Zuo Xianzhi's fairy grass seemed to be in the mud all the time.

The turbulent waves and currents are no longer there.

But within that space, it seemed that there was a drizzle, slowly falling, moisturizing the young fairy grass.

Mr. Yi sat up suddenly, shook his head again and again, amazed!

Then he looked at Bai Yu and Ling Tian, ​​only to find that the former's hands had already left Guqin.

In the pavilion, only Ling Tian and Zuo Xianzhi’s piano notes continued!


In the end, the piano sound space was completely shattered, and the bass in Ling Tian's hands and the delicate long piano in Zuo Xianzhi's hands were all shattered.

The grades of the two instruments are not enough to carry the artistic conception of this piano space.

If the energy in the piano sound space turned into an attack, it would be able to defeat the gods.


Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief.

This was the first time that he was inspired to use the power of the piano to condense into an immortal spell against the enemy. He couldn't even imagine that the bass was broken in the end.

But this song, he benefited a lot.

Immediately, he got up and bowed towards Mr. Na Yi, "The seniors have superb piano skills, and the juniors have benefited a lot."

"No, you are great."

"I can't teach you anything."

"Today, it's all gone!"

After all, Mr. Na Yi, with a flash of light and shadow, disappeared in front of the pavilion.

"Zuo Young Master, Ling Tian is going to leave."

Ling Tian pursed his lips and looked at Zuo Xiao.

"Oh, OK, then I'll send Big Brother Ling Tian out."

Zuo Xiao also got up and went out with Ling Tian.

Ling Tian couldn't stay any longer. He came and took down Mr. Yi's desk directly. This... was really something Ling Tian hadn't expected.

"Miss Zuo, just now, I didn't mean it, I just want to prove that my piano skills are better than him!"

Bai Yu got up and explained quickly.

"The piano skills are good, but the hearts of the people are not very good."

"Step aside!"

Zuo Xianzhi looked at Ling Tian's gradually disappearing back, bypassed Bai Yu, and ran after him.

She finally found her soulmate, and this time, she would never let it go.

"Ma De, **** it!"

"Ling Tian, ​​I remember you!"

Bai Yu's face suddenly changed to be extremely hideous, looking at Ling Tian and others' backs, it was very unlikely that a piano sound would pass, and he would directly kill him!

Zuo Zongren and the beautiful woman have been waiting outside the back garden.

After serving as a general, Zuo Zongren knew about Zuo Jia's arrogant husband and was always criticized by outsiders.

So this time, he was determined to let the Zuo family get rid of some evil spirits.

Therefore, Mr. Nayi was invited.

Seeing thunder and lightning flashing in the back garden, and the howling of the river accompanied by the sound of the piano, Zuo Zongren was also secretly stunned.

The piano tone spell is really amazing!

"Master, what do you think of Bai Yu?"

The beautiful woman asked suddenly.

"Bai Yu? Ha ha, you don't know, I and the dean of the Egret Academy have always looked down on anyone, that Bai Yu is the son of the old thing, I think he looks like his father!"

"On the surface it looks like a person, but in fact they are all dressed beasts!"

Zuo Zongren snorted coldly, "You better dispel that idea, I know what you are thinking, and I can also see that Xianzhi doesn't like that Baiyu."

"Okay, what do you think of Ling Tian? I think this kid is actually pretty good, and he looks righteous."

The beautiful woman rolled her eyes.

"Why, do you really think that your daughter can't get married anymore?"

"As for Ling Tian, ​​it's not bad, but the martial arts aptitude and background are a bit inferior, the quasi-dao body..."

Zuo Zongren shook his head.

Ling Tian and Zuo Xianzhi were completely from two worlds, and she didn't think that her daughter would like Ling Tian.


The beautiful woman nodded her head and stopped talking.

He continued to mumble about the young talents of other people's family, as if he wanted to find a good son-in-law.

But at this moment, the sound of the piano in the back garden suddenly stopped. The next moment, Mr. Yi's figure flashed, and he rushed out of the door.

"Mr. Yi, what's wrong with this?"

Zuo Zongren was startled.

"Can't teach it!"

Mr. Yi shook his head and was about to leave.

"Why can't I teach it?"

Mr. Yi sighed again and again, "The companion Ling Tian that the son found, is better than me in everything, how can I teach?"

"Let him teach the son, enough!"


After all, Mr. Na Yi's figure flickered again and again, and disappeared in the Zuo Mansion in an instant.

"Hey, what is going on!"

Zuo Zongren and the beautiful woman were startled, and just turned around, they saw that Ling Tian and Zuo Xiao also hurriedly walked out.

"Under what circumstances, how did you anger Mr. Yi away?"

The beautiful woman asked.

"Mother, don't blame me, it was Mr. Nayi himself who said that it is not as good as Ling Tian!"

Zuo Xiao spread his hands.

"Palace Master Zuo, Madam, this junior's trip to Meng Lang, if you cause trouble, please forgive me, I won't bother Mr. Yi's class anymore, forgive me and say goodbye!"

Ling Tian pursed his mouth, bowed and left with Zuo Xiao.

He still has a good impression of Mr. Yi, but he did not expect that he would have such a big reaction to Mr. Yi today.

"This...what exactly is this!"

The beautiful woman is also stupid.

Mr. Yi is gone, so Ling Tian is not here?

"Father, mother, what about Lingtian!"

Before the two of them wanted to understand, Zuo Xianzhi rushed out of the back garden again.

"Uh, Ling Tian, ​​he... he just went out!"

The beautiful woman pointed outside.


Zuo Xianzhi curled up the skirt and chased it out.

"It's messed up, it's all messed up!"

Zuo Zongren and the beautiful woman looked at each other. They had never seen a daughter who was as quiet as a fairy grass, chasing it out for a man regardless of her image.

Is it possible that my daughter really likes Lingtian?

What is really afraid of.

"What to look at, catch up!"

"Oh, no one can worry about it!"

The two stomped their feet and followed.

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