Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1903: What is immortal? Ling Tian is high-profile again

"Speaking as you are, practicing calligraphy can help you calm down and nourish your qi. The Zuo family is more than fierce, but the mood is insufficient. This is also the short board of the Zuo family."

Between Mr. Yi's hands, a fire ignited on his fingers.

It is a very strong fire with seventy-seven layers.

As soon as he appeared, Ling Tian raised his brows.

Sure enough, there are still too many fires that are stronger than the Jin Gang Xianyan in his body.

"Let's write a fairy character!"

"What is immortal, the hermit in Chonglou believes that the hermit has a strong heart, understands the world, and is immortal."

After all, Mr. Yi wrote a fairy character in the air with fire, which is extremely elegant and out of dust.

Ling Tian secretly praised.

After that, Zuo Xiao, Zhongli and others also sacrificed fire and wrote a fairy character.

Although they don't know how to refine alchemy, fire seeds can still be obtained the day after tomorrow, but the rank is not high, the appearance of thirty or forty layers is better than nothing.

But that character is so-so, out of sight.

Bai Yu flicked his long sleeves, and a 68-layer white fairy fire rose in his hand, also writing a fairy character in the air.

The words are like their own, very handsome.

"The younger generation believes that those who have come out of the dust are immortals."

Mr. Yi nodded again and again, "Young Master Bai Yu really deserves his reputation, good words!"

Bai Yu was very proud of Yi Yangzi's appreciation, looking at Ling Tian next to him, full of aloofness.

Ling Tian didn't make a move at this time. In Bai Yu's view, this person should be afraid of making a fool of himself.

After all, it was from Haoran City, Bai Yu still doubted whether he wrote that poem.

That Zuo Xianzhi was also curled up, pinching the lotus flower in his hand, and an emerald-green ganoderma-like fire ignited with sixty-nine floors, which was even more tyrannical than Bai Yu.

A fairy character appeared in front of her, very graceful, like a flower, rippling with grass and trees softly.

"Xianzhi believes that those who suspend the Dan to help the world, walk through the seven states, and benefit the human race, are true immortals."

Zuo Xianzhi's voice fell.

Mr. Nayi sighed, "Alas, the Lord Zuo has fought for the human race all his life, and his body has been plagued with karmic disasters. Unexpectedly, Miss Zuo has such kindness in her body, which is rare!"

Ling Tian also nodded when he heard this.

This Zuo Xianzhi had a sincere tone, not a fake.

Ling Tian had never seen such kind of benevolence before.

Zuo Xiao also said that his elder sister is not only extremely talented in martial arts, but also has profound knowledge in the art of pill medicine.

In the end, only Ling Tian was left, and he didn't move.

Mr. Na Yi stood in front of Ling Tian, ​​"Junior Ling Tian, ​​it's your turn."

"What do you think is a fairy?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid he doesn't know it himself, he came from Xijiang, just arrived in South China City, I'm afraid I haven't seen how terrifying the chaotic battlefield is."

Before Ling Tian could speak, Bai Yu sneered.

"Junior is indeed a newcomer to the Middle Territory, and the junior has soared from the Lower Realm to the Western Frontier."

"Senior asked me what a fairy is, I think..."

Ling Tian didn't pay attention to Bai Yu's run, but he groaned, his face suddenly condensed, and he was righteous.

"Small hidden in the mountains, knowing the world, is a fairy who escapes from the world."

"The benevolence of the doctor and the brilliant hands are the immortals of the world."

"Hundreds of immortal realms have endless disputes. Where can they avoid the world? Save people from the world? Where is the end?"

"Therefore, the younger generation believes that the immortal of the human race should end the war with war, cleanse the world, look down on the seven continents, and seek peace for all ages, and the universe!"

"This is a true fairy!"

After that, Ling Tian raised his hand, the sixty-seventh floor of Jin Gang fairy flames burst into flames, Jin Yan condensed his pen, Ling Tian's thin gold body, the words like swords, tearing the space in front of him, almost cut off a fairy word!

In that fairy character, Ling Tian embedded the power of sword intent and formation, supplemented by the coercion of fire, the moment the pen fell, the golden light flashed, and the fairy light flashed in the entire back garden, making the night as bright as day. !

A fairy character, the momentum suppressed all the fairy characters of other people.

It's like a sword-wielding general with a golden armor, showing off his sharp edge!

"Stop wars with wars and clean up the world."

After a long time, Mr. Yi sighed, raised his sleeves, and rolled out his own fairy character.

"Although my fire is stronger than you, but my consciousness and writing are not as good as you."

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

They also saw that Ling Tian's character was very beautiful and domineering.

But even Mr. Yi sighed to himself?

So, doesn't it mean that Ling Tian has overshadowed Mr. Yi in his poems and words?

Zuo Xianzhi looked at the tall and domineering fairy character in front of Ling Tian, ​​and he was almost the same as when Ling Tian was about to slash with his sword!

This guy is really special!

"His, Brother Ling Tian, ​​why don't you comment on Bai Yu's fairy character?"

Zuo Xiao said in a low voice.

Ling Tian shook his head, did not speak, and did not look at Bai Yu.

In that way, it seems to be disdainful to evaluate.

"Ma De!"

Bai Yu snorted coldly in his heart, rolled his sleeves, and rolled out the fairy character in front of him.

This time, he could be regarded as a downfall.

Moreover, still in front of Zuo Xianzhi!

Seeing Zuo Xianzhi's eyes flashed, it made Bai Yu's heart feel like a needle!

This Ling Tian even looked disdainful of evaluating himself, could it be that he wanted to die?

"Fine, I'm afraid I won't be able to teach you anything today."

Mr. Yi stood in front of the pavilion, looking at the color of the water.

Yi Yangzi could see the poems, characters, even formations and swordsmanship, this Ling Tian was quite accomplished.

Finally, Yi Yangzi turned around and sat cross-legged, actually taking out a guqin.

"So, I will call you the technique of piano music!"

Mr. Yi's guqin is very simple, like it is made of dead wood, and it gives a sense of grandeur.

He stroked the piano with both hands and played it slowly, Ling Tian raised his brows when the sound of the piano came out.

This Mr. Yi doesn't say anything else, this piano skill is really serious.

Even when compared with piano skills, Ling Tian thought he was inferior.

After all, Ling Tian's advantage is the strange instruments and the tunes in his head.

Even with the playing of Mr. Yi, Ling Tian unexpectedly discovered that a dead wood-colored fairy light condensed around his body, and finally turned into a dead tree.

Its shadow is as lifelike as the dead wood, right in front of you, it can be completely fake!

Not only that, every branch on the dead wood is like a sharp sword, and it seems that it may burst out at any time.

The attacks erupted by this terrifying technique of piano music are extremely shocking!

It's the piano sound spell again!

Ling Tian muttered in his heart.

This is the second time he has seen it.

Before in the Rising Sun Building, he had seen the disciple of the Bailu Academy offering the Qin Tone spell, although compared with Mr. Yi, it was quite different.

All the arrogances present, Zuo Xiao and others were completely dumbfounded. They also had Guqin in front of them, but none of them knew how.

Bai Yu sneered, and raised his hand to take out a guqin made of white jade. There are flowing water lines on it. His ten fingers are slender, and he directly touches the piano. It can also blend into Mr. Yi's piano sound. Under the dry wood, he uses the piano sound to condense. Immortal Qi, turned into a stream of water, flowing around.

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