Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1914: The second round of assessment begins

This is just a bit of a joke.

After all, as fans of Xiancao, they all know that Zuo Xianzhi never said that he would join any academy.

After Ling Tian entered Jinghong Academy, he shouldn't entangle Zuo Xianzhi.

But now, Zuo Xianzhi makes an exception and wants to pass the Jinghong Academy?

"It must be Ling Tian's ghost! He is still confuse our fairy grass!"

"Yes, it must be! He has gotten worse!"

"If Xiancao enters Jinghong Academy with him, he will probably eat Xiancao!"

"Well, not even the roots are left."

"Never let him join Jinghong Academy!"

"Little man, Xiao Bailian doesn't deserve to be a swordsman in Jinghong Academy!"

Suddenly, among the crowds, the voices of crusade against Ling Tian, ​​one after another, like the waves of the long sky.

Ling Tian looked at Zuo Xianzhi who was running towards him, and couldn't help touching his forehead.

Finish the ball.

This can't be shaken off.

He really didn't expect that Zuo Xianzhi would also come to apply for Jinghong Academy.

"Uh, Ling Tian, ​​did I come to the assessment and caused you trouble?"

Feeling the noise from all around, Zuo Xianzhi did not expect that his decision would have such an impact.

"It's okay, there's enough trouble anyway."

Ling Tian waved his hand.

He didn't think it would be smooth sailing anyway.

Well, let the storm come more violently.

However, Zuo Xianzhi's sudden application for the exam made all the students in Jinghong College excited.

Because in Jinghong Academy, Yu Xuanji has already been saved as the top spot in the group.

So if Zuo Xianzhi joins, there will be two.

By then, who can compare with Jinghong Academy?

This is simply envious of others!

Of course, there is one more thing to do, which is to keep Ling Tian out of Jinghong Academy!

In this way, Zuo Xianzhi is theirs!

Almost in an instant, targeting Ling Tian became the common goal of everyone.

The first round of testing lasted a whole day.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, all tests were completed.

On the square, there were more than two thousand people who entered the next road.

It was twice as much as Ling Tian and others predicted.

And all day, Zuo Xianzhi stood quietly next to Ling Tian, ​​and the latter sometimes joked with Zuo Xianzhi.

Make a group of young warriors angry at the roots of the teeth.

Finally, the second round of assessment began.

After passing the qualification test, the next step is to get real.

The previous second round of assessments of Jinghong Academy were different.

Or the freshmen will learn from each other and the strong will stay.

Or the new students who have passed a certain secret test and left behind.

In order to prevent some freshmen from targeted training.

But this time, more than two thousand freshmen who were evaluated were only informed when the second round began.

In the second round of assessment, Jinghong College selected a group of students from the previous class to serve as assessors to form the checkpoint.

Freshmen can team up and pass through the levels, as long as they defeat the seniors and pass the levels, they will become official freshmen of Jinghong Academy.

After the selection of freshmen is completed, they can stand on the ring and compete for the top ten seats and become the top ten sword guard disciples of Jinghong Academy.

The sword guard disciple not only represents the strong combat power and supreme glory of the new life, but also can obtain massive training resources, as well as the priority to enter the hidden sword pavilion, and prepare for the subsequent selection of the holy war of the holy child and holy woman in South China City.

It can be said that this round is very important.

Any freshman will go all out.

Ling Tian led Zuo Xianzhi and Yuan Meng, and more than two thousand freshmen, entered from the gate outside Jinghong Academy.

From the outside, you can see Wenjian Peak, which is like a divine sword breaking the sky.

This mountain is the highest landmark in the entire South China City.

Stepping into Jinghong Academy, there are already countless people in the vast square in front of them, and on the most front step are the previous students and teachers of Jinghong Academy.

In addition, there are many other warriors from the three major academies and major families and forces in South China City.

They are all here to watch the ceremony.

Ling Tian's gaze swept across, among them, he saw many familiar faces.

Including Bai Yu, Duan Mulei and Na Pengqin disciples from Bailu Academy, Wei Yan and Zuo Xiao from Dragon Tiger Academy, as well as Li Mu and Murong Zining.

In the area of ​​Qitian Academy, Ling Tian saw the third in the Qunfang list, the first in the college freshmen, and Zhao Min.

However, Ling Tian was a little surprised that Zhao Min at this time was actually wearing clothes in the same style as Shangguan Rongyin. On his shoulders, he also had the logo of Qitian Academy’s core disciple.

I don't know how Zhao Min did it.

Seeing Ling Tian's coming and going, Zhao Min also waved excitedly.

But the distance is too far, now is not the time to explain.

In addition to the arrogances of these famous South China City, in the front row of the ladder are the top powerhouses of the four colleges and the celebrities of major families and forces.

Sitting in the middle are naturally the dean and deputy dean of Jinghong Academy, as well as a group of elders.

These people, each carrying a long sword, are extremely powerful, and their cultivation bases are all above the fourth level of the Earth Immortal.

Zuo Zongren, the lord's mansion, was sitting beside the dean of Jinghong Academy with a smile on his face.

"Ling Tian, ​​that is the dean of Jinghong Academy, Shen Lang!"

"On the other side of my dad is Chu Jinggi, the superintendent of the Disciplinary Institute of Jinghong Academy. He is the strongest among the vice deans, and he is also the true speaker of Jinghong Academy."

"Great power."

Zuo Xianzhi was beside Ling Tian, ​​explaining in a low voice to Ling Tian.

"Huh? The Superintendent? What do you mean?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

The inside of Jinghong Academy seems to be very complicated.

"Hehe, Dean Shen Lang is the strongest of Jinghong Academy, but he is now the pinnacle of the five layers of the Earth Immortal, and he has been busy comprehending the sword to break through the sword intent, so he rarely manages the affairs of Jinghong Academy. As for the Chu Jinggi, I took this opportunity to arrange a lot of people from the Chu family in the academy. Alas, Jinghong Academy, I’m afraid it’s impossible to avoid them."

Zuo Xianzhi sighed.

"Oh, that's it, I understand."

Ling Tian nodded.

Although this Jinghong Academy is not a martial art, it is actually similar to a martial art.

Intrigue and entanglement are inevitable.

For example, the Chu family in Jinghong Academy, the Shangguan family in Qitian Academy, the Bai family in Bailu Academy, and the Wei family in Longhu Academy are all powerful families that can control the Academy.

These families are behind, although the reputation is not as strong as the four colleges, they are extremely powerful.

The square inside Jinghong Academy is extremely large and can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people. The view of the front stands is very good. At a glance, everything in front is brought into view.

When the new students got started, there was a lot of discussion.

Especially after the appearance of the bloodthirsty sword pavilion Tushen, Xiang Que and Zuo Xiancao Zuo Xianzhi, the sound reached its peak.

These three people are destined to shine in this Jinghong Academy.

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