Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1915: The terrible bloodthirsty swordsman

Especially Zuo Xianzhi, he is not only Miss Zuo Jia, but also the first in the first round of talent test

Even Na Tu Shen and Xiang Que looked at Zuo Xianzhi from time to time, with a fiery color in their eyes.

Of course, when their gazes moved, they looked at Zuo Xianzhi's side, and the Tsing Yi figure with Qiao Xiao Yanran facing each other, their pupils shrank.

Fighting violent.

Ling Tian!

In their eyes, a guy who is not worthy of Zuo Xianzhi.

Even if Ling Tian entered Jinghong Academy, they wouldn't make Ling Tian feel better.

Li Mu, Wei Yan, and Murong Zining stood in the front row of the Dragon Tiger Academy, looking at Ling Tian who was behind Zuo Xianzhi, he suddenly showed a sense of irony, and said with a smile: "Oh, it's really nothing to do. Even when you enter Jinghong Academy, you have to pull Zuo Xianzhi."

Wei Yan showed a touch of disdain. For Ling Tian, ​​he is now disgusted from the bottom of his heart, "Don't worry, he is digging his own grave. I have received the latest news. Ling Tian has offended this new student. Sword disciple, Chu Jingfeng, the Chu family master!"

"What do you mean? Now that the assessment hasn't started, how come the freshmen of Jinghong Academy come out with the sword?"

Murong Zining suddenly turned around and asked.

"Haha, the Chu family is now covering the sky with only one hand in Jinghong Academy, and Shen Lang does not care. Chu Jingji can completely let Chu Jingfeng enter the academy without taking the assessment, and that Chu Jingfeng returned to Nanhua City two years ago. It is said that, Now that he is about to break through to the realm of heavenly immortals, his swordsmanship is determined and no one can match."

"Even if it is to participate in the assessment, this number one is his. With Chu Jingfeng's arrogance, he would never come to participate in the assessment."

Wei Yan shrugged.

"Oh? Is the legendary sword Xiu Chu Frightened the wind? As far as I know, he left South China City two years ago and entered the mountains in the south, killing with the frightening sword intent. The foreign peers were frightened by the news and did not expect to come back this year."

Li Mu also took a deep breath.

When he was a teenager, Chu Jingfeng had already obtained the title of Sword Show.

"Well, of course, how could he miss the holy war in South China City."

Wei Yan sneered.

"Then who are you better than him?"

Li Mu suddenly asked with a smile.

"He and I used to be on the same level, but now they are. Between us, it depends on who can break through to the gods first."

Wei Yan seemed very indifferent and confident.

"My opponent has always been Chu Jingfeng alone. In any case, I will go all out during that holy war."

Murong Zining didn't want to hear this, "Why did Chu Jingfeng target Ling Tian?"

"I heard that it was because of Xianpin Cigarettes. In short, the Chu Family faction of Jinghong Academy has already been operated. It is not so easy for Ling Tian to pass the second round of assessment. Look at it."

Wei Yan sneered.

"Hehe, it can't help Ling Tian."

Murong Zining shook his head, but in the end he sighed, "However, if he doesn't get the top spot in this assessment, it should make him very angry, right?"

After all, that guy once said that since he entered the martial arts, he has never let any competition leader fall to others.

"The last class of students assessed at each level cannot be unified. Ling Tian, ​​I think the guys from the Jinghong Academy yesterday should really deal with us."

On the square, waiting for the assessment of Chi Sanqi, he looked at Ling Tian.

This round of assessment mode is really too easy to operate.

"It's okay, it's just a chicken dog."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"Haha, that's right, you're so scared? We are a group of four, Miss Zuo, you and Ling Tian won't have to act for a while, just watch."

"I, Yuan Meng, have been waiting for this day for twenty years."

"The Yuan family has a heavy sword, and on this day, it will be renamed Nanhua."

Chi Sanqi's thin body was stretched straight in the wide robe, "Well, my Chi family, too."

Zuo Xianzhi opened his mouth, and finally did not speak. He suddenly realized that not only Ling Tian was special, but his friends were also different.

As time passed a little bit, Chu Jinggi, the superintendent of Jinghong Academy, took a look at your time, and then he got up, and then said: "The time is up, the door is closed, and latecomers will no longer be placed in the academy."

"Yes." The warrior guarding outside the academy replied, closing the gate of Jinghong Academy.

"Since we are all here, let's start directly. The rules must be clear to everyone. As long as you pass the checkpoint set by the previous student, all people in the same group can enter the academy!" Chu Jinggi said again: "Go!"

His voice fell, and on the square in front of Ling Tian, ​​there were passages leading to the opposite side. The passages were extremely wide enough to accommodate ten people in a battle.

There are no fewer than dozens of such roads.

The second round of assessment, I think it won’t take long, and it will be over.

"Candidates are divided into groups according to their sorting order as usual, and each group cannot exceed five people!"

There was a long voice from the elder of Jinghong Academy.

The martial artist who participated in the first round of the assessment this time had the highest cultivation base in Ji Di Xian Jiu Zhong, but the cultivation base of the last student sent out was generally one level higher.

Although most of these people were students from the last session of the outer gate, their cultivation base was much higher. Three years of experience is not comparable to freshmen. In theory, they won’t be able to do their best, but their combat power is still there. .

As the voice of the invigilator fell, there were groups of kendo martial artists rushing towards those passages.

The war is about to start.


With a roar and shout, a ray of brilliance suddenly bloomed on the passage. Before the battle, both sides did not know the other side, nor did they know what kind of sword the other side cultivated.

At this moment, the fairy lights of various colors bloomed one after another, the sword energy ran away, and the power of the sword domain swept the space.

But above most channels, the battle situation is one-sided.

Even if the seniors didn't try their best, some freshmen were still lost in an instant. As soon as the battle started, some people were constantly eliminated.

However, among them, those who carry the prestigious Tianjiao continue to perform their legends.

I saw the legendary bloodthirsty swordsman walking towards the passage slowly, alone in a passage not far from Ling Tian and the others, his arrogant and pale face, only those eyes, blood-red, watching The five former students on the opposite side of the passage were extremely indifferent.

"Hmph, dare to come up alone, you bloodthirsty swordsman, you really don't put us in your eyes!"

"Everyone, I will deal with this guy alone!"

Among the last class of students, the leader was also the pinnacle of the Ninth Layer of the Earth Immortal. He has cultivated his heart in Jinghong Academy for three years, and his talent is a bit worse, but his kendo skills are not weak.

When the combat power bursts out, it can definitely match the ordinary gods!

Immediately, the kendo warrior's figure flashed, rushing towards the bloodthirsty swordsman like a flash of light, the speed was so fast that he pulled out afterimages.

I saw you swing out the long sword in his hand, and suddenly a stream of water converged, condensing a long sword energy, sweeping towards the bloodthirsty swordsman.

"The swordsman of the water system swordsmanship has been intensively trained in the academy for three years, so superb." Many people praised.

Ling Tian watched that person make a move and nodded secretly. Although this person's talent was only a high-grade spirit body, he had not broken through the gods in three years.

But how difficult is it to become a god?

Being able to possess the power of the immortal and fighting at higher levels is enough to prove the tyrannical martial artist of this Jinghong Academy.

"Aren't you going to kill you?" The man saw the bloodthirsty swordsman Tu Shen still walking slowly, without drawing his sword.

But the aqua sword aura in his hand was about to fall.

Many people frowned. It was very terrifying for the strong of the Ninth Layer of the Earth Immortal to make a move. That space seemed to have a terrible sword domain storm, capable of smashing everything in the space, but the opponent didn't even fight back?

At this moment, everyone saw that his figure was moving, his whole body was full of rich blood-colored brilliance, as if he was wearing an evil blood-colored armor, and the golden armor was flowing like a liquid, he Stepping out, ignoring the strength of the sword domain of the Jinghong Academy student, suddenly drew the blood-colored long sword in his hand.

The **** breath of the storm, with the power of the terrifying sword domain, instantly tore the opponent's sword intent, and the blood cocoon trembled. The next moment, the opponent's sword aura was shattered, and he was cut in a scream. A terrifying wound was opened, and it flew out.

Everyone was shocked, looking at the blood scattered all over the sky.

An invigilator hurried forward, but discovered that although the college was still alive, its chest had been cut open, only a sigh of relief was saved.

This bloodthirsty swordsman, shot too hard!

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