Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1924: Invincible Sword

This is simply incredible!

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows at the position of Jianhua disciple.

Zuo Xianzhi's song, he also has never heard of it.

He never expected that Zuo Xianzhi would be able to create his own piano music in the past three months.

Her talent is far above Ling Tian's imagination.

Moreover, this song is completely different from Liang Zhu's poignant beauty.

The song is full of indomitable, domineering, sword intent, like a generation of invincible sword immortals, born out of the sky.

Almost after the three breaths of the sound of the piano, a vision was born.

The disciples of the entire Jinghong Academy found that the long sword in their hands was shaking involuntarily, as if they were shocked by the sound.

The same is true for Ling Tian.

He stood up suddenly.

Zuo Xianzhi said before that she would play the piano for herself.

Then at this time, that Chu Frightened Heavenly Tribulation was about to fall.

If you don't make a move at this time, when will you make a move?

As a result, amidst Zuo Xianzhi's increasingly high-pitched piano sound, the 100,000 sword intent in Ling Tian's chest shook wildly.

The scabbard in his hand came out again.

Hanging high in the sky, spinning like crazy.

The terrifying sword intent, in the sound of the piano, complements each other, soaring out of thin air!

A sword domain storm rose into the sky.

The volume instantly soared to the size of the battlefield, and after breathing, it expanded exponentially.

Under everyone's attention, the storm finally rushed into the sky, which was full of heights!

Even the storm has touched the boundary of the distant robbery cloud.

The storm also carries the vortex, and when seen from a distance, it is as if there are two storm vortices side by side in the sky.


Ling Tian's cultivation base was far from the level of crossing the Tribulation, so he couldn't trigger the Tribulation.

But his sword domain storm is more powerful than that of the robbery of the day!

I saw Ling Tian suddenly shouted, and the golden fairy flames rose all over his body.

The flame rises along the storm of the sword domain, the fire borrows the wind, and the wind borrows the power of the fire.

Suddenly, the storm of the sword domain was ignited by flames, and it rushed into a golden flame storm that was ten thousand feet high!

The terrifying sword intent power drew the wind and fire, swept across, illuminating half of the sky.

Under the sound of Zuo Xianzhi's piano, Ling Tian's sword intent was stronger than ever!

"This is not the power of the sword world, but the sword world!"

On the high platform, Zuo Zongren suddenly exclaimed and stood up.

The other gods of Jinghong Academy were also surprised when they heard the words.

"Sword World? This is impossible!"

The sword world is the level of sword intent above the sword realm.

The field of sword power, the world of swords, is almost equivalent to the transformation of cocoons into butterflies for the swordsman.

Moreover, all the time, it was only when the swordsman was in the realm of heaven that he could comprehend the sword world.

Even Jian Xiu Chu shocked the wind, but he did not comprehend the sword world when he was in the earth immortal!

"No, this is not the sword world."

That Shen Lang also shook his head, "Ling Tian’s force of the sword domain is tyrannical, but it is terrifying. Moreover, it is the power of two sword domains, wind and fire, that bless each other, and then under the blessing of Miss Zuo’s piano sound technique, It just broke out except for the kendo coercion comparable to the sword world."

That's it.

Hearing the explanation of the swordsman Shen Lang, everyone was stunned.

Now that Shen Lang has reached a conclusion, there should be nothing wrong.

But even so, the storm sword world in front of them was still enough to shock them.

This Ling Tian actually possesses the power of two sword domains!

One wind and one fire.

They are all top spirit sword domains!

Even wind and fire can be compatible, how terrible is under mutual blessing?

It's no wonder that Ling Tian has such self-confidence, fighting all the arrogances alone.

"Hehe, God bless me to shock the Academy!"

"This time on Shengxian Road, I'm Jinghong Academy, I can show off my demeanor!"

Shen Lang couldn't help laughing.

Moreover, looking at Ling Tian's Storm Sword Realm, listening to Zuo Xianzhi's piano sound, and even the sword intent that had been imprisoned in his body for a hundred years, there were signs of loosening!

Could it be that this is a sign of the rise of Jinghong Academy?

"Everyone, Chu Jingfeng's tribulation will also fall!"

At this time, Chu Jinggi roared in the sound of the piano.

Everyone looked at the distant sky.

That's right, at this time, in the whirlpool of the robbery storm, robbery thunder had already fallen.

From a distance, under the thunder, there was a blue figure, wrapped in a violent wind, resisting the catastrophe.

At this time, everyone noticed that this first day arrogant Chu Fengfeng was already crossing the catastrophe.

He should be the dazzling star today.

Before that, it seemed that Ling Tian had robbed him of it.

"Chu Jingfeng is still amazing!"

"Yes, although the sword domain storm in front of you is tyrannical, it is not the real sword world after all."

"The first arrogant person is Chu Jingfeng."

Everyone began to admire.


But at this moment, on the battle platform below, the ten thousand zhang storm above Ling Tian's head suddenly sounded like a dragon.

In the golden fire storm, even thunder light flashed in it.

At this time, Zuo Xianzhi's piano sound had also reached its peak.

I saw Ling Tian on the battle platform, Qing Yi grinning, and her silver hair dancing wildly.

The imprint of heaven and earth on the center of the eyebrows bloomed with a bright fairy light.

Ling Tian raised his hand and pointed at the sword sheath hanging upside down above the sky.

After the recast, the Long Yuan sword has not yet been out of its sheath.

Its rank is far superior to that of the Earth Immortal Artifact. The reason why it didn't come out of the sheath was just for warmth.

Now, it happens to have encountered a fresh catastrophe.

How could Ling Tian miss it?

Moreover, at this time, the 100,000 sword shadows in his body had already evolved again.

Shen Lang said that Ling Tian's sky-reaching storm was not the sword world.

But now Ling Tian wanted to use a hundred thousand sword shadows to form a sword world, but it was only a matter of minutes.

Na Chu Jingfeng thought to steal the limelight with him.

Thinking too much!

Amidst the ten thousand zhang storm, there is a thunder dragon looming, and in the horror of everyone, Ling Tian's hundred thousand sword shadows have completely condensed into the sword world.

In this storm, it is Ling Tian's sword, the world of swords!

In the high-pitched piano sound, the storm surged again in an instant, the wind rushed into the sky, and the whirlpool and the thunder tribulation were fighting against each other.

Even, the Jieyun who had taken Chu Jingfeng's day tribulation was torn out.

Lei Ting was even more swept over by Ling Tian Sword Region Wind.

Long Yuanjian bathed in the thunder, tempering the sword.

"How is this possible?"

However, this scene is even more incredible in everyone's eyes.

This storm created by Ling Tian can actually image Chu Jingfeng's catastrophe?

"Haha, Brother Chu, Ling Tian is here to help you overcome the catastrophe!"

Under the storm, Ling Tian was already holding his hand, with a long roar, almost shaking the entire Jinghong Academy!

Countless people looked at the Tsing Yi figure on the battle platform in shock. He was standing under the storm. Above the battle platform, a cloud of thunderclouds and storms gathered together, and golden lightning flashed through the sky and the earth, just like the wrath of the heavens.

Long Yin was manic and invincible, and the artistic conception of that sword created an illusion in people's minds. Everyone could feel his sharp edge at this moment. !

Up and down the square, the vast crowds of onlookers trembled in their hearts, and this college assessment was so exciting!

Sword Flower disciple Ling Tian used the power of Qin Yin to reach the pressure of the sword world when Chu Jingfeng was crossing the catastrophe!

But at this time, he is even admiring the heavens and the earth, wanting to help that Chu Feng wind through the catastrophe?

This, how arrogant is this?

With Chu Jingfeng's tyrannical force, this celestial calamity is bound to be passed.

So Ling Tian's move is clearly.

To **** the limelight of this shocking wind!

Even if Chu Jingfeng passed the Thunder Tribulation in the end, it was destined to carry Ling Tian's influence from the sword world.

Whenever, it will be a stain on Chu Jingfeng!

"Hehe, Ling Tian this is too bad!"

On the high platform, Shangguan Rongyin shook his head and chuckled.

Now, she really doesn't have to admire Ling Tian's methods.


Chu Gyeonggi clenched his fists tightly. He counted a thousand things, but he didn't count. Today, a sky will appear!

Moreover, this Ling Tian was able to use the power of the sound of the piano to inspire the sword world that the gods could possess!

Thus, tore through Chu Jingfeng's catastrophe.

However, no matter how frightened Chu Jingji was.

Ling Tian's sword world is still finished!

The terrifying whirlpool almost pulled Chu Jingfeng's one-third of the power of Heavenly Tribulation Thunder.

In this way, Chu Jingfeng could easily survive all the catastrophes in a cup of tea.

Two celestial lights, or the figure in the distance, slowly descended back to the mountain peak.

But everyone seemed to be able to feel the angry gaze that Chu Jingfeng looked at.

The feat that could have shocked the entire South China City, but now it’s because of Ling Tian, ​​it’s a mess.

All the light was snatched by Ling Tian!

This Jianhua disciple, helping the sword-handling disciple to cross the robbery, think about it, all find it funny.

At this time, Zuo Xianzhi's song also completely fell into the domain.

Ling Tian's strength of the sword world also gathered.

Ling Tian held the scabbard that fell from the sky in his hand and carried it on his back.

Then, he looked at Zuo Xianzhi in the audience.

"Disciple, what's the name of this song?"

He used to compose music for others in the Southern Tang, to Tianyu, and to this chaotic battlefield.

Now, Zuo Xianzhi is the first to compose music for him.

He could feel the admiration for himself in Zuo Xianzhi's song.

Facing such affection, Ling Tian couldn't be unfeeling again.

"Master, this song."

"Ming Wushuang!"

"Sword-holders are like jade, Master is unparalleled in the world."

"Tuo'er Zuo Xianzhi, with Wushuang, I wish Master, you will become a disciple of Jianhua!"

Zuo Xianzhi smiled, raised his head, and looked at Ling Tian quietly.


Ling Tian also looked at Zuo Xianzhi.

"Okay, with you, this sword flower disciple."

"It's worth it."

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