Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1926: One Pavilion Masters Guqin

Mr. Yi waved his hand.


Ling Tian went upstairs and pushed open the door on the sixth floor. Only then did he see a figure in a plain robe sitting cross-legged with his back facing him.

In front of him, there seemed to be a guqin.

"Master Ling Tian, ​​come forward and sit down."

When the person spoke, Ling Tian was surprised to discover that these six pavilion masters were women.

Stepped forward, sitting on the futon in front of the master of the six pavilions.

Looking at the face of the sixth pavilion master, Ling Tian's mood still didn't fluctuate much.

This pavilion owner's appearance is plain, of the kind that looks good.

But Ling Tian just glanced at it, then lowered his eyes.

The opponent's cultivation base is unfathomable.

Ling Tian conservatively estimated that it was similar to Zuo Zongren.

Although it seems that the woman is only in her thirties, she is definitely an old monster!

Still blasphemy.

"Junior Ling Tian, ​​I have seen the pavilion master."

Ling Tian said, returning the building order in his hand.

"Poor Dao Frame String, now is the sixth pavilion master of this South China City complex."

The pavilion master took back the token.

"Oh, it turned out to be Senior Frame String."

Ling Tian nodded, but muttered in his heart, this building is really inclusive.

This sixth pavilion master turned out to be a Taoist person.

"I heard that Young Master Ling Tian is extremely talented. Among the younger generations, no one can match him."

Ling Tian waved his hand again and again, "Senior, who is behind me orchestrating me? My talent is pretty fair, but it's really not unmatched."

Ling Tian himself couldn't afford this evaluation.

"No, it's not someone else who arranged you, it's the evaluation of Chonglou."

The pavilion master smiled.

"Oh? Chonglou commented on me? Why is this?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

The pavilion master was not in a hurry to answer, instead he took out another token and handed it over.

Above it, there is only one floor.

"Pavilion Master, who are you?"

This time, Ling Tian didn't answer.

"The main frame of the sixth pavilion of the Nanhua Zhonglou is to invite Lord Ling Tian to join me."

"If you receive this token, you will be the pavilion master of my rebuilding."

The pavilion master still smiled faintly.

"Why? Now, I am already a student of Jinghong Academy. As far as I know, the hermits or pavilion masters in the heavy building are all without discipline. Moreover, my cultivation level has not yet reached Tianxian. One heavy, it seems to be out of compliance."

Ling Tian puzzled.

"By fate, rebuilding the building is also helpless. If the son receives this token, I rebuild the building and make an exception."

"Then it seems that I'm still not picking up."

Ling Tian scratched his head, and the opponent's posture seemed a bit scary.

"You have no reason to refuse, and you will not refuse."

"Joining the Chonglou is harmless to the son."

The pavilion master, however, had a confident appearance.

In Taoyuan, Liu Yao Qingxu and others were all watching, Qi Qi suggested that Ling Tian hold it first.

"Well, since the heavy building made an exception for me, then I will accept it."

Ling Tian took it, played with the token for a while, and put it away.

In fact, the Chonglou does not participate in the struggle of forces, so the pavilion owner of the Chonglou, apart from being respected by others, is the resources and gifts of the Chonglou, which is attractive enough.

"Hehe, that's all right."

"In the end, the son and the heavy building did not escape fate."

Suddenly, that frame of string said something, but his expression was very strange, and I couldn't tell whether it was happy or sad.

"Uh, Pavilion Master, don't scare me, how come it seems that I Ling Tian entered this building, it seems that something big has happened?"

Ling Tian spread his hands, "I'm just a little man of Jiu Zhong."

"In this world, many indomitable powerhouses were once small people."

The string of that frame shook his head, and immediately pushed the guqin in front of him, "This piano, called Nostalgia, has been passed down from ancient times, and it has been in this building for more than 500 years. No one has ever moved it. pass."

"Now it belongs to you."

"give me?"

Ling Tian took the Guqin.

I found that this guqin is very elegant, the whole body is very slender, and the whole body is blooming with a light blue light of ancient meaning, and even, it seems to contain the sound of wind and fire.

"Well, yes, he belongs to you."

"But I don't know how to guqin."

"I teach you."

The string raised its head in that frame.

"We have three months."

"Before the holy war, I was your piano master."

Ling Tian frowned, "Why do you want to learn this Guqin?"

"Ling Tian is puzzled. He is equally proficient in other instruments."

The pavilion master said: "I know you are familiar with rhythm, and the instruments in your hand are all amazing, but the world's musical instruments, led by the guqin, you can't, you can't."

"The power of piano music is something you must master. Why, don't you want to learn it?"

The face of the string suddenly changed, the palm of his hand turned, and another guqin emerged. Then, when Ling Tian had not reacted, his bare hand fell on the string, and the next moment, sword after sword Light condensed out of thin air, lasing towards Ling Tian.

Bang bang bang!

The opponent shot too fast.

Ling Tian looked at the burst of sword light, and for a while, the sword intent condensed and he was about to resist.


But those sword shadows were sound waves condensed. Although they were blocked, when the sound waves exploded, the more Ling Tian's mind buzzed, the slower he could be clear.

"God attack!"

Ling Tian flew out, a mouthful of blood, and was shaken out.

The string just now was just a random shot, and the other party still reduced the intensity of this piano sound attack to the realm of earth fairy.

But it was still Ling Tian today, unstoppable.

Although Ling Tian stopped in a hurry, he admitted that even the top arrogant of South China City would never want to hurt him easily.

But the sound of the piano shook Ling Tian in this way.


This kind of piano music technique is a hundred times more powerful than the inheritance of the Egret Academy.

"Now, what do you think of this technique of piano music?"

Press that frame of strings with both hands on the piano.

"I studied."

Ling Tian got up from the ground and sat cross-legged in front of the guqin.

"That's right, the art of piano music can condense sound waves, and it can also move the five elements of heaven and earth, wind, thunder, and mist, omnipotent."

"Furthermore, it can also temper your divine mind. I think your inner strength is good, and you have no worries about Qi Haixian Yuan, but your divine mind can't keep up."

"Exactly." Ling Tian nodded.

"Then play the piano."

After all, that frame of strings began to play on their own.

Ling Tian listened quietly.

There is no need to say about his musical talent. He also understands the basic skills of the guqin, but what he wants to learn is the artistic conception that emerges from the frames.

It's like the sound of ancient times, and it's passed on from the piano to the piano, and it can't be for outsiders.

In this way, Ling Tian and Jiaxian studied the piano until the latter half of the night.

"This, everyone who enters the building for the first time will get a gift."

Before leaving, Frame String took out two boxes.

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