Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1936: Ling Tian missed the holy war? 【Big

Ling Tian nodded: "Yes, no wonder they said that there are very few human races going out from Shengxian Road."

This will not only face the difficulties and dangers of Shengxian Road, but also face the killing of foreign races.

"Well, the purpose of my coming to you here is selfishness. I can tell you that these nine levels of Guanshan are more difficult and dangerous. According to my judgment, the strongest talent of the human race can only reach the eighth level. "

Zuo Zongren suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​"But I hope you can reach the ninth stage!"

"This ninth level has always been the place where the top geniuses of Chiji City have been fighting, and the descendants of the human race have never set foot."

"The other thing is, this Jiuzhongguan Mountain, every layer is just a mountain range similar to a city wall, and in this, there is this ancient city!"

"If you want to enter the ancient city, you need to gather nine keys!"

"I searched for the soul of the patriarch of the Black Mountain War Wolf clan and learned that Chiji City had not collected the nine keys to open the ancient city for five hundred years, or they didn't even know the existence of the key."

Zuo Zongren got up, as if pouring all expectations on Ling Tian, ​​"Although I don't know where the nine keys are, I hope you can enter that ancient city."

"This is my Zuo Zongren, a secret that has been hidden in my heart for hundreds of years. Today, I will only tell you one person."

"If there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, I hope you will go in and take a look even if you can give up competing with others for the position of the Son of God."

"I really don't hope that this opportunity that may change the fate of the chaotic battlefield human race will fall into the hands of a foreign race."

He walked in front of Ling Tian and stretched out his hand to pat his shoulder again, "Ling Tian, ​​the strength of the Alien Tianjiao is far beyond your imagination. Now it is difficult and hard for you."

"Senior don't worry, even if there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, Ling Tian will give it a try, even if he gives up his position as a holy son."

"Human race, it is important!"

Ling Tian stood up suddenly and said seriously.

"Okay, I'm not mistaken about you, there are still seven days, do you need anything else?"

Zuo Zongren held hands.

"Uh, do seniors have more than eighty levels of natural fire?"

Zuo Zongren: "Farewell!"

Ling Tian: "???"

Seeing Zuo Zongren just come and leave, Ling Tian curled his lips, this guy was really decisive.

"Nine keys, ancient city?"

However, Ling Tian muttered, took out the map that was given to him by the previous frame, and counted the red dots on it several times before clenching his fist tightly.

No more, no less, exactly nine!

So in all likelihood, the red dot marked on this map is the key to the ancient city!

It's God's help.

Without this map, wanting to walk through the nine keys in such a dangerous way is tantamount to reaching the sky.

But now with this map, at least Ling Tian won't crash like a headless fly.

"Jiuzhongguan Mountain, ancient city."

"Hehe, I Ling Tian, ​​I want to see what is hidden in your ancient city!"

Ling Tian stood up suddenly and pushed the door out.

At this time, it was late at night.

But above Wen Jianfeng, the sword intent light of various colors was still shining.

There are still seven days left, which is the day of holy war.

Everyone didn't spare a single bit of time.

Yuan Meng, Chi Sanqi, Tu Shen Xiangque and others are all making the final sword domain breakthrough.

And on the fourth epee stage, it was already occupied by Chu Jingfeng.

Three days ago, Chu Jingfeng used his tyrannical talent for swordsmanship to form a sword world, and when Ling Tian went to the Chonglou to practice the piano, he occupied this square sword platform.

On the sword stage, Chu Jingfeng couldn't help sneer, he was waiting for Ling Tian to return.

The fourth sword platform was already occupied by him, and he wanted to look at the surprised expression on Ling Tian's face.


However, at this moment, the sound of a sword rang, like a dragon chant, vibrating.

Everyone turned around and looked around, but they found Ling Tian Yujian, shooting towards Wenjianfeng.

"Ling Tian is back!"

"But, he has no place!"

"Now there is a good show!"

Everyone talked a lot.

They all wanted to see how Ling Tian competed with that Chu Jingfeng this time.

"Ling Tian! From today, this fourth sword platform is my surprise!"

On the sword stand, Chu Jingfeng wrapped the Fengmang Sword Realm and laughed at Ling Tian.

However, what made Chu Jingfeng annoyed was that Ling Tian, ​​who was coming from Yujian, didn't seem to hear it at all. The next moment, he flew straight to the fifth sword platform above six thousand feet!

At this moment, Ling Tian was going to challenge the fifth sword platform!

"Insane! This guy is absolutely crazy!"

"The Fifth Sword Platform, even if there is a heavenly immortal who owns the elementary sword world, never want to go up!"

"That's right, the kendo of the fifth sword pedestal is so overbearing that it can be crushed to pieces!"

"Even if it is not broken, the sword world above the sword stand will completely lock him in it. After seven days, it will be a holy war. Doesn't he want to come out!?'

"Yeah, the kendo coercion within it will crazily devour his talents, even if he can come out, he is afraid that he will have to waste it."

The teachers in a number of colleges shook their heads and even cursed.

This Ling Tian was simply for the sake of face, and he didn't even want his life.

What if Chu Jingfeng occupies the fourth floor of the sword stand?

Must step on Chu Jingfeng?

In the eyes of others, Ling Tian's move was too extreme!

"No, I'll go to the dean!"

Zuo Xianzhi was also terrified, but she couldn't stop Ling Tian, ​​and could help Ling Tian. In this Jinghong Academy, it seemed that only Dean Shen Lang was the only one.

However, Ling Tian, ​​who came from Yujian, had a grim expression on his face.

He soared above six thousand feet, looked at the fifth-layer sword stand where the sword intent was raging, without any hesitation, directly sacrificed the 100,000 sword intent from his body, turned it into the power of the sword world, and fell towards the sword stand.

"Sword World?"

"It's really the sword world! My god, this Ling Tian is actually in the realm of the earth immortal, and he has realized the power of the sword world!"

"Yes, it even seems to be more tyrannical than the terrifying Heavenly Sword Realm!"’

Everyone is asking the sword peak, watching the dazzling storm that envelops Ling Tian, ​​and the trembling sword intent on it is clearly the storm world of sword intent evolution!

"No, even so, I don't want to step into the fifth stage."

"Even after going up, in seven days, the power of his sword world will definitely not be able to break Wen Jianfeng's lock."

But the group of teachers still shook their heads.

At this time, Ling Tian's sword world power had wrapped his body, slowly landing towards the sword stand.

But even Ling Tian, ​​at this moment, also felt the resistance of Wen Jianfeng's kendo coercion above the sword stand.

Compared to the fourth sword stand, it is almost ten times worse!

"Haha, enough energy!"

However, Ling Tian sneered, pressing the fierce press in his hand on Long Yuan's scabbard, and suddenly drew the sword, the sword went out half an inch, and in an instant, a violent fire suddenly appeared above Wenjian Peak six thousand feet.

Everyone just seemed to see the flash of fire in Ling Tian's Storm Sword Realm, even if Xuan completely disappeared, Ling Tian's figure completely fell on the fifth sword stand!

And the next moment, from within Wenjian Peak, a terrifying kendo coercion gushed out, engulfing the fifth sword pedestal.

The people below could only see that the sword stand was wrapped in heavy epee light, and even Ling Tian's breath could not be felt.

"It's over!"

"Although he stood up, he was really locked up."

However, when the Chu family saw this, they were extremely excited.

How about the talent of kendo overwhelming Chu Jingfeng? Didn’t it end up in your own hands in the end?

Although Chu Jingfeng was jealous of the sword world power that Ling Tian had just sacrificed, he still sneered when he saw this scene.

"Ouch, it's broken!"

"This kid, why is it so impulsive?!"

At this time, the dean Shen Lang's figure flashed before he appeared in front of the fifth floor of the sword platform.

"President, quickly rescue Ling Tian!"

Zuo Xianzhi, Yuan Meng and others all flew up.

"No, the external force touched Wen Jianfeng, the strength of the sword world above this sword stand will skyrocket, and then Ling Tian may be strangled to death by the sword intent."

"Now like this, Ling Tian won't have life worry, but to come out, he needs the strength of his sword world, enough to break the sword world blockade on this sword stand."

"I believe Ling Tian can, but there are only seven days left for the holy war, and there is not enough time!"

Shen Lang shook his head bitterly, but he knew that the location of the holy war was Jiuzhongshan Pass. If Ling Tian missed it, he would miss the entire era.

It took seven days to arrive in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning of this day, South China City was filled with thousands of people.

Almost all the warriors rushed out of Nanhua City and entered the army camp south of the city.

Every three years, there are major events in South China City. The admission assessment of the four major colleges is the first major event, and the second major event is naturally the South China City Holy War.

Every jihad can be said to be a test for the top juniors of South China City. And this battle also determines the qualifications to go to the Heavenly Sacred City to participate in the battle for Shengxian Road.

And the most important thing is naturally to decide the son and the saint woman this time.

This represents the dragon and phoenix among the people of South China City.

Similarly, it was also a confrontation between the four major courtyards to see which of the four major courtyards had more outstanding disciples.

However, it was also early in the day that everyone was told that this South China City Holy War was no longer the previous form of the arena competition, but entered the legendary Jiuzhongguan Mountain.

As for Jiuzhongguanshan, many junior warriors don't know anything.

But after explanations by the elders in the major colleges and major families, everyone was excited. ‘

Even those who can't participate in the jihad contest are going crazy with envy!

The Jiuzhong Mountain Pass contains endless treasures, immortal treasures, immortal soldiers, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and even Xuanyuan blood energy that can temper the roots and enhance the martial arts talent!

This is simply a golden opportunity!

However, when they heard about the existence of Tianjiao, a descendant of the foreign race, in the Nine-fold Pass, they all calmed down.

Alien Tianjiao!

Compared to the weak human races, those are simply monsters and evildoers!

Although there are countless treasures in Jiuzhongguan Mountain, the most important thing is to come back with life!

However, for the top talents of various universities, especially Wei Yan, Chu Jingfeng and his ilk, this is an extremely exciting news for them.

Fighting with the strong is what they really want.

Nine-fold Guanshan is more difficult and dangerous than the other.

At least it has never fallen, so if you can go to the end, the eighth or even the ninth, then you can definitely ask the younger generation of South China City.

For such a moment, how can they not look forward to it.

The four courtyards included the most outstanding geniuses in South China City, and this time, you can see who the evildoers among the geniuses are.

The geniuses from the four major colleges arrived one after another.

However, the most talked about was Ling Tian, ​​the dark horse that shocked South China City three months ago.

It is said that Ling Tian forcibly boarded the fifth sword platform of Wenjianfeng in Jinghong Academy seven days ago, and was then locked by the power of the sword world.

There are even rumors that Ling Tian is not only destined to miss this holy war competition, but is also likely to be eroded by Wen Jianfeng's tyrannical kendo coercion in the sword pedestal, his talent is damaged, and he can come out, almost cut off his martial arts.

This makes many people sigh.

After all, the real sword world that can condense in the realm of the earth fairy is unique in South China City.

If it wasn't for the so-called vanity, Ling Tian cultivated with peace of mind, and the Jiuzhongshan Pass was opened today, then even if he could not compete for the Saint Child, he would definitely shine.

What a pity!

Shangguan Rongyin of Qitian Academy looked at the direction of Q Jianfeng and sighed repeatedly.

Zhao Min, who was already at the pinnacle of the Ninth Layer of the Earth Immortal, pressed his mouth tightly, "No, don't worry, Ling Tian will definitely not miss this holy war."

"Absolutely not."

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