Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1945: District 8

The lines on it have not known how many years have passed, and it is impossible to recognize what it is.

Ling Tian squatted in front of the stele and stretched out his hand to press on it.

Nothing feels at all.

If it weren't for a bronze key embedded in the stele, Ling Tian would even doubt if the stele was really connected to the ancient city at the core of Jiuzhongshan Pass.

In fact, it is too easy to be missed.

However, since Ling Tian found out, he still took down the key.

"Hu Tian, ​​what do you plan to do next, go directly to the seventh mountain pass?"

Su Jiu'er, who had already swallowed the Sky Demon Grass, stepped forward and asked.

Today, among the team, Ling Tian has the strongest combat power.

The strong is respected.

Therefore, they all need to listen to Ling Tian's arrangements.

"Do not."

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

"My God, why don't you go!?"

Hu Feng was hurt the most and was carried on a stretcher by his two younger brothers.

"Yes, Brother Hu Tian, ​​with your current combat power, even if you go to the ninth level, there is no problem."

Hu Jun pursed his mouth and frowned.

He still looked down on Ling Tian before, but now he also knows how big the gap between them is.

Ling Tian flew up to the sky, crossing the basin to look into the distance, "The seventh level is closed. There are a large number of Xuanyuan fighters to resist. If you want to kill it, it will take a lot of time."

Su Jiu'er and others also flew high in the sky,

Indeed, at this time they were able to see the mountain range that resembled a city wall hundreds of miles away, with a large gleam of silver light on it.

That was the light of the battle armor on the Xuanyuan warrior.

The number is like endless.

"In addition, I still have important things to do, I can't go to the seventh level."

"Then where are you going?" Su Jiu'er looked at Ling Tian.

"The sixth district."

Ling Tian did not hide it.

"Why, are you interested in going together?"

Ling Tian looked at Su Jiu'er.

Su Jiu could smell the sky demon grass.

The sky demon grass and the stone tablet are together.

Although Ling Tian had a map, with Su Jiu'er there, he could find the key faster.

Moreover, Su Jiu'er and others were all injured. If he was not there, they would not be able to go far.

"If you don't dislike us for holding you back, we are naturally happy."

Su Jiu'er smiled.

"That's OK, let's go!"

Seeing Su Jiu'er promised, Ling Tian didn't say anything nonsense, and turned around and went straight to the sixth district.

With Ling Tian no longer hiding his combat power, and Su Jiu'er's nose, Ling Tian straddled the sixth and seventh districts one after another.

The keys of the Sky Demon Grass in these two areas have never been discovered by the Red Owl and the Black Ape Clan.

So, it went quite smoothly.

However, Su Jiu'er said nothing about these two Sky Demon Grass, and didn't ask for it.

After all, she knew how precious the demon grass was.

Moreover, three plants appeared in a row, and she was able to guess that there might actually be nine Heavenly Demon Grasses within this Nine-Layer Pass!

Then if all of them are found, what the demon grass means this day will be self-evident.

Even, it is enough to make the top ten Tianjiao on the jihad list, crazy competition is indispensable.

Although her nose helped Ling Tian a lot, Ling Tian saved their lives.

This is what she Su Jiuer should do.

From the seventh area, Ling Tian continued to go straight to the eighth area.

From Su Jiu'er, he already knew that the original war wolf tribe should be in the ninth district, that is to say, the current gathering place of the human race is in the ninth district.

When he got the key to the eighth district, Ling Tian was ready to go back.

Nowadays, rushing non-stop, half a month has passed since entering Jiuzhongshan Pass.

Counting the days, the arrogances of the human race should have passed the seventh pass, and are moving towards the eighth pass.

There, it will be their end.

With the combat power of the Human Race Tianjiao, no one should be able to enter the ninth level now.

"Hu Tian, ​​I..."

Su Jiu'er and Ling Tian flew side by side in the sky.

"Hehe, what do you want to ask?"

Ling Tian smiled.

"Do you have the blood of Qingqiu Silver Fox on you?"

Su Jiu'er pursed his lips.

"Qingqiu Silver Fox?" Ling Tian frowned, and immediately rolled his eyes, "Hehe, why do you ask?"

"I know, this may be a real secret for you. It doesn't matter if you don't tell it. After all, only with the blood in the body can you be as tyrannical as you!"

Su Jiu'er pursed his lips.

Today, they have flown in the seventh stage of the eighth zone.

Being able to get here is also relying on Ling Tian's own power.

The horror of the Xuanyuan warrior above the mountain pass has far exceeded their imagination.

Without Ling Tian, ​​they would never be able to forcibly break in,

Here, even the Tianjiao of the Black Ape Clan hasn't arrived yet.

"Hehe, maybe it is."

Ling Tian did not admit or deny it.

"I'll just say it, no wonder you are not interested in the monster grass that day."

Su Jiu'er was when Ling Tian admitted, and then looked at Ling Tian, ​​as if seeing him all over his body, it seemed that he was blooming with sage.

Qingqiu Silver Fox!

That is the dream of how many fox girls.

"Hu Tian, ​​you are so strong, you should be able to compete with the young master of the Hidden Demon Race, and the little son of the Dark Bat, for the position of the holy son. Of course, you have to cross the calamity first and become a god!"

Su Jiu'er said with excitement: "I can guarantee that it will surprise them at that time, my fox clan, after the Jiuzhongshan Pass, has completely risen!"


However, Ling Tian chuckled again and again.

"What, are you laughing at me?"

"No, no, your fox clan can indeed rise, but I am not interested in that saint child." Ling Tian shook his head and suddenly pointed to a cliff in front of him.

"We're here, it should be nearby, can you smell it?"

Su Jiu'er curled his mouth, but still relished his nice nose.

"It's still you great, you always find it so accurately, just ahead, follow me down!"

Su Jiu'er's eyes lit up, and immediately turned into a white light, which flew down to the sky.

Ling Tian and others hurriedly followed.

However, when Su Jiu'er fell from the sky, he discovered that in this dense forest, there were powerful Xuanyuan Golden Armored fighters.

Moreover, the number is not small, the combat power and the peak of the heavens!

Relying on the combat power of Su Jiu'er and Hu Jun, it takes a lot of time to pass.


However, Ling Tian descended from the sky with a wave of his big hand, and Lei Palm with a mighty force, emptied all the golden armored soldiers in front of him.

With Ling Tian, ​​everything is much easier.

"Jiu'er, lead the way!"

"Hu Jun, be careful, pay attention!"

Ling Tian drank coldly.


Su Jiu'er flew in front, Ling Tian behind him.

Hu Jun is at the end.

"Ling Tian, ​​have you seen it, the stone stele is so high on the cliff!"

Suddenly, Su Jiu'er pointed to the cliff ahead.

When Ling Tian frowned, he also found the stone stele on the cliff.

Along the way, the place where the monster grass appeared was different, either in the pool, or at the bottom of the long river, or in the volcano.

Now, the stone stele in the eighth district is on the cliff, beside the stone stele, a small grass is moving in the wind, it is the demon grass that day.


But at this moment, the void trembling in the rear, a Xuanyuan general who was covered in pale gold armor and holding a long sword, roared significantly.

Although his sword's front was radiant and illusory, it still carried the terrifying power of the bearer, and slashed it towards Hu Jun in the rear!

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