Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1946: Ling Tian's combat power limit

Just discovered the Sky Demon Grass and the stone tablet, they all relaxed their vigilance a little, and the sudden appearance of the scene caused everyone to cry in exclamation.

"Hu Jun!"

Faced with Su Jiu'er in front of him, his face changed drastically when he turned around.

With her body style, it is too late to go to rescue. A figure appeared in his mind and quickly looked in the direction Ling Tian was.

The military commander of the pale gold battle armor is the strong man of the eighth level, and today's combat power has reached the second level of the immortal!

With the cultivation base of Hu Jun's first entry into the Heavenly Immortal, his combat power would be able to match the first stage of the Heavenly Immortal.

Su Jiu'er's combat power may be able to contend with Tianxian Duo, but the speed can't keep up.

Only Hu Tian can save Hu Jun!

And like this, they have experienced many times along the way.

Before Su Jiu'er could speak, Ling Tian had already stepped out. The golden flames filled his body, and his body was trembling with blood, boiling like the sea. Like the ancient **** of fire and war, he landed heavily, raising his hand and banging in the past.


This punch violently collided with the warlord's long sword, and there was a loud noise. The aftermath was violent, the rocks collapsed, and even Su Jiu'er and others nearby were lifted off.

The tyrannical commander is still above their imagination!

Hu Jun, who had recovered his life, fell to the ground, his face pale and his heart pounding.


After the Golden Armored General, who was blasted back by Ling Tian, ​​landed, the ground shook slightly, the light on his body surged, and his injuries were quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ling Tian's punch failed to kill him!


Su Jiu'er and others were shocked.

Today, this place is extremely close to the eighth mountain pass, and all the warriors that appear are extremely tyrannical.

Although Ling Tian was tyrannical, his cultivation was only the pinnacle of the earth immortal, and now he was already fighting across five small realms.

"The one who touches the ancient monument, die!"

The golden armored warrior had no face, but at this time he suddenly uttered a bewildered word.

This is something they have never seen before.

However, after the golden armored warlord's voice fell, there was a sharp buzzing sound, and from above the cliff in front, a ray of light was suddenly cool, and immediately, it turned into a bright streamer and fell down!


With a roar, another golden armored warlord fell in front of Ling Tian.

This warlord is holding a long sword in his hand, his figure is even bigger, his whole body is brilliant, and his combat power is also at the second level of heavenly immortals!

"Another one!!"

Hu Jun exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, this time guarding the sky demon grass, marvel at the two golden armored warriors!

Moreover, the rays of light fell, the mountains and rivers roared,

A golden armored soldier fell.

There are dozens of them!

Although the combat power of these golden armored fighters is only in the peak realm of Heavenly Immortal First Layer.

But the number is still too much.

In short, the situation they encountered at this time was unprecedented.

"Jiu'er, take Hu Jun and the others away!"

Ling Tian was surrounded by him, he said coldly.

He didn't think of the current scene either.

He himself was not afraid, but he could not guarantee that Su Jiu'er and the others would not be harmed.

It's enough to get to the eighth district.

"Hu Tian, ​​what do you do then?"

Su Jiu'er looked anxious.

"Don't worry about me, I have my own way, you guys go now, leave here to find a place to cultivate and improve your cultivation!"

"Take this and go!"

With that, Ling Tian threw out three wooden boxes.

Inside were three other sky demon grasses.

Although the nine Heavenly Demon Grasses have not yet been assembled, the three Heavenly Demon Grasses, coupled with the Xuanyuan blood qi that has passed along the way, are enough to make Su Jiu'er's martial arts talent skyrocket.

Even compared with the top ten jihadists, it is definitely not bad!

Su Jiu'er took the wooden box and bit her lip tightly.

"Sister Jiu'er, let's go! Here, we will be a drag on Brother Tian!"

Hu Feng said anxiously.

"Okay, let's go!"

Su Jiu'er stomped his feet, and everyone flew away toward the outside.


However, those golden armored fighters never thought of giving up, roaring again and again, they still chased up.

Su Jiu'er and the others had no choice but to run wildly.

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared into Ling Tian's line of sight.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Tian chuckled, his whole body surging with demonic energy, and immediately disappeared.

He transformed into a human race again.

By now, he has no need to pretend.

"Now, it's time to solve you guys!"

Ling Tian also wanted to see if the ultimate combat power of his own land immortal peak could resist these two golden armored warriors!

In the previous assessment at Jinghong Academy, Chu Jingji once said that Chu Jingfeng, a half-step Tianxian, can defeat the first peak of Tianxian.

In Ling Tian's view, that Chu Jingfeng's talent should be similar to that of Niu Qi before, and he would definitely not be ranked in the top ten of Jiji City.

Now, he wanted to see how the ultimate combat power was at the peak of the immortal place in his own place.

The two golden armored warriors could feel Ling Tian's contempt, and immediately roared and rushed up wildly. Bringing gusts of wind, the wind roared endlessly, and the sword intent and sword intent were jerky in the wind.

"Good job!"

Ling Tian grinned all over his clothes, his silver hair danced wildly, the eternal Burning Heaven in his body was activated, and the sea of ​​anger was heated, shaking wildly.

The immortal yuan surged, making Ling Tian surrounded by golden wind and fire, extremely tyrannical!

At this moment, Ling Tian had already urged his combat power to the limit, and he looked at the two golden armored generals who were roaring and rushing, and the corners of his mouth sneered.

Heavenly Immortal's first heavy peak golden armored warrior, the Xuanyuan blood qi in his body should be pure enough, right?

In a sneer, Ling Tian took a step, and this step was taken, surrounded by fire and wind, and his prestige rose.


The power of the sword world bloomed, and the Xuanyuan coerced over the two warlords, smashed and shattered, and shattered to pieces.

Jun Lei's palm, Jun Lei splits the cloud!

When the opponent's momentum collapsed, Ling Tian pushed forward with both hands fiercely, the bright golden light, like thunder condensing, the big palm pushed out horizontally!


The tyrannical Golden Armor battle will be directly shaken out.

"Haha, Hurricane Shengyinquan!"

Ling Tian grinned, and the feeling of fully exerting his magical powers was still too cool.

If Su Jiu'er was here at this time, he would definitely be shocked by this scene.

Ling Tian was one enemy and two, but he didn't let the wind fall, and even seemed to be able to suppress it.

His body is surrounded by a storm of golden fire, his blood is tumbling, and a fist is like moving mountains and seas.

Even if he didn't use the sword, under the blessing of the unicorn armbands and martial arts, it was still a bit abnormal.

Not to mention, on the unicorn armbands, the star-level inscriptions are now inscribed, and the power has skyrocketed.

However, these two golden armored fighters were much more resistant to beatings than Ling Tian had imagined. They had thick skins, brutality and fierceness, and they were able to recover from their injuries.

If you can't kill it with one blow, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to break it up.

"Just play it here, it's over."

Ling Tian whispered, the power of the sword world skyrocketed to the primary peak state, and at the same time, he directly drew out the scabbard behind him.

In an instant, Ling Tian seemed to have changed into a different person.

Even within a radius of ten miles, they were enveloped by Ling Tian's sword intent.

Within this range is Ling Tian's sword world.

Everything will be suppressed!

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