Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1948: Speak of the Wuhun of the Beginning Again

Jiuzhongshan Pass, in the ninth district.

Here, most of them are areas of human activities.

Tianjiao, the descendant of the human race, suffered a frenzied attack by the Xuanyuan Warriors after entering the Nine Layers of Mountain Pass.

Unlike the alien race, the human race has no experience with this nine heavy mountain pass, so it has suffered huge losses since entering the first heavy mountain pass.

Moreover, the farther behind, the stronger the Xuanyuan warriors encountered, and even the sixth and seventh mountain passes. The Tianjiao of the four major academies encountered silver armor and golden armor warriors, even the nine peaks of the earth immortal. The existence of it is also very difficult to survive. "

Therefore, the four colleges are not fighting each other, but temporarily cooperating, breaking through the defenses of the Xuanyuan army on the sixth and seventh mountain passes one after another, and marching towards the eighth mountain pass.

The importance of the eighth level is of course self-evident.

The tyrannical Xuanyuan warlord encountered in the Sixth and Seventh Mountain Pass made all the Human Race Tianjiao understand how difficult it would be to cross the eighth mountain pass.

It is very possible that whoever steps on the eighth mountain pass is the so-called saint child or saint woman.

In this holy war, the saint son and saint woman will be decided. The top ten tianjiaos who are already in the holy war, and the top ten will receive various benefits from the four colleges and the city lord mansion after the holy war.

The top ten rewards are amazing, as long as you enter the top ten, you can get Xianhe Guanti.

The so-called Xianhe, that is, the liquid state of the power of the Xianyuan, is an extremely powerful training resource.

Normally, even Zuo Xiao from the City Lord's Mansion or the first freshman of the four major colleges could not get it.

It is because this Xianhe is still refined from the melting of hundreds of millions of immortal stones. To put it bluntly, it is a lot of money.

In addition, the saint son and saint woman will also receive a precious martial soul jade and immortal treasure.

In the Wuhun Jade Jue, what is hidden is the fighting will of the ancient powerhouse.

With the blessing of the will to fight, the combat power can skyrocket.

Before, the strength of Nanhua City was impossible to obtain Wuhun Jade Jue, but this time Zuo Zongren didn’t know how to get two Wuhun Jade Jue, although his body was only from the ancient period. Jinxian will, but still invaluable.

Even its value is far above the Heavenly Immortal Treasure.

In short, the top ten are rewarded with great rewards, and they will be the top power in South China City to fight for the rise of the immortal road, especially the son and the saint, they are South China City's greatest hope.

Therefore, during the period from the end of the holy war to the opening of Shengxian Road, all existences that have obtained the qualification to enter Shengxian Road will crazily increase their cultivation base and combat power.

Yitu went farther on Shengxian Road.

And the Jiuzhong Mountain Pass where this holy war is located can provide Xuanyuan blood qi and temper physique, and a higher physique can absorb Xianhe and cultivation resources faster.

"Hahaha, eldest brother, you are still smart. When you came to this ninth district, you really ran into the beauty of the human race!"

"Yes, it's just that this human beauty is too temperamental!"

"Huh, I'm Hou Cheng, I like to be temperamental, so that you can enjoy it!"

In a valley ten thousand li away from the eighth mountain pass, three burly men wrapped in pitch-black demons flew by without hesitation.

Judging from its breath, it turned out to be the black ape family in the eighth district.

Moreover, the aura of these three monster races is so powerful that they are undoubtedly heavenly immortals.

These three demons are the three great gods of the Black Ape tribe.

Not far in front of her, a group of black ape warriors were chasing and killing this human woman in red armor.

These black ape warriors have strong cultivation bases, and they all exist at the pinnacle of earth immortals. Although this human woman is already a heavenly immortal at this time, her aura is disordered, and the immortal light on her head is also indeterminate. Obviously, it has not been long before becoming a heavenly immortal , Was attacked.

However, even if this human woman is wounded, there is a lot of tactics between advance and retreat. Stars flickered in his eyes, and his body was bathed in strong fire.

In the face of the siege of more than a dozen people, she obviously had a lot of extra energy, and the sword flew in her hand. If you do your best, I'm afraid there is a considerable opportunity to break through.

It's just that the eyes flickered, watching the three black ape clan gods gradually flying over, and I was full of unwillingness.

This woman is Murong Zining.

Today's Murong Zining, before entering Jiuzhongshan Pass, has successfully refined the Dao bones and achieved Dao body.

Although he failed to pass the calamity before the beginning of the holy war, it was also half a month after entering the Jiuzhongshan Pass, and he successfully crossed the calamity and became a god.

With Murong Zining's personality, she definitely wouldn't cooperate with others, so she not only refused Wei Yan's request, even when she faced Zhao Min's invitation, she did not agree.

Murong Zining was able to walk into this seventh pass, step by step.

The tyranny of her combat power can be seen here.

Murong Zining originally wanted to hit the eighth mountain pass once again after crossing the catastrophe and becoming a god.

However, she did not expect that she was far away from the human race and crossed the Tribulation on the border of the ninth district, and did not attract the human race, but was discovered by the Black Ape Tribe. She had just successfully crossed the Tribulation, and her realm was not stable, so she was attacked.

Although Murong Zining's combat power was sturdy, she was not an opponent at all to the three heavenly immortals of the Black Ape Clan.

Therefore, she can only escape all the way.

However, when they arrived at the canyon, the three descendants of the Black Ape Clan also seemed to have lost their patience.

The speed skyrocketed, and the shot came.

"Fine, get it down quickly, and when we are comfortable, immediately go to the Yaeshan Pass and slaughter the All-Clan Tianjiao. They searched for the geniuses and treasures along the way. Now, it is time for us to take over!"

Hou Cheng, the first arrogant of the Black Ape tribe, sneered.

Suddenly, the three Tianjiao changed slightly, only to see Murong Zining surrounded by a dozen earth immortal peaks. The raging fire of bathing all over the body suddenly burned, forming a vision above the head, the vast flame, like a divine bird flapping its wings.

In the flames of the sky, the divine bird cried for a long time. Under this blessing, Murong Zi Ning Jiao yelled, and the sword in his hand suddenly chopped down. The condensed sword energy was as fierce as falling from nine heavens The sword intent has become the power of the sword world!


Immediately there were five earth immortal peaks of the Black Ape tribe, spitting out blood, and they were violently shaken out. Murong Zining's face was full of killing intent.

"Red Forged Vermillion Bird, Molten Mountain is angry!"

Clang clang clang!

Li Wuyou wielded the knife, and between the ups and downs, the Firebird and the blade shook together. The fierce sword technique suddenly became sharp, like a fleeting spark, invincible.

The tight defense was immediately torn open by her, and she was about to leave.

"Hehe, there is actually a crippled Golden Immortal Martial Spirit in the body, and the sword technique is also good, but you are still too weak!!"

Na Hou Cheng's expression sank, and the tyrannical woman in front of him was far beyond his expectations.

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