Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1950: Before the eighth mountain pass

It's no wonder that in the eighth district, Ling Tian has never encountered a strong black ape clan.

These guys were hit with the idea of ​​the human race.

Damn it!

"Human race!?"

Hou Cheng watched Ling Tian fly down, pursing his lips, his heart was filled with surprise and unwillingness.

He never put Human Race in his eyes, and even thought of using the power of his brother's three heavenly immortals to sweep all the arrogances of the Human Race four colleges.

But now, this human race, who has never heard of it, is so tyrannical.


However, looking at the tyrannical celestial light shrouded in Ling Tian, ​​Hou Cheng knew that he was not an opponent at all.

He was going to rush into the ninth mountain pass to compete for the top ten of Chiji City. Now he has not even crossed the eighth pass, so he can't take risks like this.

As a result, almost without any stay, the three heavenly immortals of the Black Ape tribe turned around and fled frantically.

That appearance is far less arrogant than before.

"Hehe, did I let you go!?"

However, how could Ling Tian let it go?

Before he had crossed the calamity, he could defeat Niu Qi with one punch, so how about this Hou Cheng now?

Immediately, Ling Tian sneered, and the power of the sword world exploded, covering a realm within a radius of tens of miles.

In an instant, the tyrannical sword intent pressure forced Na Hou Cheng and others to retreat.

"What do you want!?"

Hou Cheng turned around and looked at the Tsing Yi figure that was hovering in the sky and covered with golden light. His eyes were already full of horror.

"What do you want? Of course it won't make you feel better!"

Ling Tian sneered and raised his big hand. In a short time, the tyrannical vitality surged, and the boundless suction condensed the unrefined Xuanyuan blood qi from the three apes.

Melt into yourself.

"You! Terran, do you dare to be so presumptuous? Don't you be afraid that my Black Ape clan will level down on your Terran South China City!?’

"Tell you, my black ape clan is not the war wolf clan!"

Hou Cheng was furious.

"Oh? Threatening me, then if I tell you, I have killed countless arrogances of your foreign race before, and even in the red owl Yegou, it's so strange!"

"What can you do!?"

Ling Tian sneered.

"What? You killed Niu Qi and Ye Gou? You, you really don't want to live anymore. Wait, Jiji City, you will slaughter the human race of Nanhua City, and avenge my foreign race Tianjiao."

Hou Cheng was shocked.

Ling Tian didn't seem to be lying.

"I Ling Tian, ​​will wait for you to come to slaughter the city."

"If you don't come, I don't mind, expedition to Chiji!"

"But you can't see it anymore."

Ling Tian refined the Xuanyuan blood qi into his body, then lifted it up with one hand and shook it suddenly.

The power of the terrifying sword world shrank instantly.

Na Hou Cheng and other apes were in the sky of sword shadows, their spirits collapsed, their seven orifices bleed, and finally they collapsed in the sword world, just like that.

Even Ling Tian never really made a move.

After solving the black ape clan, Ling Tian stood up and went straight to Xiaoqing.

"Ling Tian!"

On the ground, Murong Zining blushed, didn't Ling Tian even glance at her?

"Miss Murong, what's your order?"

However, Ling Tian still stopped.

"How did you get in?"

"Have you become a god?"

Murong Zining was also very surprised by Ling Tian's combat power.

"No comment."

Ling Tian left again.


"Ling Tian, ​​I'm hurt! You don't care about me, what if I have an accident? My father won't let you go!"

Murong Zi Ning Jiao snorted.


In the sky, Ling Tian took a long breath.

Immediately, he turned around, hugged Na Murong Zi Ning by his waist, and flew onto Xiao Qing's back.

"Where to go?"

Murong Zining secretly smiled.

"Sit down and heal."

Ling Tianjiang was still on Xiao Qing's back.

"You are too rude!"

Murong Zining said angrily.

"To you? Rude?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "I didn't treat you as a woman."

Immediately, Xiaoqing shot towards the distance amidst Murong Zining's anger.

The key to the ninth district is hidden deep inside the eighth mountain pass.

Therefore, you need to pass the eighth pass first.

From Murong Zining's endless curses, Ling Tian also knew that Zhao Min and others should be safe for the time being.

The four large courtyards are united, and now they have reached the eighth mountain pass.

However, in Ling Tian's view, even though there are as many as six immortals in the Human Race's Tianjiao this time, it is still extremely difficult to cross the eighth mountain pass.

The tyranny of the army and the guards of the Eighth Pass is something Ling Tian has never seen before.

But under the cliff before, there was already a golden armored warlord that was comparable to the two heavenly immortals. If you want to come to the eighth mountain pass, the guard will be even more terrifying.

Xiaoqing covered the sky and walked at a very fast speed.

Wherever he went, there was a gust of wind whizzing, astonished at the ground, the human race still fighting the Xuanyuan Warriors, within a radius of almost tens of miles, no one could ignore Xiaoqing's terrifying aura.

Murong Zining sat cross-legged on Xiao Qing's back, her face already much better.

But this time, she did not persuade Ling Tian to act low-key.

Because the strength simply does not allow Ling Tian to keep a low profile.

She could also see that Ling Tian came to this eighth mountain pass this time, and it seemed that he was not competing for the position of the Saint Child.

In other words, he didn't care much about that Saint Son at all.

"almost there!"

"The eighth mountain pass, really magnificent!"

Suddenly, Murong Zining looked up,

Under the distant horizon, an ancient city wall, like a mountain, lay there.

The golden light on it is shining, scattered among the Milky Way, like ten thousand stars.

That is the guard who guards the eighth level.

And under that city wall, a ray of celestial light of thousands of meters long, one after another.

Now, a batch of Human Race Tianjiao who arrived at the Eighth Pass has already begun fighting!


Ling Tian stood alone on Xiaoqing's huge head, and with his current celestial vision, he could clearly see everything under the Yaeshan Pass.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Minmin to become a god!"

Ling Tian's mouth curled up, he hadn't forgotten Zhao Min's unyielding appearance.

I don't know, will she resent herself for not being able to enter Jiuzhongshan Pass in time.

"Hey, the guard of the eighth mountain pass is really strong enough."

Ling Tian's pupils shrank slightly, and he could already see the huge golden figure standing under the city wall.

This warlord is dressed in golden armor, like a fairy general, his eyes are golden, sweeping toward everyone, his hair is like a golden blade, extremely sharp, no wind, but automatically, but It feels terrible.

The guard of the eighth level even has a vague outline of facial features, and the golden light circulates all over his body, like a golden liquid, his combat power is enough to match the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Second Stage!

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