Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1963: Nine-fold end fairy palace **** [four more]

Still, crushed.

Hu Jun, Zhao Min and others all took a deep breath.

The current Ling Tian is so tyrannical that he has no boundaries. He really doesn't know where his limits are.

Holding the long sword, Ling Tian removed the storage rings in Qiu Yunxiao and Yin Qitian's hands, and fell from the air until Su Jiu'er was in front of him.

The sword's edge whizzed, and the rope tied to them was torn apart.

"Get up."

Ling Tian helped Su Jiu'er up, "My name is Ling Tian, ​​Human Race."

"Human, Ling Tian, ​​I remember."

Su Jiu'er nodded heavily.

She will never forget this name.

"Get ready, go to Jiuzhongshan Pass!"

Ling Tian said lightly, and handed the other four Sky Demon Grass to Su Jiu'er.

Heavenly Demon Grass!

Niu Ang and the others looked at the four Amakusa, their eyes were about to pop out.

But Ling Tian seemed indifferent, even if Xuan looked back.

The alien races surrounding Zhao Min immediately fled.

Ling Tian ignored it, and instead walked towards the Purple Fire warlord before closing the door.

It was a terrifying existence bathed in the radiance of endless purple flames. Around his body was a world of purple fire. The flame body stood there, and there were terrible flame patterns around his body.

He stood there like a flame god, tens of feet tall.

In Fangcai, this warlord blocked all foreign geniuses.

Ling Tian stepped forward, behind him, one of the stars flapped, accompanied by Ling Tian's finger, the endless golden flames, condensed into five fingers, all of them came forward, blasting towards the terrifying figure.

At this moment, Ling Tian Zhiji offered pure Yang fingers.

Pure Yang refers to the broken world.

It has been a long time, and it hasn't been used by Ling Tian.

Now, Ling Tian uses the cultivation base of the gods and the power of the eighty layers of immortal fire to offer five fingers of pure sun!

That finger rose in the face of the storm, and in an instant, it turned into a giant.

Above that finger, the golden hot flame of Difficulty, bright beams of flame surging on it, trying to burn everything in the world.

"Intruder, die!"

The Grand General Zihuo was also very furious, holding up the shield in his hand to resist Chun Yang's finger.

However, the pure Yang finger slammed on the purple fire shield. Although it was blocked by it, the great power on it made the purple fire general unable to retreat!

Even the shield in his hand shows signs of melting,

The flame of Xuanyuan blood qi on his body was not the opponent of Burning Sun Immortal Fire.


A more terrifying ray of light bloomed from Ling Tian, ​​he stepped forward, and the pure yang finger clicked again.

The General Zihuo stepped back step by step, desperately resisting Ling Tian's pure Yang finger.

Everyone looked at Ling Tian under the Nine-Layer Pass, and they were all speechless in shock.

Including Yin Qitian who was badly injured by Ling Tian and other demon tianjiao.

Before, they were able to compete with this Grand General Zihuo together, although they were able to crush the Grand General Zihuo with all their combat power.

But it will definitely not be as easy as Ling Tian.

In other words, Ling Tian meant to kill General Zihuo with one finger!

If this finger fell on them, it would have been burned long ago.

It was not that Ling Tian was incapable of killing them with a single move, but just wanted Yin Qitian and the others to see how Ling Tian climbed the ninth mountain!


Sure enough, under the astonishing gaze of all the alien and human warriors, Ling Tian used his force for the last time, and Chun Yang pointed directly to engulf the General Zihuo.

The latter collapsed into a group of extremely pure and pure Zihuo Xuanyuan blood qi, which was incorporated into Ling Tian's body.


Ling Tian groaned, and he could feel that his roots had finally reached a bottleneck, and the qualitative change had already begun to take place, from a middle-level Dao body to a high-level Dao body!

Fighting power, once again become stronger!

Ling Tian raised his eyes to look at the huge stone steps that went up one after another, holding the fairy sword, step by step.

Never stayed for a while.

After closing the door, everyone looked at the figure, shocked in their hearts.

In the end, none of the alien races reached the ninth level, they could only watch.

Then Yin Qitian and Qiu Yunxiao looked at Ling Tian's figure, they had a strong desire in their hearts, and they wanted to step into it.

However, they just had a thought in their hearts and wanted to struggle to get up. Ling Tian, ​​who had already reached the top, turned around, staring at the two of them with cold eyes. At this moment, this also appeared in their minds. The figure, like a god-like figure, made them feel irresistible. Then, they seemed to see the **** blast out a palm print, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire world they could perceive.

The two resisted, however, there was no suspense. When the palm prints fell, they were shocked again, their bodies spit out blood on the ground, and the internal organs felt that they were about to be shattered.

Yin Qitian looked up with difficulty and looked at the figure at the end of the stairs, Ling Tian surrounded by all kinds of light, like a real god.

Later, when he saw Ling Tian turn around, he jumped down and disappeared inside the Jiuzhongshan Pass!

"What!? He went in!?"

"Are you looking for death!?"

However, this scene utterly shocked Yin Qitian and other foreign races.

The Human Race may not know it, but they have been repeatedly instructed by their elders. The ninth level is their ultimate place. No matter what they see on the ninth level, they must not step into it.

Because, for hundreds of years, no matter what kind of Tianjiao, none of the existences that have stepped into the ninth pass has come out!

Without exception!

"No! Ling Tian, ​​you can't go down!"

Su Jiu'er was also shocked, and immediately she flew up to the ninth pass.

Zhao Min and other eight people also arrived at this time, and they also did not expect Ling Tian to jump down the ninth pass.

However, looking at the expression on the foreign race's face, they knew that there was absolutely no good place in it.

"Go up and have a look!"

Zhao Minjiao yelled, and everyone boarded the ninth pass.

But when they looked down, they were dumbfounded.

I saw a dark chaotic world in the depths of the Jiuzhong Mountain Pass.

In the dimness and darkness, there seems to be a magnificent fairy palace standing there, but in the darkness where the fairy palace sings, it is hard to see, only a little fireflies.

An avenue, not knowing how long, passed from under their feet to the gate of the fairy palace.

On both sides of the avenue, there stood a fiery red **** with a height of several hundred feet!

They look like sculptures, guarding the fairy palace.

However, when Ling Tian, ​​like a golden armored god, descended on the avenue leading to the immortal palace, the gods and generals turned their heads and looked towards Ling Tian.

All of a sudden, the weather burst into flames one after another.

Every **** general carries extremely fierce coercion, which is one level stronger than the guardian general just now!

And along the way, there are eighteen such gods!

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