Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1964: Death

"What is this place?"

Zhao Min and others looked at the magnificent fairy palaces and gods below, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

They suddenly felt that they had rushed through the Jiuzhongshan Pass to here, which was actually more like the beginning of a journey.

Obviously, the most important thing among the Nine-Chongshan Pass is actually the magnificent fairy palace within the Nine-Chongshan Pass.

"Here is the fairy palace of death in the legend."

At this moment, Su Jiu'er pursed his mouth.

"Death Palace, what do you mean?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Su Jiu'er.

Judging from the fact that Ling Tian took out the Heavenly Demon Grass to this fox woman, the relationship between this fox woman and Ling Tian should be good.

"It's the name our Jiji City gave it. Almost every genius who climbed the ninth pass can see this fairy palace."

"There are also many Tianjiao who want to step into them and find out. After all, this fairy palace looks extraordinary."

"But in the past hundreds of years, I don’t know how many top tianjiaos have jumped from the mountain pass, but most of them failed to enter the fairy palace and were killed by the gods on the official road of the palace. ."

Su Jiu'er said with a cold face.

Everyone was shocked, but think about it, this **** will seem to be too powerful, and there are as many as eighteen.

What a genius to get deep into it?

"However, for hundreds of years, there have been superb people who have passed the test of these eighteen gods with the most precious and tyrannical combat power in the clan, but in the end, they were trapped and died before this fairy palace. ."

"This fairy palace has no doors. No creatures have ever entered."

"Therefore, before the opening of the Jiuzhongshan Pass, the elders of all races made three orders and five applications. They must not step into this fairy palace and climb the Jiuzhongshan Pass."

"Unexpectedly, Ling Tian still couldn't hold back and wanted to enter the fairy palace."

Su Jiu'er sighed.

"However, I think Ling Tian, ​​along the way, is like, just coming for this fairy palace, maybe he has a way to get in!?"

Zhao Min frowned.

She just saw clearly that Ling Tianyue was too decisive to go under the Jiuzhongshan Pass, and there was almost no hesitation.

This is definitely not to be unable to stand the temptation of that fairy palace.

"Then it depends on Ling Tian, ​​whether he can pass the test of these eighteen gods."

Shangguan Rongyin stared at Ling Tian, ​​who had already flown before the gods.

The same is true for others.

Ling Tian had created countless impossible and miracles along the way.

This time, before he and the magnificent and dark fairy palace, will Ling Tian continue to move forward?

South China City, military camp.

Seven days have passed since Chu Jingfeng and others were seriously injured before the Tianjiao climbed to the eighth mountain pass.

The Human Race Tianjiao who didn't sacrifice in Jiuzhongshan Pass basically all came out.

Today, all the new students, including Chu Jingfeng and Wei Yan, are sitting on the platform of the military camp, waiting for the return of Zhao Min and others.

However, seven days passed, and what surprised them was that the light and shadow of these tokens had not yet dissipated, but they were shining more and more.

Not only in the first zone, but also at the end, heading straight to the ninth pass!


court death!

The whole army must be destroyed!

This was the exclamation of almost the strongest of the four major colleges at that time.

In their opinion, being able to get here is already the good fortune of Zhao Min and others.

These eight people, or nine people, didn't even stop, wanting to hit the ninth level?

There, I will meet all the princes of Chiji City!

However, shortly after everyone was shocked, they discovered that there was almost no delay, and that the eight lights and shadows directly boarded the ninth mountain pass!

So smooth! ?

At this time, everyone, including Na Shen Lang and Zuo Zongren, was shocked.

This is really incredible.

Is it possible that all the alien talents in this Jiuzhongshan Pass are dead! ?

However, the light and shadow of Zhao Min and others always hovered above the Ninth Mountain Pass, did not step back or walk out of it.

It looks like something is waiting.


At this time, from outside the barracks, the aura of a top heavenly fairy was set off. Amidst the ten thousand immortal lights, Frame String Master came with a guqin behind his back.

"I've seen Master Frame Stringer too!"

Except for Zuo Zongren, the other celestial powerhouses all salute in person.

Zuo Zongren stood up at last, "Jianxian Pavilion Master."


Frame Xian still looked indifferent, she landed on the platform, looked at the light and shadow of Jiuzhongshan Pass in the center, and suddenly smiled.

"Ling Tian, ​​has passed the ninth mountain pass!"

"What!?" However, the sound of the frame string fell, and everyone was shocked again!

"Master, what do you mean by this sentence!?"

Shen Lang frowned, "As far as I know, isn't this the ultimate place to leave the secret realm, the Ninth Mountain Pass? What does it mean to pass over?"

In that frame, the stringer shook his head too much without explaining, but he waved his sleeves across the formation platform, and suddenly a light and shadow appeared on it, which was Ling Tian's name.

It's just that, at this time, Ling Tian's name, Guangying, has already appeared in the ninth mountain pass!

There, black mist shrouded, and there was nothing else besides Ling Tian's name!

Ling Tian didn't have a token from the City Lord's Mansion, but there was a map given to him by Xianxian, and there was an aura of Xianxian on it.

Zuo Zongren's eyes suddenly rounded.

Ling Tian did not disappoint him!

Now that Ling Tian has crossed the Ninth Mountain Pass, whether he can enter the ancient city or not depends on whether Ling Tian has collected the nine keys.

Before the fairy palace.

Ling Tian walked on the official road in front of the fairy palace.

The eighteen gods glared, and Baizhang's body shook one after another.

Among them, there is a sword holding a divine sword flying in the sky, and the sword intent is flying above the sky, as if man and the sword are united, a sword emerges, and a straight ray of light appears between the sky and the earth.

There is another **** who will be the daughter of the ancients, who is good at spells, and a terrible storm gathers and goes directly towards Ling Tian's body. The hurricane that blows seems to be sharper than a sword and can tear. The body of the strongest.

There was also the **** general holding the bright fairy bow in his hand, and Shenghui condensed into a huge arrow, which burst toward Ling Tian.

A **** will roar up to the sky and show the **** cow phantom behind him, rushing down from above the sky, and the void cracks, as if to crush the sky.

In short, as Ling Tian approached, a deity would shoot at the same time, the gust of wind roared, and the entire fairy palace was enveloped in black mist, as if entering the gate of hell.

On the avenue, Ling Tian's golden armor grinned, holding a sword and walking forward, unmoved.

He raised his eyes and looked at the sacred general who was galloping like a sacred cow. When he raised his hand, a hurricane holy sound fist blasted out with all his strength.

The fist shook on the body of the **** general, the hurricane whizzed and swallowed it instantly, and the light and shadow of the **** general was also shattered by a punch.

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