Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1973: Go to the four holy cities [big

After all, between the heavenly immortal realms, every small realm requires massive resources to fill. Ling Tian in the ancient tomb took half a year. After he came out, Ling Tian has been useful for one and a half years, and he was directly promoted from the first level of the Tianxian. Heavenly Immortal Second Layer, this is enough to shock the world, I am afraid that only the top tianjiao nobleman among the four holy cities can have such a speed.

In addition, Ling Tian was surprised by Zhao Min.

According to Zhao Min herself, she had obtained Dao Bone in Qitian Academy, and her physique became Dao Body, and after passing through the Tribulation of the Heavenly Immortal in Jiuzhong Mountain Pass, she had awakened a martial soul of the primordial primacy in her body.

Although Zhao Min didn't know what level of Taichu it was, it was definitely much more tyrannical than that of Golden Immortal level Taichu.

Ling Tian used his sword shadow in Zhao Min's body of Qi Sea, and saw that the so-called primordial martial soul was indeed powerful, not even worse than the four-character primordial spirit, it should be the will of an immortal-level power in the ancient times.

After Zhao Min was in the immortal country, he had the will of the immortal in his body, which was justified.

However, the state of Taichu being still awakened at this time was not too strong, far incomparable with the four-character Taichu.

However, under the infusion of Xuanyuan's blood qi, Zhao Min's physique has become a high-grade Taoist body. Such martial arts talents are quite powerful even if they are placed in the four holy cities.

If the difference in cultivation level is not counted, Ling Tian feels that Zhao Min definitely has the strength and ranks in the top ten of the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking.

During the one and a half years in Taoyuan, Zhao Min's cultivation reached the late stage of Tianxian First Heavy, second only to Ling Tian.

As for Yuan Meng, Chi Sanqi and others, without exception, they became gods and made great progress in cultivation.

During this period, everyone was waiting for the opening of Shengxian Road.

But half a year has passed from the outside world, but there is no news of Shengxian Road.

Ling Tian also asked Zuo Zongren about this, only then did he know that the opening time of Shengxian Road was uncertain every time.

Because Shengxian Road is really too powerful and too important. The geniuses of the hundreds of clans in the chaotic battlefield will enter it. Therefore, its opening is also random, but once every three years, the error in the middle is not more than one. year.

So, it should be coming soon.

In the past six months, Ling Tian made cigarettes and cigars in his spare time.

Cigars are exclusively for military camps, and the immortal stones in exchange are given to Zhao Min as training resources.

In addition to selling cigarettes in Nanhua, Ling Tian also asked Zuo Zongren to come forward to open up the market with other holy cities to this day, and even sold them to Jiji City.

The profit in exchange for opening up the market is quite terrible.

Even Zhao Min couldn't take over.

Ling Tian also knew that today's cigarettes are already a huge business comparable to refining alchemy. He alone can't swallow this big cake. Therefore, he distributed the profits to Zuo Zongren as much as 70%. The profits obtained are used to improve the cultivation base of the South China City army and arm their combat power.

Because, after the Jiuzhongshan Pass, the Tianjiao of Chiji City was almost wiped out.

But what surprised Ling Tian was that Chijicheng hadn't reacted at all since then.

This is really weird.

Ling Tian's heart was faintly disturbed. He had reminded Zuo Zongren more than once that he must be prepared for defense. That alien race would never give up.

The resources obtained by these cigarettes were Ling Tianneng's last contribution to South China City.

On this day, Ling Tian and Zhao Min were invited by Zuo Zongren to a banquet in Zuofu.

Yuan Meng and others also arrived at Zuo's martial arts field.

For a while, Yuan Meng started to discuss with Zuo Xiao.

Both of them are known for their strength and physical cultivation.

The domineering Yuan Meng held a black and gold giant sword from the sky, like a **** of war. When the giant sword was cut out, it was wrapped in a terrifying sword light, and a straight thousand-zhang sword light appeared between the sky and the earth, as if it could split the space into two. .

Below, Zuo Xiao stood in place and didn't understand, lifting up the Panlong giant shield in his hand.

With a buzzing sound, above the silver huge shield, there is a gleam of silver celestial essence condensed, transforming into a huge shield shadow with a radius of thousands of meters, blocking the top of the left line.

The light of the giant sword slashed down and was blocked by the shield of silver light. With a blast, Zuo Xiao's shield shadow shook wildly, and Zuo Xiao backed back again and again, but Yuan Meng's light of the giant sword also shattered.

Yuan Meng let out a cold cry, the giant sword dashed across the space, his body whirled, cut a second, and cut it out again, carrying the power of the terrifying world, carrying the wind, and cutting it out again.

"Yuan Men, the heavy sword cuts the sky."

Yuan Meng let out a cold cry, and the sword light slashed on the giant silver shield again.

This time, Shield Shadow finally couldn't withstand the power of the giant sword and crashed into pieces.

But Zuo Xiao laughed, and when he lifted the sledgehammer in his hand, he also sacrificed a huge hammer light, and easily shattered the light of Yuan Meng's giant sword.

In the end, the two retreated together and fell outside the martial arts field.


The crowd onlookers applauded.

Although this competition has nothing to do with winning or losing, the confrontation between the two is still wonderful.

After coming out of Jiuzhongshan Pass, everyone's progress was a leap.

Just like the battle between Yuan Meng and Zuo Xiao just now, if you run into the three great arrogances of Jiji City, the two of them will definitely not show weakness.

Although Yuan Meng seemed to be inferior to Zuo Xiao now, if he added the Wuchu Soul in his body, Zuo Xiao was definitely not Yuan Meng's opponent.

Zhao Min smiled and looked at the younger generations of Tianjiao off the court. With their current team's combat power, if they reach the four holy cities, they should be surprised, right?

Ling Tian crushed a jade slip from Shen Lang.

This jade slip was a message from Lin Tianxiao, who was in Haoran City, from Gusu City in Zhongyu.

The content is very short, only one thing.

That is, he found the seller who once sent the pile of waste stones to the Tianyi Auction House. According to the seller, the waste stones came from Hangu Mountain in Gusu City.

"Gusu City?"

Ling Tian frowned.

As far as he knows, Gusu City, among the ten holy cities in the Human Race, is already ranked alongside Tiansheng and Yuesheng, and is one of the four holy cities.

That waste rock actually came from these areas.

However, Ling Tian still felt that before entering the Ascension Alliance, he still had to take a look at Han Gushan.

Jun Lei Palm had already been cultivated to the final level by Ling Tian half a year ago. Without the following exercise secrets, Jun Lei Palm's tyrannical martial arts were even useless.

"Left City Lord is here."

Ling Tian was thinking, Zhao Min pulled Ling Tian's sleeve.

The former reacted and led the crowd to greet him.

"Hehe, no need to be polite, everyone sit down."

Let Ling Tian and the crowd of arrogances enter the seats next to the martial arts field.

"Uncle Zuo, you call us all here, I'm afraid it's not a simple banquet?"

Shangguan Rong Yin smiled sweetly and said sweetly.

"City Lord Zuo, but news about that Shengxian Road?"

Zhao Min also raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"Hehe, you little guys are very smart."

Zuo Zongren brushed the black beard under his chin and nodded, "Yes, it is Shengxian Road. There is news!"

At this time, the eyes of the nine Tianjiao present all brightened.

After waiting for half a year, are you finally waiting?

"When will it be turned on?"

Ling Tian asked directly.

"Uh, no one knows the exact time, but the news from the above is that the immortal barrier on Shengxian Road has been loosened. It will be opened for as long as three months and as long as half a year."

Zuo Zongren smiled.

"Hey, dad, don't you mean that you didn't say this? Half a year? I have to wait in this South China City for half a year. My hair is about to grow!"

Zuo Xiao spread out, his face full of impatience.

Ling Tian also took a breath, and secretly said that the way to rise to immortality was too unreliable.

"Hehe, you brat, you know you can't stay, so I called you all over this time, just to tell you, anyway, there is still some time before the road to Shengxian opens, otherwise you go to the Four Great Sages Walk around the city?"

Zuo Zongren laughed.

"Go to the four holy cities?"

Everyone looked at each other, but in almost all their eyes, there was a flash of excitement.

The Four Great Sacred Cities, that is the most tyrannical Quartet Holy Land of Human Race.

The top talents of the human race gathered there.

"It's not bad to be able to see and see before Shengxian Road opens."

Ling Tian answered.

Everyone sat up straight.

Now Ling Tian is the leader of the nine-member team, and Ling Tian said it would be feasible.

"Well, I think so too, and every time before the opening of Shengxian Road, the entire human race's Tianjiao will gather under the four holy cities and the Ascension Alliance."

"After all, these five forces are the giants of the human race. When they are gathered together, they are powerful enough to withstand various impacts on the road to ascend to immortality."

"Although the nine of you are strong, but there are still too few, you might as well choose a holy city, rely on it, wait until you enter Shengxian Road, and then make plans as appropriate."

Zuo Zongren said seriously.

"Then Zuo City Lord, which holy city do you think we should go to?"

Murong Ziyan asked suddenly.

"In the past, the Tianjiao of South China City were all the holy cities who had defected to."

"After all, Tiansheng City is the strongest among the four holy cities."

Murong looked at Ling Tian again. Her younger brother was in Tiansheng City. It would be good if he went to Tiansheng City.

"No way."

But Ling Tian shook his head.

"There are too many acquaintances in Tiansheng City."

He didn't have the slightest affection for Tiansheng City.

Murong Ziyan is here, as is the Zhang family.

The base camp of the Ascension Alliance is also in Tiansheng City.

He is not afraid.

I just don't want to add ups and downs before Shengxian Road opens.

"There are people from the Bai family in Yuesheng City, I am afraid that there is no need to go. Then Wushuang City and Gusu City are left." Zhao Min rubbed his fingers and opened a light and shadow map. In time, Gusu City is on the east side of the Central Region, close to the frontier of the Human Race."

"Go to Gusu City."

Ling Tian got up directly and made a decision.

Since you want to choose a holy city, it's better to go to Gusu City.

It happened to be on the way, and the matter of Han Gushan was resolved.

"Gusu City, it's okay. It is the weakest among the four holy cities. It is just suitable for you to use your fists. If so, I will prepare to start the teleportation formation and send you to Gusu City. Go back too, get ready."

Zuo Zongren acted resolutely, Ling Tian made a decision, and he left directly.

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