Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1974: Arrived in Gusu City

The Shangguan and others were unable to shake Ling Tian's decision, so they all left and went back to prepare.

Soon, the nine men reunited in the South China City Barracks.

Also coming were the three deans of Jinghong, Qitian, and Dragon Tiger Academy.

After all, among these nine people, they are the most powerful combat power in their three major academies.

However, what surprised Ling Tian was that the top beauty of the group, Sword and Rosefish Xuan Ji, also came, following Shen Lang.

Seeing Ling Tian, ​​she called him out alone.

Zhao Min, Murong and the other women looked from a distance, although they were strange in their hearts, they didn't say much.

After all, they are going to fight on Shengxian Road, but Yu Xuanji can't enter anymore. When they go to the Seven Great Immortals, they are destined to have no chance to meet Yu Xuanji again.

In other words, this difference is the last side of Yu Xuanji and Ling Tian, ​​so in their hearts, they feel better.

"Senior sister, do you have orders?"

Before Ling Tian stepped forward, he personally lit a cigarette for Yu Xuanji.


Yu Xuanji smoked a cigarette fiercely, and then a puff of smoke with the fragrance of Yu Xuanji's lips and teeth spit on Ling Tian's face.

In the hazy smoke, Ling Tian seemed to see the light gauze on Yu Xuanji's face and disappeared.

But what was revealed was an extremely enchanting face.

The beauty of that face is even above Zhao Min.

In Ling Tian's impression, perhaps only Qin Mingyue or Cui Rouer could compare with them.

When the smoke dissipated, the light gauze on Yu Xuanji's face was still there, making Ling Tian wonder if that face just now was his illusion.

"Nothing big."

"I just told you."

"Shengxian Road can exit. It's a place called the Abyss of Depravity. If you don't die, you can return to the chaotic battlefield."

"This..." Ling Tian tilted his head and looked at Yu Xuanji's eyes, puzzled.

What's the use of telling this to herself?

Is it possible that he can still withdraw from Shengxian Road?

"Okay, I know."

But seeing Yu Xuanji's stern face, Ling Tian had no choice but to nod.

Seeing that Yu Xuanji was not talking, he pursed his mouth and turned to leave.

"and also."

Suddenly, Yu Xuanji said again, "The people who harmed me are the night night night night night of the Heavenly City Ascension Alliance, and Gu Lingxi of the Scarlet Sword Sect. If you see them, kill them for me."

After that, Yu Xuanji turned around and left, and a few flashes disappeared in everyone's eyes.

Chic and neat.

"Night night, Gu Lingxi?"

Ling Tian murmured, the names of these two people were extremely unfamiliar, but their origins were very famous.

Although these two people don’t know Ling Tian, ​​they must be the strong ones on the Shengxian Road last session. If it is true that Yu Xuanji said, in three years, there are still many people who have not passed Shengxian Road, then It is really possible to meet them.

If these two people are really not good people, then Ling Tian doesn't mind and kills them for Yu Xuanji.

"Ling Tian, ​​come here, the formation is ready."

At this time, Zuo Zongren in the distance also summoned.

Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min and a total of nine people, together inferior to the super teleportation formation between the holy cities, disappeared in the formation immediately.

"Hehe, this time the South China City has a large number of talents. I think it will definitely be able to win a lot of glory for our South China City!"

Shen Lang smiled.

"Well, but also, we met for the last time."

After Zuo Zongren stared at the formation for a moment, he sighed and left.

However, when everyone looked at Zuo Zongren's back, they looked so lonely and lonely.


West of the Central Region, Gusu City.

The vast and endless Middle Territory has too many cities and powers. In addition to the major holy cities ruling one side, there are still vast and endless cities and countless sects.

Most people in the Middle Territory gather in the top ten holy cities, even if they are no longer in the city, they mostly exist around the holy city.

The reason is that the place where the holy city is located is the place where the celestial veins are excellent, that is, the so-called Zhongling is beautiful, especially the four holy cities of Tiansheng, Yuesheng, Wushuang and Gusu, the underground celestial veins are all excellent of.

The teleportation formation from Nanhua City to Gusu City can only reach the military camp stronghold 100,000 miles away from Gusu City.

Under normal circumstances there, the younger generation Tianjiao was not allowed to stay, so after the Ling Tian nine-member team came out of the teleportation formation, they sat on Xiaoqing and galloped all the way to Gusu City.

Ling Tian's group of people looks extraordinary, men are handsome or burly, the woman is very beautiful, silver hair like snow, it is Ye Futian and his group.

After the baptism of the Jiuzhongshan Pass, the nine members of this group are all immortal cultivation bases, and their combat power is good.

In addition to Yuan Meng and Chi Sanqi, they are also superb-looking generations. Coupled with their majestic mounts, every Gusu city martial artist who passes by can't help but look more.

The distance of 100,000 miles, along the way, are all over here.

"Sister, where are we?" On Xiaoqing's back, Ling Tian and the others sat cross-legged, closing their eyes and resting.

Zuo Xianzhi was in front, commanding Xiaoqing's course.

Zuo Xiao was also a master who couldn't sit still. He stood up and looked at the mountains and rivers and Cuidai surrounded by clouds and mist below.

"I'm on the cold mountain east of Gusu City."

Zuo Xianzhi glanced at the map and said with a smile.

"Have you arrived in Hanshan? Hanshan Temple, we haven't gone to pray for a long time."

Zuo Xiao curled his lips.

Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, Yunying Building by the Luojia River.

It is a famous scenic spot in Gusu City.

Hanshan Temple is also one of the largest sects outside Gusu City. Although Hanshan Temple is a disciple of Buddhism, it has strong fighting power and many famous monks who have gone abroad are known as epicenters.

However, although Hanshan Temple also participates in Shengxian Road more, there are not many disciples in the gate, and it has rarely been used to fight against the sect or the battle between the holy cities, so it is admired by all major forces and has a strong incense.

Therefore, besides Gusu City, here is almost the place where there are the most martial artists within 100,000 miles nearby. Therefore, there are major families and many sects around this cold mountain.

The strength is not bad.

Among these cities and sects, although the strong people in town do not have the sixth heavenly immortal, they still resemble Shen Lang, the fifth highest heavenly immortal peak.

"Yes, I remember that there is a lake thousands of miles away under the cold mountain, called Taihu Lake, and the scenery there is also excellent, just ahead, we are about to arrive."

Zuo Xianzhi's face was filled with bright sunshine.


"Isn't it just a blister, what's the view?"

Zuo Xiao didn't catch a cold at all, waved his hand, turned and stepped back from Xiaoqing's head.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw Ling Tian who was cross-legged and suddenly opened his eyes.

The latter got up and looked directly at the sky ahead, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with you, is there any problem ahead?"

Zuo Xiao followed Ling Tian's gaze, but saw nothing.

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