Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1975: The God Soldier Comes Down

At this moment, Murong Zining at the back also opened his eyes.

"There are weapons to overcome the catastrophe."

The voice fell, and the other people on the knees also got up and stood up.

"Well, and it's not just a sword crossing the robbery."

Ling Tian held his hand, Tsing Yi grinned, and suddenly asked, "Is it possible that it is here, what refining equipment competition is being held?"

If not, there are so many warriors crossing the catastrophe together, this kind of scene is rare.

"Why didn't I see the sword crossing the robbery?"

Yuan scratched his head fiercely.

However, after his voice fell, Xiaoqing under his feet gave a fierce roar, which immediately turned into a black light to tear the void and shoot forward.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, everyone was under the clouds and saw the waves of thunderous clouds surging. The heights were different, but Lei Wei was shocked, there were as many as a dozen.

Sure enough, as Ling Tian said, there are so many weapons here!

"Huh? This is Taihu Lake. Although Gusu City is one of the top ten holy cities, the refining is still prosperous, but I have never heard of any large-scale refining competition recently!"

Zuo Xianzhi frowned.

However, at this time, the huge swaths of the cloud had enveloped the mountains and lakes below, and the line of sight was unable to penetrate.


However, Xiaoqing at everyone's feet looked extremely restless.

There was another screaming roar.

The sound is enough to oscillate in a hundred miles.

Even Ling Tian frowned. Xiao Qing's appearance was quite rare.

"Master, shall we go down and take a look?"

Zuo Xianzhi asked.

Ling Tian shook his head, "Go to Gusu City, where my friend will receive us."

This time I came to Gusu City, not only to find a holy city to join, but the most important thing was Nahan Gushan.

"Xiaoqing, go around."

Ling Tian gave the order.


Not enough, right here, beneath the roar of the roar, suddenly there were stern beast roars reaching high in the sky.

At this moment, Xiaoqing was directly brought to the fun.

Although struggling in his heart, Na Xiaoqing roared, directly smashed thousands of white clouds, and swooped down.


Ling Tian was puzzled.

This time, Xiaoqing was too abnormal.

However, Xiaoqing ignored Ling Tian's will at all.

Ling Tian could feel the sense of anger rising from being ridiculed or provoked from Xiaoqing's breath.

"Sit firmly, since you can't get around, go down and take a look!"

Ling Tian and the others pressed their feet and stood firmly on Xiao Qing's back.

But Xiaoqing didn't care at all, and directly swooped down, ignoring the power of the tribulation caused by the birth of the weapon, and between the flapping of his wings, the vortex of the cloud would be torn apart.

After Xiaoqing followed Ling Tian to the immortal realm, his strength skyrocketed almost every day, even if Ling Tian didn't provide him with any crystal core resources.

Today's Xiaoqing, although his rank is not very high, only the pinnacle of Earth Immortal, but if the real body manifests, the wingspan is a full two thousand feet, which is a real thing to cover the sky and the sun.

Moreover, his physical body is tyrannical, and now he can even ignore Thunder Tribulation.

"Boom." With another loud noise, Xiaoqing ripped through all the robbery clouds and fell from the sky.

"That is Taihu Lake!"

Zuo Xianzhi looked down, and his face changed, because at this time, there was only a huge platform on the bank of the Beginning.

Behind the platform is a section of a mountain, with various fairy lights shining brightly on it, and surrounded by stairs with distinct alignments, on which are the figures of young warriors.

At the outermost periphery, there are more warriors. In addition to a group of servants who look like small servants and the leisurely warriors who watch the excitement around, there are also rows of majestic mounts of various colors.

And the gorgeous and colorful huge car.

There are so many rides and cars that stretch for dozens of miles.

At this time, those huge mounts still kept roaring up to the sky, but under pressure, they couldn't take off.

However, when the giant beasts saw Xiaoqing coming through the clouds, the roar stopped in a moment.

A pair of huge pupils stared at Xiaoqing who descended from the sky, as if stunned.

Not only those mounts, Ling Tian clearly saw that almost ten thousand people gathered on the bank of the primordial beginning. On the middle platform, there were more than a dozen refiners, each of which had not been extinguished.

And everyone else looked directly at Xiaoqing and the people above him, as if they were stupid.


As if the king of **** descended, Xiaoqing fell rapidly, like a mountain, descending under the platform.


Along with the earth shaking, there was a buzzing sound, smoke and dust rolled away, Xiaoqing landed on the ground, and the dust was flying.


After landing, Xiaoqing seemed to be provocative, and yelled to the sky again.

Under the competition in the audience, this roar was particularly harsh.

Even, a little embarrassing.

Ling Tian and the others fell from Xiaoqing's back, and the smoke and dust around them disappeared, but they showed strange expressions when they saw the surrounding situation, and their expressions became exceptionally wonderful.

At this moment, there are vast figures around this platform, and there are many strong people.

Behind that high platform is a half-section of a mountain, on which a shining horror figure looks down.

Around the high platform, there are also many different camps, which are very distinct. Similarly, everyone's eyes are on them.

Moreover, all of them opened their mouths wide, as if they had seen surprises.

In particular, the only faction right in front of Ling Tian was a young man in jade clothes, one finger at the sky, the other at Ling Tian, ​​uh, or the high platform behind Ling Tian.

But those eyes were rounded.

The whole person, as if frozen, stood motionless.

"I'm going, what's the situation?"

Yuan scratched his head fiercely, looking at his surroundings also dumbfounded.

"Perhaps our way of playing is too popular, they are all scared stupid?"

Zuo Xiao hugged his shoulders, "Or maybe, this young master is too handsome?"

"Impossible. Looking at the atmosphere, it doesn't seem to be very friendly. Please be careful."

Zhao Min looked around and said coldly.

In an instant, everyone put their palms on top of their weapons.

Ling Tian also kicked the majestic and triumphant Xiaoqing back into the Royal Beast Space.

At this time, the vast lake of Taihu Lake appeared to be extremely quiet because Ling Tian and the others had descended in an extremely manner.

"Who are they?"

"Isn't Mr. Wuyou too divine? Saying that there are divine soldiers coming from the sky, this is coming?"

"Perhaps, I heard that Li Wuyou is really playing some tricks of astrology recently. Is it possible that this guy has become an astrology master?"

"However, these don't look like people from Haoran City."

"They are all celestial beings, and the cultivation base is fairly acceptable."

Gradually, there were discussions.

In this way, using the power of the murderer to fall from the sky, tearing the cloud, like a **** descending to the earth, is this, to deliberately create a momentum? Does it attract the attention of Huangfu's family?

If it was deliberate, it would be too arrogant.

You know, these people in front of them at this moment are all the children of the major forces inside and outside Gusu City, the top descendants of Tianjiao!

Moreover, the refinery competition is still going on, which is tantamount to blatantly disrupting the competition.

Today, it was the daughter of the city lord of Gusu who came to Taihu Lake to enjoy the spring outing with a group of friends and ladies.

However, what is the beauty of Changle, the queen of Gusu City Lord?

Moreover, his cultivation talent is even more of the best than Gusu, extremely powerful, and now ranks seventh in the human dragon and phoenix list, and he is truly a supreme arrogant nobleman.

Not only that, the ladies she brought on this spring outing were all famous beauties in Gusu City, both of them extraordinary talents and backgrounds.

Such a scale naturally caused a sensation inside and outside Gusu City.

On the second day when Huangfu Changle arrived in Taihu Lake, the handsome and powerful young men from various sects flocked to gather here.

For this, I naturally hope that Huangfu Changle on that mountain can see them, even if it can't attract Huangfu Changle's eyes, it is great to be seen by other young ladies.

No matter how bad it is, you can show your face and make a name.

After all, the holy war in Gusu City had been over a year ago.

Silence for too long,

And the gathering of more and more people, and all the talents are handsome, so come and go, fighting for the wind and jealous, it has evolved into a competition between the major powers.

In the morning, everyone heard that Huangfu's wife and Huangfu Changle's biological mother had also arrived, which directly ignited everyone's enthusiasm.

Many princes are out of anger, regardless of whether it is a formal competition or not.

From painting, to writing poems, to refining alchemy, not only did the masters make their own moves, they even stayed with a lot of helpers and took the stage one after another.

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