Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1976: Two fools

Now, it happened to be the item of refining tools, and the young masters of all major forces sent people to the stage to refining tools on the spot to show the talents of their sect or family.

However, among these crafting masters, there is only one from the Li family, the wealthy Gusu city.

This time, Li Wuyou, the son of the Li family, brought people to Taihu Lake, but although this Li Wuyou has good combat power, in Gusu City, he is a famous dude who fights **** and walks his horse, spends time and drinks, and plays with everything.

Fortunately, he does not deceive men and women, so in addition to becoming famous, he is also okay.

Moreover, it is rumored that Li Wuyou took a glimpse of the holy war a year ago and saw Huangfu Changle. Since then, he fell in love with him at first sight and changed his turmoil.

This time Huangfu's spring outing, he rushed even more hurriedly.

However, he never expected that this group of jealous guys would do everything in order to show off, and even the refining tools would have to compete.

Among the more than a dozen major forces, half of the young men were born with fire, and had good refining skills, while Li Wuyou belonged to the kind of people who could not do anything but fight and brag.

This time he came in a hurry and brought a few small servants. His previous poems, paintings, and alchemy were all ridiculed and contemptuous.

When it came to this refining item, he finally pointed to the sky amidst the arrogant laughter of those princes.

He said that he was not rubbish, but was waiting for the gods to descend from the sky, and his people were coming soon.

In fact, what kind of supernatural generals does he have?

Recently, he obtained an ancient book called Heavenly Star Art from a wandering old Taoist priest, but he hasn't studied it thoroughly yet, so it's not useful.

It's just that he can't stand the ridicule, so he just brags casually.

Otherwise, this time he would really lose face in front of all the young ladies in Gusu City.

However, he pointed to the sky and just finished blowing the cowhide.

A cry of the beast's roar sounded from above the sky.

In an instant, all the surrounding mounts were mobilized, not only that, after a thunderbolt, a giant beast tore through the thunder tribulation, and fell from the sky, and, on top of it, it really carried a human race shrouded in fairy light!

"Fuck, god?"

After a while, Li Wuyou, who was like a sculpture, suddenly moved.

He looked at his fingers, then looked at the sky.

"I practiced the sky star technique, I'm too godly!"

"My son is protected by the gods, who can be my opponent!?"

However, watching that Li Wuyou raised his finger and muttered to himself, Zhao Min, Zuo Xiao and others looked at each other, and finally spoke in unison.

"Is this a fool?"

Ling Tian was pressing on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

He hasn't figured out what the situation is now.

Now around the Taihu Lake, not only can you see a lot of arrogances, but also hidden powerful celestial auras everywhere, especially in the mountains behind that, the aura is surging, especially powerful.

Therefore, he did not act rashly.

"Where is a group of wild people? Dare to sabotage our weapon test? Come, let's take action together to capture these unknown people in public and kill them on the spot!"

Suddenly, a powerful young man shouted angrily, and suddenly a group of powerful men with cultivation bases above the fourth level of Heavenly Immortal came from all over, and they came to Ling Tian and captured them.

Ling Tian held the Long Yuan scabbard tightly in his hand.

Now, facing the Four Heavenly Immortals, he can also fight!

Behind him, Zuo Xiao and others also took out their weapons one after another, and instantly opened their defensive formations.

Now their cooperation can be called speed horror.

"Presumptuous, retreat to my son!"

However, before Ling Tian and others resisted, Li Wuyou, who had been regarded as a fool by everyone before, walked out with a stern shout and stood in front of Ling Tian.

"Li Wuyou, what do you mean?"

The young man of the powerful force shrank his pupils, his face condensed.

This Li Wuyou, although there is no threat, is after all the son of the Li family of Gusu City's second family.

When he came out, others didn't really dare to move.

"What do you mean? Didn't you guys hear what I just said?"

Ling Tian's group of people behind Li Wuyou's fingers, "They are the doormen of my Li family!"

"It's exactly what I'm talking about!"

"Why, Fu Chou, you feel that you are going to lose to me, so you rush to kill my doorman in the Li family?"

Li Wuyou held his chin high, with a proud look on his face.

"Sciencer? What kind of sectarian, we are not, you have admitted your mistakes, goodbye!"

But Ling Tian and the others looked at each other and said coldly.

After that, he turned to leave.

What are they kidding? They are also the arrogant of South China City. This time I came to Gusu City to find a backer, but I would never do anything lowly.

"Not the doorman of the Li family?"

"Hahaha, it turned out to be Oolong!"

"I mean, how can Li Wuyou be so advantageous."

"It's over, Li Wuyou and the Li Family, this time they are destined to be the laughing stock of the entire Gusu City."

Seeing that Ling Tian categorically denied, everyone laughed.

Then Li Wuyou's face flushed even more,

Under what circumstances, the star technique is not easy to use?

"Huh, want to leave? Since it's not a guest of Li's family, it's hard to escape death, do it!"

"That's right, forgiving Miss Huangfu's Yaxing, the crime is not to be blamed!"

"Everyone shot together!"

In an instant, dozens of tyrannical auras suddenly emerged.

Directly block the way of Ling Tian and others.

Everyone changed.

This time, there were too many immortals to do their hands, even if they were good at fighting, they would definitely not be able to get out.

Ling Tian rolled his eyes, Xuan even looked at Zuo Xiao.

The latter understood, put away the sledgehammer and shield in his hand, laughed, and stopped Li Wuyou who was still in a trance.

"Well, why do I speak so familiarly, you are not from the other one!"

"Oh, it grows so fast, I can't recognize it anymore!"

"Oh, yes, yes, who I am, I am Li Wuyou!" Li Wuyou casually said a few words, but suddenly frowned, "Who are you?"

"I am your second uncle from the Zuo family!" Zuo Xiao patted Li Wuyou on the shoulder.

"Second Uncle?" Li Wuyou looked at the immature-looking Zuo Xiao, and his heart suddenly became angry.

Oh, this is an advantage!

"Worry Li, these people behind me are all talents! I can see it, are you competing, I promise you win, don't show your stuff!"

Zuo Xiao held the big hand of Li Wuyou, and a bear hug came, but he whispered behind his ears.

"Hahaha, Second Uncle Zuo! It's really you. After so many years, you are so old. I think that when you and I met, you just crawled and wetting the bed!"

Li Wuyou's mind is still very fast, he immediately laughed, and took Zuo Xiao's hand, intimate.

There were black lines on the brows of Ling Tian and others.

Secretly said.

These fools!

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