Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1986: Arrived in Hangushan

However, Huangfu Changle looked at Ling Tian from a distance, and when he saw this proud sword-like man, his face became darker and darker, and there was a burst of happiness in his heart.

And the Tianjiao in the audience, after a brief silence, suddenly burst into a loud noise.

Han Gushan! ?

Although this place is not a treasure, but in Gusu City, almost no one knows it.

It is precisely because this place is very evil, and it has been shrouded by a large array. Over the years, only people from Gusu Huangfu's family have been able to enter it.

But for so many years, I haven't heard much about what treasures are there.

There is no rumors.

Now, this Huangfu Changle is saying, Huangfu's family, want to open the ancient mountain?

Just the mystery in Hangu Mountain is enough to make people's heart fascinated.

What's more, now this Huangfu Changle has already said that there are ancient treasures hidden in it.

More importantly, if you can enter it with Huangfu Changle, then you will definitely have a chance to perform well.

How could they miss this good thing?

"Hehe, Miss Huangfu's such good intentions, there is no need to consult us at all!"

"Yes, we won't have any objections!"

Everyone reacted, and all the top arrogances all stood up and agreed.

Fu Chou finally got up and looked at Huangfu Changle on the high platform, "Miss Huangfu, I don't know, when will Hangushan open?"

"Twenty-three days later, all the sects of the aristocratic family can recruit their descendants and enter them together. My Huangfu family is all welcome."

"However, the cultivation base must be below the third level of the Heavenly Immortal, and I have to remind you that although Han Gu Mountain may contain ancient treasures, it is really not a good place."

"Hope, you decide carefully."

"Okay, I'm tired, you can go on."

After that, Huangfu Changle got up, was surrounded by many celestial powerhouses, and left the high platform.

He didn't even bid farewell to Li Wuyou, the landlord.

"This, is this going away?"

Li Wuyou got up and wanted to catch up, but was held down by Ling Tian, ​​"Miss Huangfu's original intention of coming to Yuntai Mountain here is that, the son should still think about how to behave in Hangu Mountain."

"Then I am not afraid, I am very powerful."

Li Wuyou clapped his hands, but still caught up.

On Yuntai Mountain, Huangfu Changle has already left, and there is no need for the remaining Tianjiao to stay.

So, they all left one by one in the end.

However, almost every big power Tianjiao glared at Ling Tian when he passed by.

This banquet, except for Huangfu Changle, belonged to Ling Tian alone, and had just become the limelight.

This guy who made waves just as soon as he arrived in Gusu City has become a target of public criticism.

"Master, this time Han Gushan, can we do our best?"

Zuo Xianzhi asked in a low voice.

"Anyway, I can't bear it anymore. Looking at these guys with their tails up to the sky, I really want to blow them up!"

Zuo Xiao grinned too.

Others are also eager to try.

"Hehe, if anyone doesn't have eyesight, just educate them at that time."

Ling Tian nodded.

However, he will not make a full shot.

Because these people are not worth it at all.

Only Tianjiao in the top ten of the Dragon and Phoenix Rankings might be able to make Ling Tian take a look.

After going up and down from the banquet, Ling Tian passed by the ancestral shrine of the Li family again.

The ancestral temple is empty.

Ling Tian thought for a while, but walked closer.

The Ancestral Temple is very clean, with huge statues.

Slowly as alive.

Under the statue, there is the spiritual seat of the ancestor.

Ling Tian looked intently and found that what was written on the spiritual position was the spiritual position of the ancestor Chunfeng, a few small characters.

Taking a long breath, Ling Tian couldn't believe his eyes.

Li Chunfeng is the ancestor of the Li family?

Then who was the old beggar he saw in the lower realm?

Is it possible that Li Chunfeng reincarnated?

But even though he was surprised, Ling Tian picked up the incense on the case table to light it, and respectfully poured a piece of incense on the ancestor of the Li family.

"Have you met my ancestor of the Li family?"

But suddenly, a voice rang behind Ling Tian.

Ling Tian suddenly felt deep, but discovered that the person here was Li Wuyou's father, Li Mao.

"Junior Ling Tian, ​​I have met Senior Li."

Ling Tian rolled his eyes, and immediately said with a smile: "Senior joked, how can the younger generation have met the ancestors of the Li family?"

"You, did the lower realm fly up?"

However, Li Mao frowned and asked again.


Li Mao nodded and stepped forward, "It's rare that you have this heart to give me the ancestors of the Li family incense."

"My son has no worries and is stubborn, he has a heart, and is still innocent. You must take care of him.

Ling Tian's expression changed, but he still bowed his hands. "Senior, don't worry, worry-free is my friend. It's right to support each other."


Then Li Mao stopped turning around, sat cross-legged under his spiritual position, and began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Ling Tian pursed his lips and quietly exited the Ancestral Temple.

After a long time, Li Mao stood up and stood at the entrance of the ancestral hall, watching that Ling Tianzhi's figure gradually disappear from his sight, then he turned around, and his big hand in his sleeve stretched out.

It's just that there was a wooden token in the palm at this time.

Above it is the word ‘begging’.

"Begging for Heaven..."


For more than twenty days, it was just a blink of an eye to the strong celestial being.

On the day when Han Gushan was about to open, Ling Tian walked out of the house.

These days, Ling Tian has been in Taoyuan, tempering supernatural powers and immortal arts, Tianji Four Elephant Sword, and Hurricane Shengyin Fist, all of which were trained by Ling Tian to the top level that the Heavenly Immortal Second Layer can reach.

As for the cultivation base, Chiri Immortal Fire's energy Ling Tian was still digesting frantically, and it was not far from the initial peak of the Heavenly Immortal Second Layer.

And this cultivation base, in the four great holy cities, although not at the level of the saint child saint woman, it is enough to rank in the top 30 of the dragon and phoenix list.

Quite quite.

When Ling Tian and Zhao Min left the yard, they went straight to the Lijiashan Gate.

There, Li Wuyou, Zuo Xianzhi and others were all ready.

"Haha, Brother Ling Tian, ​​just waiting for you!"

Seeing Ling Tian, ​​Li Wuyou was overjoyed.

Although Ling Tian's cultivation base was not as high as his, Li Wuyou felt that Ling Tian was inferior to him in real combat power.

However, he just felt that as long as Ling Tian was there, he would feel at ease.

"Now that we are all here, let's get ready to go."

Ling Tian directly summoned Xiaoqing,

The huge body that covered the sky and sun was manifested under the mountain gate, and was much more majestic than the white Pegasus under Li Wuyou's crotch.

"Tsk tsk, every time I see Xiaoqing come out, I am envious. If I have the opportunity, I will have to get a superb mount back."

Zuo Xiao sighed.

Zuo Jia is a general. When it comes to mounts, there is no shortage of them, but there are still very few that are as unique as Xiaoqing.

"Awesome. At first, he was just a guy. He fell from the sky? Brother Ling Tian, ​​what kind of mount is this?"

Li Wuyou asked.

"I am not sure as well."

Ling Tian shook his head and asked everyone to climb onto Xiaoqing's back, so he rose up into the sky and went straight to Han Gu Mountain.

Hangu Mountain is 150,000 miles away from Gusu City and is the last natural barrier of Gusu City. Its strategic location is extremely important.

It's no wonder that the human race had to stick to this barrier at the beginning.

In the evening, Ling Tian and his party arrived at the outskirts of Hangu Mountain.

Looking from afar, Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min, and the Shangguan praised them again and again.

It is true that the **** spirit is so strong here, but fortunately, it is enveloped by an extremely tyrannical formation, so the scope of the image is extremely small.

If not, the blood evil resentment here might be enough to pollute the veins, and Gusu City will be abolished.

The entrance to Hangu Mountain is within a gorge.

The canyon is extremely wide.

The Fu family, the first family of Gusu City, the Jiang family of the first general mansion, and the people from Huo Lianzong all arrived.

Those younger generations from other holy cities who had come to join the major forces in Gusu City before, all arrived in front of Han Gu Mountain.

Huangfu Changle also arrived, and personally brought people there. Behind her were many guards of the City Lord's Mansion, all of whom had extraordinary temperaments, and they were obviously very top-notch talented descendants.

Ling Tian fell from the sky and saw four figures behind Huangfu Changle, who followed closely. According to Zuo Xianzhi, all four of them came from Linfeng and Yishui Holy City. In the Holy City Holy War, they all ranked in the top three, and the rankings on the dragon and phoenix rankings, without exception, were all in the top fifty.

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