Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1987: Call Ling Tian

Standing in the canyon at this time, you can see the end of the canyon, the turbulent dark red light in the dark crevice, think about it, there is the legendary ancient battlefield of Hangu Mountain. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Through the canyon, you can enter the Seventh Layer.

The arrival of Ling Tian and others also attracted everyone's attention.

"Huh, it's really a big deal. The Li family is the last one to come. It hurts a group of us and we have to wait for you!"

Jiang Chao gave a cold snort, extremely impatient.

He had already applied for first departure many times before, but was rejected by Huangfu Changle.

Obviously, Huangfu Changle treated the Li family differently, which made people jealous.

"Hmph, Jiang Chao, if you are not convinced and enter this Han Gushan battlefield, let's fight directly!"

Li Wuyou was rolling up his sleeves.

"Ignorant, this time I entered Hangu Mountain, I am not waiting for my own personal gain, but for Miss Huangfu."

That Jiang Chao turned his head.

"Do things, what do you do? Why don't I know?"

Li Wuyou was startled and looked at Huangfu Changle.

"I need to find a kind of stone with words on it in the battlefield of Hangu Mountain, or a booklet, it's fine, as long as I bring something to my place, my Huangfu's house, I am willing to exchange it with something equivalent."

Huangfu Changle smiled.

"Oh, why am I still thinking about it? Just leave it to me."

Li Wuyou patted his chest and responded.

"In that case, I will open the Hangushan formation."

After all, that Huangfu Changle stepped forward, took out the Hangushan formation flag, and waved it downward, and the canyon in front of him was torn apart by a gap.


At the moment the formation was opened, a gloomy and **** aura burst out of it.

It makes people shudder.

"Everyone, before entering the ancient battlefield of Hangushan, I still want to remind everyone that this ancient battlefield has existed for tens of thousands of years, and the resentment within it is soaring, and the evil spirits are so full. It is me. I don't know what it is now. exist."

"Now that the road to Shengxian is opened, it has been accidentally far away. Please everyone, your life is critical."

After all, that Huangfu Changle took the four people behind him, the first group, into it.


Fu Chou and Jiang Chao also directly led people to keep up.

"Let's follow up quickly, everyone, be careful."

Ling Tian took the lead, leading people into the ancient battlefield, and suddenly a wonderful breath filled the space between the heavens and the earth. The thick **** air, mixed with the cold and wet resentment, was simply disgusting.

Even Ling Tian had to turn off his sense of smell.

"Huh, it really deserves to be an ancient battlefield!"

At this time, everyone passed through the corner of the formation, looked forward, and found that everyone was standing on a cliff.

In front of me, there were dark, rugged rocks and bones all over the floor.

Densely packed.

Although I don't know how many tens of thousands of years these bones have existed, they still haven't been reduced to ashes.

And from the very distance of the line of sight, you can see a huge black volcano, which is as high as ten thousand feet. Although it has been extinguished, the black lava below it covers a huge area.

Ling Tian frowned, the ore should have come from under the lava.

"There is something evil in this place, beware, everyone!"

Huangfu Changle, who was floating in front of everyone, flew forward, but his voice had not yet fallen.

There was a strange cry of Jie Jie, which came up from the ground.

Between the dim world, there seemed to be countless black snake-like auras burrowing into the ground.

"what happened?"

Li Wuyou frowned.

He, who has always been heartless, has a grim expression on his face at this time.

"Jie Jie!"

Another trembling scream sounded, and the next moment, everyone's scalp numb, it was white bones everywhere, and suddenly became scared from the ground.

Among these white bones, black energy surged, as if being controlled by a resentful spirit, but even though they were white bones, they still carried weapons in their hands, turning into a torrent, and killing them in the direction of everyone.

Not only the human race, but also the white bones of the alien races are also among them. The number is densely packed and countless.


Po Kongsheng suddenly sounded, Ling Tian's pupils shrank, only to find that it turned out to be a rain of arrows, shooting towards that Huangfu Changle!

The army of bones is actually charging in an orderly manner. Among them, the camp is still there, and the army of bow and arrow warriors has launched an attack before the melee combat has arrived.

Although this place belongs to the periphery of the ancient battlefield, the battle strength of the bone army is not tyrannical, but the rain of arrows is quite shocking.

"Miss, be careful!"

In an instant, behind Huangfu Changle, a group of figures rose into the air.

That Fu Chou Jiang Chao, and even Li Wuyou, rushed forward in the first time, with the dazzling rays of the fairy tactics in his hands, and his magical powers shot chaotic battles, blocking all those arrows rain.

"The ancient battlefield is a hundred thousand li, we have to go separately!"

Huangfu Changle looked at everyone with cross-brows.

"Miss, it's too dangerous here, how can it be done without our protection?"

Fu Chou frowned, of course he didn't want to stay away from Huangfu Changle.

"Yes, Miss Huangfu, it is too dangerous for you to take four people this time." Jiang Chao didn't want to be separated either.

"Miss Huangfu has four of me to protect, enough."

At this moment, behind Huangfu Changle, a young man with sharp eyes as sharp as a knife said coldly.

"Hehe, Linfeng Holy City Yi Rufeng, I know you, but in front of me Jiang Chao, do you still have the qualifications to say this!"

Jiang Chao looked back at the past, vying for each other.

But the bones are in front of the army, and everyone is stuck here.

"Don't make a noise, all right, this way!"

Huangfu Changle pursed his lips, "You four powers, each of you has one person to follow me!"

Seeing that Jiang Chao and others were still talking, Huangfu Changle's face suddenly chilled, "This ancient battlefield is huge, if your top combat powers are following me, when will we be able to walk across the entire battlefield?"

"In that case, all right!"

Fu Chou was the first to agree, "Yin Wujiu, you follow Ms. Huangfu. Remember, Ms. Huangfu's safety is extremely important. Even if you are dead, you must protect Ms. Huangfu, you know?"

Behind him, the man with a black robe and pale as a paper face floated out, with a wicked smile on his mouth, "Hehe, Yin Wu Hao, take my life!"

"Then Su Lie, you come and follow Miss Huangfu this time."

Jiang Chao was not to be outdone, and also sent a holy son.

"Leng Qianyang in Donghua City, you go over."

Fire Lianzong also sent one person, and the three major forces had a tacit understanding, and they were all strong men who had been attached to under the Grid sect, and they had good combat power.

When he got to Li Wuyou's side, he groaned, his eyes swept over everyone behind him.

In fact, he wanted to go by himself.

"Miss Huangfu, or myself..."

"No, Mr. Wuyou, it's better to bring your own troops. I'll choose one."

However, before Li Wuyou recommended himself, Huangfu Changle pointed to Ling Tian, ​​"Let him follow me."

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