Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2007: Heaven's Sin Halberd changes ownership?

"Don't act rashly, she's okay, she's back."

Ling Tian held on to Li Wuyou, and based on his feelings for Huangfu, he was afraid that it would be overwhelming.

He believed in Huangfu's ability, and nothing would happen.

However, Huangfu's figure had not yet returned, and the sound came back.

And those gazes, followed by the sound, converged on Ling Tian.

Listening to the discussion of that group of people, Ling Tian's expression on his face that had always been indifferent and composed suddenly changed.

"What? The three holy cities jointly want to kill Ling Tian, ​​the son of South China City!?"

"I didn't say punish killing, saying that it was for punishment, then life would be worse than death. After all, those are the three holy cities."

"However, the Saint Queen Fu Changle of Gusu City did not agree, and even shot with them. Huangfu Changle is too strong, hesitate to fight!"

"The three holy cities gave up!?"

"How is it possible? Although Huangfu Changle is powerful, how can it be the opponents of the three holy cities? Although they don't want to play with Huangfu Changle, they also let out words. If Huangfu Changle does not hand over Ling Tian, ​​she will not be allowed to join the top ten in advance. Tianjiao verified the identity together, and after Tianfei opened for a while, Huangfu Changle couldn't bring his subordinate Tianjiao into it in advance."

"Moreover, they will jointly target Gusu City on Shengxian Road."

"Awesome, this Ling Tian, ​​what on earth did he offend the three holy cities?"

"I don't know, I heard that it is the silver-haired warrior."

Hearing everyone's discussion, the expressions of the warriors in the Gusu City camp changed.

It was not unacceptable to offend Wushuang City before.

But now, Yue Sheng City and Tian Sheng City have to punish Ling Tian and even Gusu City, which is really a bolt from the blue.

Gusu City is not strong, how can it survive the three holy cities now?

"I'll go over and take a look."

Ling Tian pursed his lips, the three holy cities deceived people too much, so he didn't hesitate to kill the net, but also to show the other party's color.

"No, it doesn't matter."

At this time, Huangfu Changle came down.

She looked sound and unharmed.

"Miss Huangfu, there is no need for me to be alone, and you, and everyone, I have nothing to fear."

Ling Tian stepped forward.

"I said no, no need. I have broken with them. You can't change the result if you go."

"I said, taking people from Huangfu Changle is no good."

When his voice fell, Zuo Xiao and the others couldn't help showing a little more respect for Huangfu Changle.

It is really rare to be able to support Ling Tian so strongly under the pressure of the three holy cities.

Ling Tian's heart was also shaken. Although Huangfu Changle looked very naive and simple, it had extraordinary domineering.

This is the breath of leadership.

"It's just that you can't verify your identity in advance, and you can't enter Shengxian Road in advance. There is a kind, they are waiting for us on Shengxian Road!"

Huangfu Changle stood in front of the Gusu City camp and looked at the giant monument, extremely domineering.

Soon Tianfei opened a gap, and Shengxian Road opened slowly, but it was still necessary to wait for Tianfei to finally open after entering it.

At this time, the major holy cities and forces began to verify their identities under the stele.

This is the last and first procedure before entering Shengxian Road. Many Tianjiao will choose at this time to make a blockbuster and counterattack the Dragon and Phoenix rankings.

Soon, the brilliance flickered on the giant monument, and the top Tianjiao of the three holy cities was fully talented one after another, and the ranking also rose alternately.

Among the top ten, in addition to the top of the list, Sheng Qiye, the competition is especially Ji Lie.

, Zhang Xuanyi, Zhang Ruofei, Wushuangcheng Yan Nanfei and Lu Zhiyao all have a hole card to sacrifice, or the talented Taoist body has greatly increased and become the high-grade Taoist body, or the palm of the hand, the best heavenly soldier, or sacrifice With the sun's wings, or with the will of the best golden fairy, they all made a crazy impact toward the second place on the dragon and phoenix list.

Even some latecomers squeezed Huangfu Changle out of the top ten.

This shows the fierce battle for the Shengxian Road this time.

But the most eye-catching thing is Canglan Mountain, Yue's claim that the first sage.

Amidst the screams that shook the sky, the light surging above the monument, Canglan Mountain once again occupied the second place in the dragon and phoenix list.

Before Zhang Xuanyi, Yan Nanfei and other Tianjiao all shook their heads.

Today's Canglan Mountain not only possesses Sunlight Wings, but also possesses the top level Golden Immortal will, and the martial arts talent has reached the pinnacle of the high-grade Taoist body.

In his hand, he also replaced a top-level Celestial Sixth Rank Celestial Sword that bloomed with sacred glory. Maybe this Celestial Soldier was not as good as Celestial Celestial Soldier, but who was there to compare?

Canglan Mountain, almost without going out in Sheng Qiye, aspired everyone present.

He stood under the huge stele, staring horizontally and horizontally, invincible.

"Sheng Qiye, I will defeat you on the Shengxian Road!"

He looked up to the sky and roared, letting out rhetoric, and the sound wave shook the world and shocked everyone.

"Haha, Lanshan, before you meet Sheng Qiye, I'm afraid you won't be able to rank second in this dragon and phoenix list!"

However, at this moment, a voice rang from below, and immediately, Ouyang Feng, the land of the Lord of the Holy City, flew up and looked down at Canglan Mountain.

"Why, Ouyang Feng, are you still not convinced by me?"

"Except for my Canglan Mountain without the will of the fairy king, and the heavenly soldiers, it is the pinnacle of this place. Except for Sheng Qiye, no one can beat me. What confidence do you have to talk to me?"

Canglan Mountain stared at Ouyang Feng.

Although the latter is the son of the Lord of the First Holy City, he really hasn't put Ouyang Feng in his eyes.

"Haha, don't talk too much!"

"Sunlight Wing?"

Ouyang Feng sneered, and there was a shock behind his back, a pair of huge wings of light bloomed, and the light of the sun appeared on them, which is undoubtedly the light of the sun.

"High-grade Taoism!?"

Above the two layers of fairy light behind it, a brilliant golden light surging, that is the light of the high-grade Taoist body.

However, this is nothing to Ouyang Feng, after all, he is the son of the Lord of Heavenly City.

"Fairy soldiers!? Excuse me, Canglan Mountain, that day, there were immortal soldiers in the domain, Sheng Qiye, and I, Ouyang Feng, too!"

After all, in the exclamation of everyone, Ouyang Feng raised his big hand, and the light on it surged, and in a short time, a halberd that shone to the extreme, shining above the entire sky city, appeared in front of everyone.

At the moment when the halberd appeared, Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min, Lu Zhiyao, and Murong Zining almost exclaimed in unison.

"Heaven's Sin War Halberd!"

That's right!

What Ouyang Feng held in his hand turned out to be the halberd of Heavenly Sin that Ling Tian had seen before!

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